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Everything posted by The_MonkeyKing

  1. Tanks? Macron tanks? Hope so but I suspects these are just certain cold war APCs...
  2. German government actions are just buzzling to me. Is the government irrationally pacifist (pacifist would field the maximalist soft power, clearly not the case here). Too invested to admit 20 years of foreign policy was wrong? Still hoping for the problem just to go away? Or is the economic impact of Russia really worse than anybody wants to admit? latest puzzlement from Germany:
  3. UKR had to have moved artillery to island Kubanskiy
  4. Well, the unilateral ceasefire would be more of a strategic pause for the Russians. With the current frontlines Ukraine is bleeding every moment and being totally unviable as a state. Challenging diplomatic situation, when Germany and France and the rest are screaming for peace and UKR would prefer to get weapons to kick Russians out on get rid of the Russian stranglehold.
  5. Going to be another new mess when Russia has taken what it sees possible (approximately Luhansk) and starts implementing unilateral ceasefire.
  6. Nice change after seeing so much footage of Ukraine hitting similar targets and only being able to blow up a truck here or there.
  7. Is it just me or does the fuse selection seem suboptimal here.
  8. Ukraine has now been earmarked about 20 GMLRS capable systems. For comparison the entire Gulf War had 89 of these systems. They were operating with significantly inferior ammunition. In the gulf war these systems were one of the main damage dealers of the campaign.
  9. I agree with the point fast moment energy cut off would hurt EU more than Russia. Energy cut off is still only matter of time. Now we are talking couple of years max. How much does it matter for the Ukraine war situation on the ground if Russia gets one or two year more of energy money? There is not that much Russia can do with that cash, but for EU 1-2 years of time to adjust vs instant cut off is huge.
  10. The details are what matter. Here is what Finnish officials and the president commented: • Sweden/Finland will lift its arms embargo There was never an arms embargo. Every deal is weighted case by case as before by authorities. Pretty direct quite from the president. • Both will support Turkey on PKK, stop support to YPG Direct quite from the president: "There will be no changes to the relationship with the PKK/YPG" • They will amend their laws on terrorism Finland's changes made in the resent years were judged to be sufficient already (EU "standard" laws). Sweden is going to do similar changes soon. Written this way in the agreement. • They will extradite terror suspects Everything will continue according to EU regulations and international law as before. "This is a legal matter and cannot in anyway be effected by political agreements" - Finnish president. • They will share Intel with each other Could mean lots of things. Totally unknown to me • Turkey, Finland and Sweden will establish a permanent joint mechanism to consult on justice, security and intelligence Could mean lots of things. Totally unknown to me
  11. There was very little if any concrete consesions given to Turkey from Finland and Sweden. Only vague statements that Turkey can read as it wants for press purposes. Absolutely nothing will change in practice for Sweden and Finland. Almost direct quote from Finland's president by to way.
  12. More Pzh2000 coming. I didn't expect this and definitely not this soon.
  13. I think we will see Ukrainian mechanized offensive warfare when(or if) the the balance of power shifts enough. Going to be interesting to see. Both sides have essentially "one shot one" kill situation to both directions. At this point if Ukraine had overmatch level mechanized forces (modern Leo2/Abrams, Bradley platform equipped brigades) that would be a sight to behold. I am sure we would see success, the imbalance of forces would be similar to Bradley and Abrams attacking in CMCW, one would indeed operate quite traditionally. But this is just me day dreaming...
  14. Any guesses what will become the go to "lend lease" IFV for Ukraine? My hope and guess is the Bradley. In sort, there is enough of them and it is real overmatch weapon system. Light system with simple enough logistics. Another one is what will be the go to "lend lease" the MBT? Indeed hard because western MBTs are so heavy and different than soviet ones. Only Abrams really has availability but cannot see that happening because logistical tail and weight of the system. My guess is all the soviet tanks Europe has and Leo1 for good measure if run out of T-72. (leo1 same weight as T-tanks) APC seems to be track M113 and moto France VAB. Good choices imo.
  15. Saddam and Argentina got Exocet, shot them at US and UK. Strange for Ukraine not to get them
  16. haha, nice timing. UKR just toke out a Pantsir with GMLRS.
  17. Does anybody have data on can the GMLRS missiles be intercepted and if they can, then with what equipment and limitations?
  18. Industrial yard was a matter of overwhelming firepower. Dissembly building by building. Tanks were dealt with in the initial phase when I peaked over the hill with everything I had. I had all the fires coming down right from the start at the time when I engaged with my full force from the hill. Can't remember the specific locations. The presumed hostile locations that could engage my hill. I won the battle before the counter attack came. My first attempt was ruined by this so I decided to be done in about 20min.
  19. There we go. nice tactical victory after 20min of hard battle (I hit cease fire) - I am content without taking the last objective end state: This is where the battle was won: - first turns had fire missions to suppress the American. - dismounted infantry went first over the ridge to hand wave the US positions to the tanks (first 5 turns) -- this was the most important step. The T62s need solid data on the enemy positions to spot anything. - at turn 5 tanks, BMPs and air strikes all at the same time engage to the enemy -- biggest problem were couple of M60A3 TTS who got lucky with dust clouds... (one killed whole T62 co.) - after this just drive up to enemy positions and roll them up
  20. Yes, the HIMARS footage is not from UKR. Just for reference from Afghanistan
  21. indeed, must have been shot at one target. Major operation
  22. This one is also interesting: https://twitter.com/TpyxaNews/status/1540245902924939268?s=20&t=RnxXAjzlMamFTryW9_wtkQ
  23. Video has been up for about an hour and I am following the main platforms it is published on. Still not disproven. So I would say this the first time this footage has emerged on the internet. Still might be old unpublished footage (Romania?). But who in their right mind would shoot two full salvos in exercise(Ammo of this price, in the EU area)? Training ammo maybe? But shooting this amount of money without filming it... no. a) Rare to split thing to ones in military. Event these sort of artillery systems operate as batteries. b) The rockets of the salvos maybe can be targeted to multiple locations? Maybe not sort on ammo? To saturate areas with these you need lots of rockets. Comparable payload to 203mm artillery shell.
  24. until then this is the best downrange reference footage for this ammo I have found (at the end full salvo as well):
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