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Everything posted by Artkin

  1. Thanks a lot for the bug fixes, in particular the Pz III which I whined about. Much appreciated!
  2. Sure is, if I was told it wasn't enough. Typically I remember things the first time around. Education in my state varies. Schools closer to Manhattan can be extremely competitive but in the suburbs it's more lax.
  3. How butthurt can these guys be over Churchill's refusal to prematurely open up a a second front in 1941?
  4. I didn't even know states had that, that's something you don't learn in high school lol.
  5. He's a senator which is 1/100 individuals in this country. It's pretty alarming that he would say something so stupid. If there were really that many vehicles destroyed then Russia would be posting it allll over telegram. 7000 KIA in a week. What is this, Operation Barbarossa? Somebody call and tell this fool to read a book.
  6. I had serious doubts of lancet's performance vs armored targets. This is a bit surprising. The top armor doesnt look uniform in thickness, it's thinner to the right side of the picture. Still, that wasnt the point of failure.
  7. That's surprising considering the aspect ratio of the barrel and thesubsequent projectile range. I would've expect a short lifespan
  8. Good to know, thanks. Another reason that made me think an artillery barrage landed close by was the amount of destruction the forest on the left has. On the right side of the breachers the forest is completely flattened. Indeed a good example. I guess the dirt hasn't been washed into the ground or swept away by wind yet. Oryx lists 150 MTSA's killed since the start of the war and also 200 of 2S1, 2S3, 2S5 combined. The Military Balance 2021 lists: 150 2S1 Gvozdika; (-58 confirmed) 800 2S3 Akatsiya; (-115 confirmed) 100 2S5 Giatsint-S; (-25 confirmed) 500 2S19/2S19M1 Msta-S; (-122 confirmed) 320 2S19M2/2S33 Msta-SM (-30 confirmed) So it's possible that sheer attrition has degraded Russia's mobile artillery to the point of being nearly ineffective*. I wonder how many wrecks haven't been reported too, it's not like they're going to be firing at close range often. It's possible that the MSTA's were mixed up, I doubt Oryx's accuracy is 100% for that specifically, it would be pretty hard to tell the difference. This is all in addition to the reported ammunition problem. *Less density on the entire front
  9. Agreed, also if I recall correct DU 120mm from a L/44 barrel isn't much better at penetration than tungsten, so I assumed it came down to the sheer amount of DU that we produce. I think I read tungsten was pretty rare here in the US while Russia is a massive producer of it. Again iirc the L/55 with DM63 offers the highest penetration, but that is one long barrel. I wonder how much less of a barrel life it has with the higher pressures it generates. Then again it's coming straight from Rheinmetall and isn't a licensed reproduction.
  10. Ah yeah I'm speaking about the craters in the pictures. I haven't seen much footage except the one clip where the bradley dismounts get on the leopard 2a6 for extraction. I found this photo on oryx but I don't think this is the one I remember. It seemed like the craters were concentrated at the tip of the breaching lane.
  11. I also noticed the artillery shelling all around the breached lane.
  12. Always glad to see another Kandu map. Definitely among the best, most detailed maps.
  13. C'mon man. If you bought it here you might as well make an account at matrix.com and try their version. You can also get a third version by requesting a steam key in the "my games" section of your matrix account. You can try that as well in the meantime. If you haven't done so already it may be worth trying to update your graphics drivers too.
  14. Try clicking the desktop icon fast as if you were frustrated. I've brute-forced my way through this particular issue this way. I would get a spinny circle but the game never launched
  15. Yes, when the HQ unit dies (might just be the leader himself of the HQ, not sure actually) then the XO unit will change from a normal soldier icon to a flag - representing the new HQ
  16. Didn't really work for the Soviets in 1942 after the line somewhat stabilized after the 1941 crisis. And their equipment was largely on par with the Germans. Operational art is why the Soviet ground forces failed it seems
  17. I saw oryx post a T-84 Oplot and then withdraw that too. Maybe it was a mistake, or theyre witholding UKR losses a bit
  18. Probably the best historical channel on youtube because he invites really high quality and intelligent presenters. His Stahel and Buttar videos are among my favorite. But the host can be so rude at times. For example: just listen to how he reacts when he gets the location of his guest wrong at the beginning of this video 00:00:55 : Guy needs to shut up sometimes.
  19. Yes of course, through slitherine.com, you input your serial there and get a slitherine copy, then request a steam key and get one automatically for steam
  20. 1) This is your own fault for not understanding how the VERY simple AI system works. Check out the editor and the AI section, then check out how the file system works for placing maps/scenarios/campaigns in their correct folders. Play around in the editor and it will make sense. 2) Not enough campaigns or scenarios? As others said, check out thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3. You won't finish half of the scenarios. Check out both popular discords and the mod section on these forums for more content 3) Play a different campaign
  21. CMRT when you move an AT gun over 1 tile (Doesn't seem to work further or closer than this) and then cancel the move order mid-move, the AT gun instantly becomes limbered. Easy exploit if you know this trick.
  22. Thank you for direct linking me that study. I've saved it now. I've also saved that book for purchase in the future. It's shaped the wrong way! But probably makes for good sized maps. I guess that book makes for a great companion to the two others already mentioned, and Glantz's book will put everything together. Man if I wasn't so invested in Stalingrad right now I would have bought all these today. Hopefully the budget will allow me to soon. In short, thanks a lot. Asking about these books was a total shot in the dark. You should consider throwing your hand into a Kursk campaign.
  23. Interesting, I've never toyed with the triggers but I now assume that's what's doing it. 16 minutes is a normal air support time for the Russians so that's why I thought you were starting from the beginning. I was eating and typing out that post with one hand too. Sorry about that
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