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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by The_MonkeyKing

  1. You are looking at the tournament signup menu. There was a test tournament named do not touch. It is little confusing because the menus look identical (other than one line of text). Also parting from the regular PBEM++ at the moment at least you cannot see the other players turns. So after completion the "disappear". Doesn't matter. Putting a password to the other one doesn't do any harm.
  2. Even in regular PBEM++ you cannot even try to play the other sides turns. (you can even see them) Presumably the same magic applies here.
  3. Well, this is a beta. These things are supposed to come up now. This is a hard thing to do. Integrating different systems from different organizations and very old systems at that and most importantly on a budget.
  4. I only have to re-enter my password every time. So something is up with your end.
  5. The other sides password is already preset to being empty. (in this case I believe the blue side) This is a technical limitation of CM2 engine when combined with the Slitherine tournament system. I hope something will be found to mediate this.
  6. Ukraine has limited equipment to hit that Bridge. Harpoon is the only one that comes to mind. No idea how good that is at hitting bridges... around 300km to the frontline
  7. I encourage you to try this as the Americans. I found the AI plan especially brilliant in this one. Pretty impressive.
  8. Haha, I would not be surprised that dedicated wargamers outperform career military officers in lab like environment. Like CM. Unfortunately for us wargamers probably 95 percent of the officers job is something totally different than what wargamers do. Leadership, making decisions, human relations, stress Management, logistics and the like. I am sure an officer who knows nothing about military equipment or tactics but excels in the other subjects I mentioned will make a close to a perfect officers. (with tactics he would know to trust his subordinates)
  9. aa, I missed that one. Good if that is the case. I am interested in a source on this.
  10. Yes, they now have the means, before they had only limited capacity for this. GMLRS. Seems like in very large numbers. They had very limited stockpiles of very old and relatively easily shot down longer range missiles. Totška-U. In comparison it is unclear does Russia have any capacity to intercept GMLRS missiles.
  11. That would be a good attrition warfare front for RUS. Ukraine not allowed to hit the rear areas... Epic fail from the US administration there. Interesting to see how long that policy stands.
  12. Because of ukrainian deep strikes Russians are going to have to distribute the logistics and often farther away from the front. This is going to have multiple different cumulative effects. The end result might very well be less Russian attacks less frequently. The logistics stail will become more in inefficient, unresponsive, harder to protect, more wear and tear ext. Think of Amazon logistics being forced to distribute their operations into let's say 20 employee locations at maximum. Vs there absolutely huge fulfillment centers...
  13. According to analyst (example Kofman) That 50 000 is inflated. Even as much as order of magnitude. Also there are 122mm and mortars.
  14. For reference US military had 20mil 155mm shells in storage when the cold war ended. Soviet ammo is at this point mostly outside of its shelf-live and the stockpiles where split among the Warsaw pact countries. They can make new ammo but the will have the same or worse challenges of upscaling the production as the west. Russia has according to Michail Koffman lot less ammo than everyone is expecting. They have only downscaled this aspect in the resent decade. Analysts are generally surprised that we are still to seeing any significant artillery ammo rationing but the Russian side. Russia has lots of different systems and they are going to have different ammo situations. For example Russian 152mm is generally not interchangeable with all platforms firing it. Russia is already moving ammo out of Belarus. This is an indication, but it might just be the case this ammo is closer than the the Russian far east stockpiles
  15. This looks like it: https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/vploqq/destruction_of_russian_equipment_with_what/
  16. Next question is what is a "NASAMS system". A battery?
  17. https://mwi.usma.edu/political-warfare-and-the-road-to-invasion-irregular-warfare-in-ukraine-since-2014/ insightful 20min podcast. Micheal Kofman & Kent DeBenedictis
  18. Interesting that in the press promo videos they are no using the autoloaders. Same with the Pzh2000
  19. most countries do not disclose their aid and most aid gets announced after it crosses the border. Hard tell what UKR military looks one year from now
  20. Indeed. Decentralization is going to cost Russia on efficiency on every level of their operations. Good guestimate is "significant cost to OPs".
  21. I agree, very hard op. I am just daydreaming here, haha. Water route might be impossible without some deception. So back to smuggling. The air defense aspect would be lesser or none with GMLRS. Small Mach 2 rockets.
  22. https://www.pacom.mil/Media/News/News-Article-View/Article/1351282/anchorage-conducts-high-mobility-artillery-rocket-system-shoot-during-db17/#:~:text=The HIMARS is a weapons,Tactical Missile System (ATACMS). I was thinking. Would it not be cool for Ukraine to sink the black sea fleet in port? Night operation on a barge with one or two HIMARS and a reload or two. Maybe possible with the current GMLRS (80km) and definitely possible if at some point UKR gets the extended range variant (140km). There must be ways to smuggle a truck or two (HIMARS) within 80km of Sevastopol.
  23. Yes, HIMARS it is going to change the anti-air situation as well. Not that much and even if Russia didn't have any AA capability the UKR air force is not going to be able to do that much in the big picture. It is a matter how UKR prioritizes target for HIMARS. I am guessing AA systems are not that high on the list, other than strategic level systems. And with HIMARS the greatest impact is going to be achieved now, when the systems have just been introduced and Russia is just starting to adjust to them. Russia is going to be increasingly decentralizing and moving around logistics, command&control and other high value assets from now on. As a response to this UKR is also going to starts sifting the targeting priorities as well. Of course there will always be stuff worth hitting with HIMARS but with time less and smaller jackpots. Decentralization is going to cost Russia on efficiency on every level of operations and raise the skill requirements.
  24. Seems Biden and Macrons aids are using the same guide...
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