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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. Once I got it I didn't play anything else for ~3 months
  2. (So does this mean Fire & Rubble pre-orders are open or not???? ) When they came out w modern stuff I thought "oh, not my favorite, why didn't they do more WW2 first?". then I bought & played SF2. Holy f*&k is that a fun game.
  3. thanks for the review, Aragorn2002, I can't wait to see it.
  4. whoa, the halftrack gunners will choose to fire on their own? You mean I've been getting my gunners killed all this time for nothing? that's a great tip, thanks Domfluss.
  5. what is this campaign? US? brit? German? when & where?
  6. As Napolean said, something like "quantity has its own quality"
  7. I am going through the R2V battles and about to start your Pursuit Force, in setup phase just trying to formulate my plan. I can say I very much don't trust that hill on back left corner. Nor that tree line on the back right. Good cover for a little while before the roman ruins except for spots where the back left hill can be seen. Interesting tactical problem once I leave my concealed setup area. I would say "thanks" but I might end with my force smashed, so I think I'll wait until I finish.
  8. Sounds right to me, Erwin. would be fun at CM level of fighting. French would have good soldiers & tanks, germans would have superior combined arms working together. I'd sure hate to meet a french tank if I am in a pz2 w a little 20mm gun. Stuka attacks would even the odds I suppose.
  9. 1940 France, now that would be fun. I think a lot of folks, especially in US, think France just rolled over in 1940, which is not true. German suffered ~27k dead and ~110k wounded. Someone in France was certainly fighting back to cause that number of casualties.
  10. Going back to the title of this thread. this module is worth buying because it's FUN. I've been doing the scenarios in alphabetical order since I installed R2V, playing against AI. These are good solid battles -- Italy probably isn't the first choice of very many combat mission buyers but the fighting in Italy was intense and diverse and complicated and the scenarios reflect that well. Now fighting as Free French, Dec 1943, east of Cassino w wet snow on the ground, fog & rain. good times. And when BFC does go back to N Africa (like in 2024?) they do have some of the gear built out. Family heading to big city today for shopping so I am alone for R2V battles; nice NFL triple header schedule on in the background, cold & raining hard outside -- perfect day.
  11. In this holiday season, let us all remember that we are just grown men (mostly men?) playing w little army men and toy tanks. No one is right or wrong in which army men they want.
  12. I suppose the way to do it at this point is to do east Front (or if one prefers Russians, I guess that would be west front) 1943, then 1942, then 1941. That way each module has the minimum new OOBs. Get 'em out the door w 80-90% of the stuff available in theater and I'd be plenty OK. Heck, I'll pre-pay for that right now. Then head for sunny N Africa. Then make new game engine. Then start back over again w Normandy. That's my dream for BFC. Oh, and in between all that they have to make new modules for the modern games. Dang, they'll be busy.
  13. yeah, I suspect that's true. I walked right into a mess on one flank, lost bunch of shermans. On the hill lost more shermans and bunch of infantry. Was in a bad state early on, decided to quit before I learned where all the enemy was, restarted with reinforcements. I see that I could win without the extra shermans. But I also see how hard it is. I did just win End of the Line w/o cheating . Fun map, lots of resources for the allies, then the nasty town fight to finish it off.
  14. ohhhh, that battle. Yeah, I lost badly first time. Then added 6 more shermans and some halftracks and played again -- I won't call it cheating, I'll call it regrouping and getting reinforcements. And it was still a rough fight. Italian terrain certainly favors the defender.
  15. hear hear! Less minor detail and more big picture stuff. like Barbarossa, Case Blue, Kursk time frameframes. Oh, and N Afrika.
  16. I really want one of those shirt-coats. Looks comfy and warm. Not to mention stylish.
  17. Remember that a con man, Goering, was head of the Luftwaffe. Air superiority was a function of resources, management and overall strategy. Allies had huge resource advantage obviously. Germany had very poor upper level management overall, especially w Goering. And strategy? Is unnecessary life & death gambling the same as 'strategy'?
  18. I am confused as to why pricing is an issue. If you want the products when first introduced, you pay the opening price. Same w lots of other games, same w books, same w DVDs & streaming movies. It's normal. Then later price might drop, or product bundled w other stuff. The games are expensive because are a specialty product, lovingly hand crafted by a small group of organic sustainably sourced artisans holed up.... well, somewhere. and last time my son bought Call of Duty it was $60 (bought w my money). These games are not commodity items. I can't just get it somewhere else, like buying pepsi over coke because it's on sale. Just speaking for myself here, but I am OK w pre-order of new CMRT module. Where do I sign up? I look at CM preorder as a kind of crowdfunding. Others will disagree, and I totally get that, so can choose to not preorder.
  19. I am going w Ian's "FIrst, enjoy R2V" idea. I already decided to do all the R2V scenarios in alphabetical order and nothing else until done. First battle was easy -- until it wasn't. I laid smoke, crossed a creek, everything is great, easy win it seemed. Then the germans did their usual thing, spoiling all my beautiful and super-genius plans.
  20. that's a rotten story by the eagles! They need to make that right IMO. Hopefully next year they'll be less injured. Dalton.... he's not the problem, and probably not the answer I suppose. He's not great but he's better than several of the QBs out there -- Goff, mason rudolph, rivers, trubisky .... I just watched Lamar J school the Rams. He's almost as much fun as a sherman knocking out a tiger's gun w first shot.
  21. Eagles fan. Ouch. I am a bengals fan so I have no hopes to dash, while Eagles were supposed to be good this year. Philly has some injury curse it seems. Like a campaign in CM, just more & more lost assets each mission.
  22. Thanks for that tip GeorgeMC, now subscribe to the miltary history visualized channel. Good stuff. Now, can you get the russians to run away so I don't have to lose half my infantry digging them out of the villages?
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