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Everything posted by Kraft

  1. I've read entirely too much about Scholz, a character I'd rather forget What are your predictions about Bakhmut front instead?
  2. Thats roughly 64k/year, he got out of death row for talking, despite being the reason for several US agents getting arrested and one executed.
  3. I cant speak for Scholz, but Putin will consider Nuclear annihilation, because the Leo2s arent accompanied by US Abram M1s in the same arms package(Sorry)
  4. Pretty sure that was actually the most common complaint about Merkel, that she just tries to sit situations out until they resolve themselves. She stopped that behavior during the initial wave of refugees and I think that was viewed positively, atleast outside of Germany.
  5. Since you put quotation marks around "the right thing", what is ""right"" to do in your opionion?
  6. Well I was basically done with paying attention about Scholz for today, since you replied I feel obliged to respond. This is exactly the opposite of what I was saying. I said to go *against* his electorate & party line would require a spine, if he believes that arming Ukraine is the right thing. He is either spineless, unable to do what he feels is right. Or he does not actually think that arming Ukraine is right, going with the flow of his party/electorate whatever, which doesnt make him brave as claimed, saying things about stopping Russia and helping Ukraine but then doing the opposite.
  7. Taken from TG, I couldnt find the actual source yet so take it with a spoon of salt.
  8. I'd argue it takes a spine to stand up against your electorate/rotten party to do what must be done. Unless he too thinks that way, then we are back at the intentional, malicious actions stopping support.
  9. What would you call his behavior? Do you think he truly belives M1s are the only way to deescalate Leo2 deliveries after challenger 2s are on the way? Or may it be that he is yet again making up another goal post to delay support at the expense of Ukrainian lifes? I think calling him an idiot is still a nice evaluation, because it assumes no malicious intent. Considering his party's obvious love for Putin, I'd call him something different. At this point he is doing more damage than Orban to the EU and Nato.
  10. Must not bash.. must not bash.. Clearly, Russia can only be convinced to *not* Nuke the collective West if the US sends a few Abrams as well. I guess. Early in the War I assumed Scholz was being pressured via Gas and Oil imports that could cause economic damage, but apperently there needs to be no rational reason for his behavior. Or he actually is Schroeder, but with a convincingly good face mask on.
  11. Not sure what to make of this "We are looking for a Hellfire missile gunner operator with over 500 flight hours. Send applications for this and other military specialties via @terbat_bot Send honor - horror to slaves!"
  12. There was also a long term member here @DMS who started discussion about Bucha and other mass graves all being fake because Russians do no such thing. In April, Im pretty sure that alone added 20 pages to this thread. Last active mid-July.
  13. There was a video of a UA POW in Russian hands about to be blinded with a knife, they released the afterwards picture to I guess document it. I know there are some here who like to cry large tears for conscripts killed by drones because the conscripts only kill because they have to (instead of surrendering), they are the ones who enable this scum to commit these things
  14. Out of curiosity can you please send me the source on the picture
  15. Its a small sample but ratio of wounded/dead is lower than expected. I guess leaving soldiers in the mud to die alone with drones above does not incease survival rates
  16. If we remove the first 2 weeks, Russia has been net losing ground since, while smashing up its most elite units, expend roughly half of its missile stockpiles, lose a hefty portion of its flyable and almost not replaceable airpower, lose a handful of ships as well reducing the black sea fleet to harbor AA, throw in specialists as meatshields to fill holes - surely its not efficient to lose a trained sailor or weapons expert in a trench. Why not use a conscript if you have one to spare? Lose more tanks than most Nato countries ever had, and being forced to do the politically unpopular thing of rounding up 300000 people to go die in Ukraine because the initial 190k+40k+Wagner didnt cut it to even achieve Luhansk and Donbas, all of this to somehow lose the ground gained during the initial surprise. Now they start warming up the public for a 2nd wave of tampon & SSh68 carrying sturmobiks that will soon make me question again if im watching all quiet on the western front but from a drone. All the while western sanctions continue to bite and political barriers for greater lend lease weapon systems are removed. And all of this spells doom for Ukraine somehow, I cannot follow. I am one of the more pessimistic people here when it comes to developments but claiming Russia is just tossing its trash as if it had infinite resources is wrong, which should be obvious as Putin clearly is afraid of mobilizing urban masses under 50, who should make up prime candidates to run over a field and die, not old men with a gut and some teeth missing.
