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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. Dang, looks like I need some time on the eastern front. But that costs me time away from SF2. which impedes my progress in Normandy which keeps me stalled in Italy. I need to win the lottery so I can get more time to play.
  2. part of the equation of staffing is the addressable market. If BF adds more people, will it lead to more customers? Will the market grow? Yes, they will get new stuff out faster can they go fast enough to pay all the new people if the market size is relatively fixed?
  3. Hey John, how did I miss this? Sorry for delayed response. That is a super cool diorama, thanks for sharing. I don't know if the show was shot on location but the terrain was like that in the show. Terrible hills & ravines. The Brit leaders didn't understand what they were up against, terrain-wise, until it was too late. RockinHarry, I read that one also, learned a lot about what it was like to ride in those things for extended periods.
  4. I have Spearhead, it was on kindle sale one day for super cheap. I first want to finish The Liri Valley and Gustav Line, two more in the Canadian series. And while this is a book thread, I'll thrown in a show: Gallipoli, available on amazon prime. Made recently in Australia, VERY well done historical fiction. 7 part series, definitely had good budget, it's not cheap anywhere. some solid small arms WW1 action. based off this novel: https://www.amazon.com/Gallipoli-L-Carlyon/dp/0553815067/ref=sr_1_1?crid=HDNLNKGLFYKT&keywords=gallipoli+les+carlyon&qid=1566784288&s=gateway&sprefix=gallipoli+les+ca%2Caps%2C211&sr=8-1
  5. Here in the US there's a brand of those plastic portable toilets called "honey pots"
  6. ah, one screenshot per link. that might be it. I'll keep at it
  7. Yeah, I would love to see N Africa early and mid. Dang that would be fun. R2V will be fun I think, but those 1945 battles in the next RT are gonna be nuts.
  8. He got over the bridge at least. I didn't get that far when I played that one.
  9. did I do this right? I am supposed to just paste in the link to imgur?
  10. here's my first try at adding pictures. Quality poor, probably because I used simple screen capture. No mods, just base shock force 2. Task Force Thunder, ~16 minutes in. Stupid mistake creeping my stryker a little too far, hit by concealed RPG team. If I just had 4 shermans I could blow this whole place to pieces...... https://imgur.com/a/3lrXlbr
  11. Holy f**k!! they have exploding cars! I saw this funny icon over a car & I thought "what does that mean?". Then it started driving toward my troops at full speed and I realized what it was. It managed to get next to a building w one of my squads but I had moved them out just in time. Didn't expect exploding cars.
  12. I am heavily biased toward allies, being from the USA. But when I do play as germans it's really a lot of fun to have that great gear. Nice to be on the safe side of an MG42 for a change.
  13. It's not WW2 but has anyone read James L Nelson's vikings in Ireland series? Great fun stuff. Starts w a book called Fin Gaul. I just picked up the 7th one. Somewhat similar to Bernard Cornwell's historical fiction but faster paced. Good solid writing and storytelling.
  14. Thanks for sharing that epic battle! That panther was indeed knocked out by a tin can -- but it's a tin can w a pretty good gun.
  15. I don't know what it is but all these LAV style vehicles are rather pretty. though I would still like more shells.
  16. I wonder what realistic choices Neville had (not being apologist for him). I am reading Michael Korda's Wings of Eagles about battle of britain. SHows how, despite Neville's other failings, he did a good job of funding Dowding's air defense needs (fighters/pilots, radar, control organizations)
  17. Ike was down, bedridden with a blown knee, probably on pain killers at that time & didn't exercise proper restraint or guidance. Despite the solace he was, hopefully, receiving from Kay. Monty was so exhausting and painful to work with, I can see Ike not having the energy to stop him at that time. Yes, Ike's fault. But I still buy into Antony Beevor's assessment of Monty's motives in shoving forward such a reckless operation (Monty's ego overriding military judgement).
  18. oh, I didn't know he had that because I always get kindle books these days. I read several of his other books. Looks like I'll be going paperback on this one. Thanks for the tip, Sequoia.
  19. I wouldn't really knock montgomery for his caution. I'd knock him for his insane ego, Ike was shocked at how self-centered he was. And his obsession w getting control of the western front command in Sept 44 led him to throw together Market-Garden with not nearly enough thought & preparation, leading to a terrible disaster. He should've been using those forces to get Antwerp open ASAP. Washington was not a good military general overall. but he was smart about one thing: if he kept the army alive he kept the revolution alive. and that mattered more than any one battle. I really like Washington. FreyBerg: Kursk was lost to the germans because of the British? Was they even a reasonable chance Germans could win at Kursk? I am not sure, I am still looking for a really good operational level book on Kursk. Know any?
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