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Everything posted by Kraft

  1. Are reinforcements implemented during these times when a company is behind the lines or only after the brigade is removed fully from the frontline? My girlfriends childhood friend fought in the 3rd so I am happy they upload so much, great to watch them kill Russians in revenge.
  2. 3rd AB doing so much work, I wonder when the guys need to get rotated, they've been grinding the Russians very hard for months. Also for the experts, what missile/.. system is that at 3:15?
  3. Or they did not fact check and just reposted false content unknowingly, happened to me too several times already.
  4. Keep in mind spread of disinformation - these are UA soldiers. Non-cropped video which appeared earlier in Russian TGs is watermarked in the top right corner, several of these videos are cropped to avoid it - which is why the FOV is so low.
  5. Interesting little guy riding the bomb into a Russian BMP.
  6. and yet the countries at war do everything in their power to aquire new tanks, build tank factories and restore old and damaged tanks. Enough evidence of FPV drones hitting a tank several times and it remains operational. Those 6 guys wont cross a field and blast through defences with their drone. They'll wound or kill a conscript, or lose the drone to EW and the front changes not by a single meter. Imagine desert storm but with FPV drones?? Every tool has its use - and the men inside the systems put efforts into getting both, not either. Nobody is calling for Ukrainian battleships. Had the Leopard/Abrams debacle been solved at Day1 of the war, we'd have seen Tanks rolling in a thunder down south to the coast last autumn blasting through conscript positions like they did up north. Wasting a year on political tip toeing for the biggest defensive line since ww2 to be build does not make the tank dead. Its like claiming the role of attack choppers is dead, in the current situation, they are limited, reduce density of AA coverage and it'll turn back into the Afghanistan / Iraq turkey shoot videos where 2 guys in the air do what several companies would be needed for, with casulties.
  7. Ive seen several videos of Infantry below the cluster ring get up and run away. They usually dont do that when an HE lands there. The affected area is bigger but 95% hits empty field usually. Im sure they are full of holes but those can be patched up, a missing leg cant so my vote goes to HE
  8. Russian soldier in a difficult situation, but he's got his Cooking Pan and Baking Tray ballistic protection on. A revolutionary first in this war as far as Im aware. For the full, action and explosion packed video: t.me/karymat/3844 (Not sure how to embedd these videos)
  9. Zoka's real, pathetic, identity and current whereabouts were found by some passionate people who offered him the chance to deleate all his propaganda social media, to not be doxxed and get aquainted, in real life, with even more passionate people. Such is the story of the little rat who yapped on social media The current "zoka" accounts are from Nafo people who quickly snatched the name rights
  10. Not to drag this Musk guessing game on but I think besides him being a massive turd and whatnot, he is also a money hungry egomaniac and a third of total Tesla sales come from the chinese EV market. The Russians may be exerting real pressure there
  11. Which Brigades are using Marders and or Leopards?
  12. Yes, it shows that these guys arent poor farmer boys who couldnt hurt a fly as some people try to make them out to be. Although I dont think he is being very honest, the videos of the street executions in Bucha went around the world. I think he knows but is at best indifferent and wants to put on a good image for the interview.
  13. I clicked to 3 random points. Says UA treats prisoners worse than ISIS and the Chechens Excuses UA PoWs being executed as work of "adrenaline" Says Bucha was committed by Ukrainian artillery while Russians were handing out humanitarian aid Hope this waste of a human being catches a bullet and doesnt live to tell the tale. Or maybe he should enjoy ISIS prisoner treatment in his last days, I dont recall them ever doing Prisoner swaps for some reason.
  14. Intense footage of 30th Brigade doing a mech assault on Russian positions Fairly graphic! https://t.me/aerobomber/143 The drone drops a colored smoke grenade to signal the tanks where to shoot
  15. Not really about what UA total victory looks like, but this Point: Most of those who are eager signed up years ago, the rest were all pulled off the streets before the begin of Russian mobilisation. The old and unfit are left, they can still cause issues with sharing information and subversive actions, but I dont expect them to grab a Mosin and move into the woods. Since the frontline would have to travel/grind through, most that can will flea just out of own fear, all liberated villages are 100% destroyed with the odd old person somewhere still alive.
  16. What was not anticipated is the war going so horribly wrong for Russia. In one of the Goldman Sachs Exchanges episodes they discussed how to model the risk of military conflict. One example was Chinas trade, because Winnie started massively importing and stockpiling scarce resources&goods that would be affected by the war ~6 months before Russians crossed the border in force
  17. Last week? There was a video of confused UA soldiers walking casually through a Russian position with equally confused Akhmat guys, who got whack-a-mole'd after a short conversation. That could have been a different front though, I am not sure anymore.
  18. Ive also heard the chopper was transporting rare Su-27 and Su-30M spare parts. There even is a picture of some fancy storage package, with blood all over, although this DMR-400T relay? Box doesnt seem rare from a quick web search.
  19. GUR released footage of them launching Manpads at an Su-30 while under the Su's gun runs, however, I guess because the pilot is aware of the threat he can more easily evade. https://t.me/karymat/3368
  20. New? Uboat Drone Marichka https://t.me/c/1314433227/3360 Not sure why this is made public. Hopefully it performs like a little U-47.
  21. That is not going to have any kind of effect really. In specialist branches, where more people are needed due to increased war demands possibly, but those arent generally sent to the front, just not being educated/trained fast enough to allow for the expansions A large part of the casualties are from DPR/LNR, then mostly convicts, neither will be missed by anyone in Russia. Following that are contracts, those are primarily eastern/minority, also not going to be missed. So in Big Urban cities no real change. Then take into account that these cities have combined 17.6mil population, ignoring working age and just taking the vastly overstated UA number of 250k dead and assuming they all come exclusively from Moscow/StP gives you 1.4% lost. Considering factors above, probably closer to 0.0x% in those cities.
  22. Dont forget suicide, because Ive seen a surprisingly high amount of that through drone feeds. But, nothing systemic. The zombies will continue to do as told and die in the grinder. I dont know what kind of sedatives Putin has been putting in the water for the past decades but its working. Conscripted! Okay. Dead husband? New Lada!
  23. Havent seen this posted here, anti FPV kamikaze drone device. Video of it in action: t.me/romandonik/3834?single
  24. Im no civil engineer, why only 2? I assume there are enough drones in reserve to send more than that. With more damage, repairs become a lot more difficult and every subsequent hit applies its energy on a weakend structure, causing possibly irreparable (in our timeframe) damage that would kill that bridge for good or am I mistaken?
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