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Everything posted by Artkin

  1. right click the image on the lensdump website, and click "view image". Use that link What you want is only the picture, instead of the whole webpage which has the picture on it.
  2. Red Thunder sells well and retains its value to the customer. So you guys should totally make a Fall Blau module is what I'm trying to get at. Along with 4 others.
  3. Just watched it, fantastic, thank you. This condenses the battle down in an easily understandable way. And it will be easy to refer back to it. I can definitley use this. And the pictures of the generals on their respective axis was a nice touch to make the names mote understandable
  4. May I recommend downloading the user made Berlin map found here: You can expect something like this but larger with the expansion
  5. Great! Enjoy, make sure to edit the hotkeys file to your liking, that is essential to enjoying the game and learning all the functions. You can find the hotkeys file in your newly created CMRT directory in your documents folder.
  6. So .rar is an archive file just like .zip is. It takes the original folders of the files and makes them smaller with some algorithm or whatever. So the data is essentially "packed". You want to "unpack" it. The best program in town for what feels like two decades at this point is 7Zip by some dude named Igor. Download and install 7Zip (Now you can unpack .rar files in addition to .zip). After you extract the file you can install the program from the .exe 7Zip link: https://www.7-zip.org/
  7. Well the same could be said for any CM game. The Brazilians in CMFI probably weren't Crack or Elite soldiers.
  8. I agree. Having played a bunch of 1942 orientated scenarios, and ww1 even, the slower pace makes for a very satisfying experience... despite playing with mostly infantry and field guns. The lower lethality is definitely from the lower caliber of guns. This is probably the worst part of CM. You can seriously abuse the mechanics of the sim if you drive your tank around blasting every known enemy position, killing everyone. If you tried that in a Early war setting, it doesn't really work as good. I would say it's both in this case, since the troops are also conscripts. I felt that infantry are too lethal when it comes to house to house fighting, and that's why I bumped their veterancy down. When you play only infantry things can get pretty close in range, particularly over objectives. I agree this is where CM shines. I have had really enjoyable PBEMs on barren maps with this format. The CMCW maps run great on CMRT if you want to have huge infantry battles like that :) Thank you. This feels more right. It definitely shifts the dynamics, now I have to enter every single house to make sure I'm not missing anybody. I have to assign rear security guards, etc. The experience is definitely different in general in many ways. It can only be described appropriately when you try it for yourself. :)
  9. I say it's not a project but I feel compelled to add to it all the time. Searching "Stalingrad" on Youtube yields the same low quality results. The politics of that are filthy, and it prevents me from getting to lesser known channels which could potentially provide alternative information. Thank you I will check this video out.
  10. Boom. Conscripts clear church room by room. No more killing everyone from 300m away.
  11. Real CQB With Wehrmacht Conscripts c. 1942 This church was a pain in the ass! Until I had stummels and marders roll up to bombard it first.
  12. I agree, there was a lot of work put into the map. I personally play it without the textures because they hollow the insides of the buildings. I like to play indoors a lot, especially with these massive structures. My only criticism is that the buildings need more doorways on the inside. Maybe I'm wrong though. I tried looking up floorplans for one of the buildings and came up dry. If some magic man comes by and knows where to find historical berlin floorplans then I'll give it a realistic go. :)
  13. when youre ready for it, the expansion adds like 20 maps most of which around 5x3km. it also adds destroyed central berlin may 1945. A huge section around the reichstag and also East of it
  14. The download link is in the 2nd image, bottom left corner. The one that says battlefront.sharefile.com. Its been a while since ive ordered anything around here so sorry if I confused you at all
  15. I hope you bought the expansion Fire and Rubble too or you will deeply regret it. You will get both an email to the purchasing address and a download link on the right side of the "My orders" page from the Battlefront.com website. You will get these as soon as the purchase is verified on BFC's end.
  16. I added three maps to the South of Mamayev Kurgan. These are Npye's two Berlin maps, and Stalingrad center master map. So now this is much closer to being a dense city.
  17. I can see why you wanted to release this one. Holy crap! These maps are excellent! Top notch stuff Npye, I love the train station you did in particular. It feels so different looking at that, as if you're not playing CM anymore. I'm afraid to even fight over it.
  18. I've been working on Stalingrad stuff for a couple months on/off. I have a MASTERTOE of the 6th Army under Paulus, and the 62nd Army under Lopatin/Chuikov; both of which are around July 1942 and on. I tried to include units that entered the fight and subsequent encirclement. It is nearly complete, just being polished up. It's not perfect, but it should be pretty good. It will be at full strength. I will consider making a historical strength version once I can find the information on it. I have been working on a map of Mamayev Kurgan, ETA is far out. The longer I wait the better it will come out, as I dig through tons of Stalingrad material. I plan on expanding on this mapping project to the surrounding areas; including the factories. I want to make an intact version before a destroyed version. I have also reworked my Stalingrad mockup mastermap to be much more genuine to the real city. I have paired a photo that helps summarize it, but it's not my image. Map key: 1. CMRT FR Hegyikastely 2. CMCW Dollbach Heights 3. CMRT FR Batzlow 4. CMBS Summer In The City (Worchester) 5. CMCW Haunetal 6. CMRT FR Pettend 7. CMBS Donetsk Airport 8. CMBS Backs To The Wall 9. CMCW Meerholz 10. CMCW Elm 11. CMRT FR Sinimaed Hills 12. CMRT FR Szekesfehervar 13. CMRT FR Berlin West 14. CMCW Neuhof 15. CMRT FR Pyritz Lettnin 16. CMRT FR Berlin East 17. CMCW Neiderjossa 18. CMRT FR Pyritz-Repenow 19. CMRT FR Berlin East 20. CMCW Lingelbach 21. CMRT FR Seregelyes 22. CMRT Rebels In Odessa 23. CMCW Alsfeld 24. CMRT FR Marzdorf 25. CMRT Bitvagorod 26. CMBS Summer In The City (Worchester) (Stalingrad Pocket by Akhil Kadidal)
  19. To get 14 story buildings in CMRT: Place them in CMBS editor and then port it over.
  20. Honestly you can just make islands yourself. Paint water around a map. You can even add shacks standing on 4 legs by destroying the first floor of houses.
  21. I do, I will PM a dropbox link, thank you
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