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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Now, that it what I call a two-pointer. It's great seeing pictures I've not seen before.
  2. Nice try. but it doesn't belong to either 2nd British or 1st Canadian Army. It would have scored you two points in our previous competition as mules can get a bit wild from time to time.
  3. I think the "special relationship" ended in September '45. But, I think that that is outside of the remit of a war gaming forum. I'm off for a pint with my old mucker Clem.
  4. @DerKommissar Although you haven't quite gotten the hang of the rules, you are actually meant to name the vehicles. You gave us the locations, and you made an effort to find some interesting pictures, so you get the full four points. Well done.
  5. No. 7. - A Ford in a ditch in Beveland. Note the lopsided Allied star. ...
  6. Damn! I thought it was a long shot given the fact that he died 8 years ago. I only saw three of the World Cup squad play (Stiles, Cohen, and Charlton). Ho hum.
  7. @Falaise You are a great modder, for which I thank you. But I haven't the faintest idea what any of your posts in this thread have been about. You still have two days to boost your ranking.
  8. The advantage of having been dead for about 400 years, is that you have nothing else to do all day other than look for typos. In the meantime would I be right in thinking that your name is a reference to John Connelly, the only "John" in the England World Cup squad in '66?
  9. Swearing at the screen is something I do far too often. When playing as the Germans my expletive of choice is "Unter den Bloody Linden".
  10. The building shown on page 1, which was posted by Lt. Bull back in 2015 only came into the game with the MG module. So we must be talking about different buildings. Perhaps you could post some screenshots of the ones that are giving you trouble in Normandy.
  11. I hate deducting points, especially when I do it to myself. But rules are rules. Whenever I see Combat's name the words "John Inman" spring to mind. The curse of being someone who enjoys word play.
  12. Unfortunately this isn't a case of doors being barricaded. It is just a design glitch. That is why it doesn't show up in Battle for Normandy until the Market-Garden module.
  13. John Martin's Guinness Gold Cup - Current Standings Warts 'n' all - 7 Points Vacillator - 0 Points (Five Points scored for vehicles and locations. Minus 5 for video) Wicky - 0 Points John Inman - 0 Points Falaise - Minus 5 Points
  14. @user1000 The building types being discussed including the one shown in a previous post, but also effecting some of the other buildings introduced with Market - Garden was ported over to Final Blitzkrieg for some strange reason only known to BFC. It had been discussed often enough for them to have done something about it but they chose not to. The only way to avoid having your troops shot up is to run some tests and make a note of which buildings have the door bug. If the buildings are standing alone, then your troops will enter by the side wall nearest the door. If the building is in a row of other buildings, then your troops will go all the way around the block to enter via the back door. The fact that this problem has been shown and commented on in yt videos in the past does make the mine boggle somewhat. Ho hum.
  15. Another two points. well done. A picture I've never seen before is always welcome.
  16. "Another two pints for you Noddle Head" says Elizabeth. "I know points mean prizes, and the only prize you want is more of my ale". "Thank you my dear."
  17. No. 5. - A Belgian Brigade Bedford near Bruxelles/Brussel/Brussels (delete as applicable) ...
  18. Having checked the website where "Citroen" was found. If I had scrolled down I would have seen that someone else had corrected the OP and pointed out that it is in fact a Simca 5 which was based on the Fiat Topolino. Falaise there is no cheating going on. I even docked myself points in my previous competition. And the rules are not "opaque", Mornington Crescent doesn't have any rules. It is made up as the chairman and the players go along. John Matrin's Guinness Gold Cup - Current standings Wart's 'n' all - 5 Points Vacillator - 3 Points (Post No. 2 only gets you one as you didn't name the vehicle) Wicky - 0 Points Falaise - Minus 5 Points (For use of the "c" - word).
  19. The first mission is a toughy. There are a couple of different AI set-ups and that can make a difference. If you're lucky your arty will take out a lot of Germans.
  20. No. 4. - A dead Warts, oops knocked out Cromwell in Villers-Bocage. ...
  21. John Martin's Guinness Gold Cup - Current standings Warts 'n' all - 6 Points (despite trying to get two extra points in post No.3) Vacillator - 2 Points Wicky - 0 Points
  22. Technically the rules state that all vehicles must belong to either 2nd British or 1st Canadian Army. But, given the fact that this has only recently changed hands it will be allowed. A fun caption always helps too.
  23. No.3. - Wolverine, Jeep and Churchill AVRE on Sword Beach. ....
  24. I think that they both got cancelled due to the going being too soft.
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