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Everything posted by Kraft

  1. Does history also teach what it leads to when one side arms up and the other doesnt? Not aimed directly at you but china has been massively building up its navy in the past decade, while the US one has been downsizing, I guess now people are more willing to accept that a nation that put terratorial conquest of its independent neighbour island into their constitution may not seek peace with its new aircraft carriers and just because we pretend all is and will be fine doesnt change the reality that some despots dont care how many soldiers end up dying if they can get what they want.
  2. The same could be said about the Su-25, yet it still flies on both sides daily combat missions a year+ into the war.
  3. Sadly google has nuked the comments/pictures
  4. I dont get why Russia picks such targets. Either their missiles suck so much that they fail to not hit a city - or they do it on purpose. But nobody can be dumb enough to think terror bombing ever worked so the only conclusion I see is that Russians like to behave as @kraze describes.
  5. Arent the approaches to Kherson similarly open terrain? I have doubts a massed attack will fair any better than the initial (costly) attemps last year, on a position that was arguably less fortified and supply wise worse off than any other front right now. No idea if the troop concentration is different now though, especially when it comes to arty and air as these I think were the main drivers behind the failures to break through. Unless there are just so many attacks all across that Russia cant stop them all. But I do not know if there are the resources for that left and 100 Leo1s fresh out of training and some dozen newer ones wont cut it Im afraid.
  6. Russians have been testing anti-thermal imager clothing.
  7. Special Extraterrestial Operation has already failed!
  8. Drone video/interview with subtitles from a soldier who was shot 3 times during an assault on a Russian trench near Bakhmut
  9. Age restricted tweets - Its asking me to make an account, maybe thats why?
  10. It was also uploaded to the combatfootage subreddit Obvious NSFW warning, corpses etc https://v.redd.it/8us6jmd22nta1 https://v.redd.it/xeyn7jqo0ota1
  11. The 2nd video is worth watching the full /uncut 20 minute version to get an idea about the reality of trench fighting. You cant even tell anymore whos dead body they are walking on, with soldiers from both sides laying on top of eachother in different stages of decay, limbs sticking out of the ground in collapsed trench sections and all the guys in the video know life expectancy is dropping rapidly. I hope this **** finally changes with the offensive
  12. The leaked lone dutch commando collecting 298 patches somewhere in occupied territory
  13. This is the statement from the actual Russian Volunteer corps. t.me/ russvolcorps
  14. Korea had US boots on the ground, Vietnam too, with millions dead in years long wars.
  15. He has a buddy in the dugout who he orders to reload his rifle and give him his weapon. Possibly wounded, otherwise Id think he'd be out in the trench as well. Overall very chaotic, I hope the full GoPro will be released, I want to see what happens to the other 3 Russians that approached+BMP crew
  16. M777 with anti-lancet netting, I wonder if that is all that effective (not against lancets, they get caught good) but once a gun position is found it shouldnt take too long to get artillery on it and finish it despite the netting - atleast in theory.
  17. I agree fully with this, hence why I mentioned the other 2 clowns (although tucker probably drank his kool aid), but the base of either do not notice, nor do I think they would care. But lets not get too much into US politics, I think giving spotlight to these clowns is too much credibility. What should be the issue is why they are allowed on Fox News to talk to millions of americans.
  18. Some would point to the horseshoe theory here. I proclaim instead that both sides are too retarded to notice the discrepancies. Its the same in europe, neo-nazis and "antifa" tankie leftist in the same protest literally side by side for daddy Putin.
  19. I looked him up. He makes $1,419/month from 473 idiots on patreon to say outlandish things. Seems he found his bread earning by throwing away his morales to feed the Trump crowd, like Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson etc.
  20. Including other infantry, Urban firefights are over in like a turn or so and casulties very very high. I think that may need some adjusting.
  21. I've heard and read from several sources (that I totally forgot) that Russia is firing in line with the production rate, there are bound to be critical reserves in store but at least for now they are not touched.
  22. https://v.redd.it/f240jy9xbaha1 Has this been posted? 5 vehicles driving one after the other into the minefield, the results will (not) surprise you!
  23. Unicorn hunt successfull: BMP-Terminator terminated. Near Kreminna. According to a quick google search Russia owns ~ 10 of these in total, although Ive never seen more than 3 in Ukraine but they appear quite capable. Some losses from Vuhledar:
  24. Russians advanced about 20 body lengths today. Besides the sass, geolocated bodies do show no noticable gains outside of Bakhmut. Shaping operations for UA spring/summer offensive? New Oryx losses:
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