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Everything posted by Kraft

  1. Not sure if this is recent but how much irreparabel damage can these tungsten balls really do to an engine? The drivers surely didnt appreciate them but they are easily replaced
  2. Not sure how building and protecting schools in Afghanistan made anyone richer but Im happy for 'em.
  3. The current untrained mob of convicts has added enough resistance to prevent any major successes this whole offensive. They may die like flies but even the convicts stay in their trench and fight enough to make advancing terribly costly. The only major success that can be had follows a collapse of the Russian line. With more mobiks, more lines can be filled. Means no collapse, which means endless grinding through trenchlines like its ww1 with a couple hundred meters here and there per day. If the Russian public doesnt oust their beloved Tsar, then the manpower advantage swings wildly in the wrong direction - and I have little faith in Russian resistance, the zombies will complain but do as told. Then the only way to win this is to draw enough Russian blood over years long slaughter that the state collapses before Ukraine does. Putin bets the West will force a negotiation before he gets a bullet in his head. Assuming Trump winning thats not far fetched. The French and German publics will not carry this war alone for years, the Brits and baltics cant alone.
  4. Taurus possibly being sent now, hopefully they're not as useless as some people here claimed
  5. I wonder if it had not been better to use the new Brigades and go after Belgorod, then collapse into Russia with close to no resistance, but Im sure Washington has put in some stern words regarding that.
  6. Maybe my sense of time is warped but 65 days seems entirely wrong with the current rate of progress, assuming an infinite amount of equiptment can be used.
  7. Not to necro this but from what Ive seen so far from the war being in a turret is a lot safer than CM lets on and should be adjusted. Same with vehicles getting hit/running over mines, surprisingly few inside die outright from that.
  8. I just found out Tikhiy, the hero who shot and killed 7 Russian Scum storming their position on the road of life to Bakhmut in this unbelievable GoPro video has lost his life, together with Zheka. Both from the Da Vinci Wolves of Honor Group.
  9. Q2 approx. Infinite, easy to refill, stockpiles How long it takes to lay new minebelts there are surely better informed people here to answer. Just keep in mind, from what Ive seen, just throwing them on the ground is often good enough.. they dont even need to be digged in to become an obstacle tanks explode in. Grinding through strafmobik trenches & minefields under peer level artillery, even without a Ka52 above, is not something that will continue to even Tokmak and a dozen F-16s wont change that. I think long term, there can only be realistic progress towards the coast if the Russian army is soo attritted it cant plug the holes fast enough. Hopefully we are progressing towards that right now.
  10. Thermal sights only on company level, on a western supplied unit that is very disappointing. That night combat would've been a slaughter of StormZ units had each in the assault group one, but alas.
  11. Because Putin will waste his army if he has to to cling onto the only victory location he has. Street and house combat does not leverage superior troops well, running over a street and getting gunned down by a hidden mg is going to happen to navy seals or mobiks just the same. Its a meatgrinder and a waste of quality. If you think Russians are bad at defense, please see the last month of counteroffensive as a counter example. Or look at the recent 100ish meter advances a week of the most experienced and near fanatical fighters from the 3rd assault, against the terribly bad convict formations, over non urban terrain. Its a slog. Imagine that in the city proper.
  12. 'About to' sounds very imminent to me. It took Wagner +9months in forced human wave attacks. Conserving people and taking these ruins would burn atleast a year unless the whole frontline collapsed. A lot can change in such timeframes, such as US elections. I wouldnt cast my net of certainty that far out. I also highly doubt the generals will be willing to burn their soldiers in that useless street fighting.
  13. Huh? The frontline hasnt even reached the most outer city properly and the flanks are Russian held. Any fighting inside the city will move at the same pace, probably even slower, than Wagners assault and the flanks are Verdun/Somme recreations, no breakthroughts to be had there its a battle for every meter and will remain so. That front area is just a pressure point to keep Russian units tied in a place they cannot retreat/dilute from
  14. Looking at the potential upside, a complete collapse of the Russian front with forces being split 50/50 between loyalist and coupist to a more probable several days of bloody fighting, leaving command and supply to the war effort in disarray, I'd say this is among the worst outcomes. Especially now that there will be ruthless and more efficient killers in charge.
  15. Worst plot twist ever, and I stayed up for this
  16. Most definitely a fake though, no patches, old gun, single soldier,..
  17. Fighterbomber claims Wagner is boarding choppers to make sure they do not target Wagner positions but overall personel do not know how to interact as no side has given specific hostile orders
  18. I do not believe that to be active tbh, that wouldve been a prime target for Stormshadow etc
  19. The tanks have red paint as markings for wagner, and they are pointing their guns at the MoD building
  20. Troops moving, 2 tanks. Building of the MoD in Rostov has been taken over it seems. https://imgur.com/a/hl1AhSf
  21. Supposedly this is footage of fighting between Wagner and Russian units in Rostov https://t.me/ASupersharij/20768
  22. Thats a bummer, im sure if he set up a patreon with a min goal there would be enough support to make this his job
  23. I was waiting for drone/remote controlled VBIED use, SVBIEDs did a number in Syria and Iraq. Im sure their application here is going to be far more difficult but still, its a very big boom that can level appartment blocks and wipe out Platoons
  24. on the topic of Battlefront, and some undisclosed game, any hints about future expansions? I hope we'll see some balance tweaks, like vehicle/mine survivability etc etc I know Steve has a list!
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