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Everything posted by The_MonkeyKing

  1. Using preemptive fire on likely hostile buildings sounds like a good idea. I had never thought of that. Just have to test it in practice. My doubt is it could take too long for most missions. Also smoke, how did I forget that... Thanks for the tips. A lot of good stuff to think about.
  2. The main problem seems to be when I move forward to the next building(s) I get ambushed by a couple of enemy soldiers while my squat is in the open running for cover. Before any supporting units have time to respond I already have lost 1-2 soldiers. The "ambushes" are fast and almost always I kill the shooters fast but the first couple of seconds already cost me a soldier or two. This happens almost every time crossing a street ext. (read:all the time) so after even a small town fight I could lose easily 50-75% of my infantry. (I rarely lose my tanks) I almost always have eyes on the buildings the enemy opens fire from but I rarely manage to spot them before they open fire to my exposed units. So how do I advance in a city without getting ambushed this often while advancing? My current ideas and tactics: - I try to have a another unit always covering when I move a unit from a building to a building. (for example IFV and its infantry squat working together) - Have MBT or IFV over looking the city ready to fire on hostile buildings. (and also fire controllers for arty ext.) - Move slow and conservatively My first post here, so hello to everybody.
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