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Everything posted by Kraft

  1. 3 rus special forces infiltrating into Sumy region spotted by a drone.
  2. I dont think there will be an 'okay we give up', before lack of support forces this decision as the war is not really sustainable without western aid. Will it happen - I dont know. Rise of far right anti-EU (often Putin funded) in Europe is very worrying and US elections I think will prove decisive as I believe Biden Admin is keeping support temporarily low to keep chances of winning higher. But then again I thought ATACMS would be the deciding factor for Taurus and I was wrong, so maybe I am biased in my judgement of political will .
  3. Claimed atleast, hopefully this time the claims are right, but I do hear his phone is just damaged
  4. I went through the PVVs election promises, under defense on page 36, they say in rosey terms no aid to Ukraine to stop islamic terror in the netherlands. And appearently because the country needs to defend itself too Add on top his Ukraine is divided and its all the EU/NATOs fault anyway from some years ago For me that is enough direct evidence.
  5. If you take Reuters word for it it would spare me going through his cesspool twitter Btw, I consider any anti-EU politician as harmful, as this weakens Europe as a whole and strenghens US (indifferent) and China, thereby Russia.
  6. The Dutch have made very sizeable contributions, this however seems to come to an end now with (another) anti-EU alt right wing populist getting elected in Europe. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-eu-election-dutch-wilders-idUSBREA3G1CS20140417/
  7. Yes look at Pyongyang and count the amount of times these poor starving farmers have risen up and disposed of the people responsible for their suffering.
  8. Before this nuke topic reheats for the gazillions time, it changes nothing about minefields, artillery and fpv drones. A tac nuke will kill a company or so of infantry and irradiate the sturmoviks riding into the minefield.. All the while crossing a red line that has promised NATO air strike retaliation written all over it. So please spare this pointless could russia win by nuking some atgm waste heap position discussion. As for gas, both sides have used it in several instances, not systematic because even when dropped into a dugout, it still only works somewhat well at flushing it out, incendiary works better and has 0 international baggage.
  9. Even with the increased budget, very weird
  10. I want to add that UA needs to maintain a 3(4) to 1 ratio just to keep force parity. A 1-1 ratio is only ever good if it leads to strategic payoffs, which it did not. Assuming ofc a constant, not declining.. supply of vehicles from the West. This is a big if too, because I dont see another hundred or so european tanks/.. coming next year, even if the will is there. This can only be really done by the US. Meanwhile Russia will continue to restore and produce with increasing numbers in 2024. Now before its brought up, these Russian losses will have paid off if Avdiivka falls. So its too early to judge that in my opinion. The initial push overcame the most defensible and difficult part, albeit at huge losses. But alas, new brigades will take the place of lost ones and the Infantry may well grind this out in favor of the invaders.
  11. Why is it so difficult to fix the demand for basic vehicles, not even armored ones. Often I see donation posts for a simple jeep or van (that offers 0 protection for the medics/.. inside) having to be funded by generous donators. As far as I know most European car manufacturers have declining orders, should not be impossible to get a large quantity contract for a simple offroad vehicle.
  12. Automatic translation is okay. No new crazy new insights but a cool tank
  13. About 105.000 trained UA soldiers in the west this year. https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-russia-war-france-military-f70fb490a8e4fd5ea472e3d81de7a176
  14. Russian special forces killed two locals who were unlucky to come across them in a forest near Sumy. And atleast five soldiers were ambushed there in recent days as well.
  15. I dont see any indications of a breakthrough/retreat in Ru TGs. I would ask where these platoon+ units could break through to, at maximum footpace speed under air bombardmend. Mashovets noted yesterday the Russians have not commited the majority of their reserves in this region
  16. Russian Mech and mass infantry assault goes very poorly thanks to AGL fire and a Russian driver who rather wanted to be someplace else, regardless of who's below the tracks alas karma made his fate worse. According to some there is also a very rare BMP-1AM (2018) involved, and some MT-LB troop carrier open top variant. https://t.me/in_factum/19539
  17. Should be kept in mind that things like Excalibur rounds are easily thrown off by gps jamming and can hardly be used in certain areas right now.
  18. Not sure if this has been posted already.
  19. ..... Lol I guess this is living proof russian sewer level propaganda works?
  20. Of mine rolling vehicles? I am not saying a suicide tank rush. The idea is if enough of these breaches appear at the same time, supporting systems will be overloaded, maybe stop 70-80%, the rest could have a fighting chance. But I dont think in all of Nato there exist this many specialized vehicles, even if they all were available. So, since they cant be breached or moved around realistically, only option I see is moving this war into russia proper, but I am sure Scholz and many others would have a heart attack
  21. There will need to be a cheap and feasable mass solution to clearing kilometers of minefields at driving pace, because by next year every inch will be mined and there is nothing anyone can do about it now. Only option then left would be to screw Western guidelines and drive into the less fortified russian countryside. Instead of 6 Leopards with rollers there need to be 100 vehicles like this across the offensive line simultaneously, then I am fairly certain breakthroughs can be achieved - but I know that is a complete pipedream. There will probably not even be enough to replace this autumns losses.
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