  17. Sending scientists, 60something exVets, shipmates and anyone in the donbas who can hold a rifle into combat just screams manpower reserves. Maybe do a little thinking as well instead of just dismissing possible sources. How come Russias massive army has increased by more than 300000 troops yet they lost about 50% of their captured area in the meantime - surely its all the AFVs and tanks they have more in storage than Ukraine. While we are at it lets ignore Oryx open source tracking as well How about you do an event study on the 200th Brigade to get a grasp on Russian casulties before just claiming everything is wrong and backing it up with.. CIA bad?
  18. To add to the dead assault squad in UA MM-14 camo that was discovered yesterday, Wagner PMC now posing in UA combat fatigues. Note the yellow tape as well. I hope he gets captured so we can see the lawful ending to this.
  19. Im not talking about the economic impact and trade route implications of an RS-28 Sarmat. If the west is 'melting into a fat-filled plastic puddle' because of atomic weapons impacting we will have a world wide nuclear winter after the world wide atomic fallout. Both will kill off the vast majority of the worlds population, the climate nosedives and crop harvests fail around the globe for a decade or so. Heres the latest from wikipedia I personally have already stocked up on Merino Wool socks. Also keep in mind, it only takes about 100 global firestorms for the cooling effect to induce an Ice age (based on empirical data from Dresden and Hiroshima), Russia is really overkilling it with their 6000 nuclear warheads.
  20. Well, if it is that simple we should tell Putin we'll nuke him in 2 weeks, but gesture that we are willing to settle on him leaving Ukraine as a compromise. Has someone nuked Korea, or Vietnam? Are the Taliban a heap of ash because of the USSR or the US? Nukes arent a win button, unless you fall victim to nuclear blackmail (good luck trying to prevent future blackmail and conflict). Besides, what should he nuke first to aquire Ukraine? The Black Sea to test the water? Start immediately with London and Washington? Or choose the conservative option and nuke Zelensky? That will surely give him what he wants.. unless some world power already made some conventional promises about the fate of the Russian Armed forces should even a tactical nuke be deployed. It also somehow does not solve the issue of the UA military still standing in his way, or does he intend to nuke the frontlines as well? It would solve none of his issues but create a thousand more. And when push comes to shove, as you say, I have high hopes that random Russian officer #13 wants to live more than Putin does. Since you brought this up, nuclear Holocaust involves the whole world dying, so I somewhat assume it is not in Chinas & Indias best interest if the biggest and wealthiest markets seized to exist, not to mention the Ice Age that would wipe them out a little later. If you also include them profiting from the war in general, yeah they already do, but a recession in Europe hits China harder than if Russia, its xx-th most important trade partner buys more military boots. The oil/... profits for Russia will also be abysmal, as the new pipes will have massive costs and Russia has no leverage than to ship it and hope someone buys it at whatever price below market value to customers that originally didnt seem as attractive as the EU.
  21. Diplomacy is for civilised countries following international laws and conventions, not terrorist states. Putin himself has also said that he does not feel obliged to anything discussed with the west and will do what he wants. Thats not someone you have a discussion with. This "gun" to his head is his own, forged in 20 years of dictatorship and revisionism. Nobody in the west cared about Russia, the cold war was belived to be over. Well, it turns out Putins grande opus is not about improving his country but turning its sons into fertiliser so can look at his imperialist ambitions on a map and go thats mine now! What do you think will happen if he says, we won! The jewish nazi is no more, lets go home. Do you think the cattle that was actionless while being herded into the slaughter would rise up? Because he didnt kill every last one Ukrainian? They will care more about having McDonalds return to their ****ty village. He can return to being King of the **** hill. Who doesnt have an out is Ukraine and its not because the evil west is puppeteering it, its because Russians tend to leave mass graves and unburied bodies litering the streets. The West has collectively I think 60 times the economic power of Russia, Ukraine will fight to the last and what do the Russians have? Another unwinable Afghanistan at best, one that even by conservative estimates they already trippled in death count. Do you think Russia could ever rule this land?
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