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Everything posted by The_MonkeyKing

  1. similar conclusions from a Finnish retired officer following the war: https://www.facebook.com/taktiikkajermut (translate works) " I'm attaching my little reflection on shifting the focus of Russian forces from Donbas to the south in the direction of Kherson and Zaporizhia and why! My reflection starts from the fact that there have been no signs of Ukraine's machinated takeover of the south in the last two months or so, e.g. in the use of a modern western artillery weapon. The cutting of innumerable ammunition depots and the Dnieper bridges has raised the spirits of so many. WHAT HAS THE USE OF THE NEW ARTILLERY LEAD TO? Of course, the Russian military command is a learning organization. Material stocks have now been distributed in the occupied territories to population centers, schools and administrative buildings, even to the nuclear power plant. The rivers are still crossed with an endless supply of pontoons, which were used during the Cold War to prepare for an attack up to the English Channel along the Warsaw Pact from East Germany, Belarus, Ukraine and Romania. So there is enough equipment. WHY RUSSIA HAS NOW GROWN ITS POWER SOUTH Increasing Russia's forces may have other significance than the (non-existent) major attack from Ukraine! The non-existence is also indicated by the fact that the Russian media and war blocs have not had much to say about it for more than a month. The concentration of Russian forces almost corresponds to the forces concentrated in the capture of Kiev in the 1st phase of the war or the operation to capture Donbas at the beginning of the 2nd phase, and now we are going with a similar concentration of forces in the Kherson-Zaporizhzian directions! Could it be that Russia is now taking advantage of Ukraine's inability to equip new mechanized brigades with armored vehicles in the southern direction? Of course, Ukraine has enough willing crew for a million-strong army, but where are the Western wagons staying, why and where! Maybe right now, before the rasputitsa, the Russians could strike in the south and that's why the concentration of troops! "
  2. I raise you Chinese: https://youtu.be/dzzD-cQRpl0
  3. UN is a democracy where couple of rich guys have veto on everything.
  4. https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2022/07/31/norway-delivered-gepard-spaag-35mm-shells-are-useless-in-ukraine/
  5. Interesting to see how this can be shutdown by the Ukrainians.
  6. haha, if the Ukrainians turn down the A-10 they will defiantly not be interested in these. Incorporating a new air platform is such a big undertaking tying up a lot of resources they won't take it without significant gains. And the low bar seems to be F-16 modern variants.
  7. https://twitter.com/UKikaski/status/1554408373164146689?s=20&t=TQ5plH4HLS6dU-NQ1TpQcw https://twitter.com/UKikaski/status/1554422127247458304?s=20&t=n6oTyHo4AA8BOa3wpbUkxQ Train hit near Kherson EDIT: This is old video from Russia for 2014, explosion on their training range.
  8. These are the norm now. When we stop seeing these every couple of weeks the US has stopped maintaining the Ukraine in this conflict.
  9. I think here it is useful to go to Clausewitz. ‘War is nothing but a duel on an extensive scale… an act of violence intended to compel our opponent to fulfill our will,’ directed by political motives and morality. (Clausewitz 1940: Book I, Ch. I) "Clausewitz: War as Politics by other Means | Online Library of Liberty" https://oll.libertyfund.org/page/clausewitz-war-as-politics-by-other-means
  10. Nope, you can see the approach. The projectile is climbing before the sub-munition separates. Also there was no parachute. I think the best guess is a smart mine like the US "hornet".
  11. UKR is starting to have not insignificant amounts of leo1 platforms: also the Gepards are leo1
  12. newest podcast burst: How Russia Engineered the Perfect Gas Crisis https://geopolitics-decanted.simplecast.com/episodes/analysis-of-the-war-in-ukraine-july-28-2022 WAR ON THE ROCKS: UKRAINE’S WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY? https://warontherocks.com/2022/07/ukraines-window-of-opportunity/
  13. indeed looks like it. Only thing this might be longer than 100m. But nothing new that the public information about the range is wrong or outdated with never versions.
  14. https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1552942531842871296?s=20&t=y8yxZtdMUhiUIs6WqB6fQg The fuq is this top attack system?
  15. Working as intended. as far as I can tell. Distance effect the spread. Off map being the longest range away. Direct fire from mortar is generally most accurate.
  16. Perun on the "rocket slinging" https://youtu.be/qnoKpXvj41A?t=1682
  17. and lets also remember what causes bridges to be closed and almost rebuild. One crack in a right spot is enough. literal multiple missile strikes will do as well...
  18. Even though beam bridges (that Antonovsky Bridge is) are not as obvious as other types like cantilever Bridges there are very certain ways the forces applied to the bridge are meant to be directed. This means slapping a engineering bridge on top of the hole doesn't solve much. relevant vid: https://youtu.be/l-_TKh-qZmQ If you cut this bride in two from the middle you are going to have to replace the entire span. (that is 50m in this case) But you have to damage the supporting structures or "beams" (already seen in some photos). Hitting the supports would be the most effective, not sure if that is possible with HIMARS. (small and under the bridge) Engineering bridge would have to be put over like in the photo under. Ukrainians could just hit the engineering bride or the spans on both sides of it. I am not even sure if there is bridging equipment that can do this. These types of bridges are more forgiving than many other types. The spans are somewhat separate from each other. Lets remember the saying: “Any idiot can build a bridge that stands, but it takes an engineer to build a bridge that barely stands.” meaning there is probably not very much extra spec on that bridge to take missile strikes...
  19. If you would ask structural engineer how much you can put weight on that bridge... Nope, that is a hard hard thing to answer. Russians are now asking these questions. Structure can stand on its own but it is a whole different story when you start adding weight that it has to support on top of its own mass. Any engineering bridge would also add even more weight. Also doesn't help if you cover the holes but the "back of the bridge" will break if you put example 10tons on that 50m stretch...
  20. Just look at the French sales of Exocet and all the ungodly things they were jerry-rigged to.. doesn't necessarily mean much in terms of platforms.
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