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Everything posted by ChappyCanuck

  1. Thank you sir! But the day I cancel a hot date for a computer game is the day when you can pull the plug on my life support system
  2. I agree with you as well, mj. The whole point of a campaign is to preserve as much of your force as possible while depleting the enemy...I vote your way as well
  3. I recently upgraded to OS X Yosemite and works like a charm. Thanks again to the developers for a handy tool
  4. Last summer in Dublin, I had a craft beer called "Smokey Bacon" Odd but not bad!
  5. Since two of our Allied Officers are Canadian (on loan to the Irish Guards) I have attached one of our national mottos:
  6. I can't figure it out either. And it isn't just that battle. My friend and I have been playing all of the CW battles over the last 8 months and time and again this is an issue. I hope this is investigated by the BF team
  7. I have tried dozens of times to try and target the carriers (with all of the target options) to no avail. Long range, medium and short. HMGs should be shredding those little carriers. They will not engage whatsoever. My friend Stonecutter is experiencing the same behaviour. For example, during "Breaking the Panzers" battle, he rolled up to two of my HMGs in bren carriers. My HMGs saw him coming from a long way out and they were not suppressed at all. They watched and watched and then died. Frustrating!
  8. buahahahaha...did your Dad tell you that one? Oh I remember those issues..so long ago
  9. ChappyCanuck (Mark) reporting in...marking my maps and awaiting orders
  10. Hey Ian...no I do not, presently. But just pick any CW battle that has Bren/Universal carriers and German HMGs....good luck getting any results. I have had to "trick" my HMG gunners by firing area fire in front of those carriers , hoping for some stray rounds to hit them, in order for anything to happen. My friend has gotten mixed results when he has tried HMG "light" fire against them.
  11. I wasn't offered a choice when I selected "download". Thanks for that version!
  12. Hey guys. I have a Mac here (Snow Leopard) and I cannot get H2HH to run at all. The zip file was downloaded successfully. When I unzip, I get the file folder with nothing for me to use: no .dmg file, etc. Supposedly this runs on Macs. Please help. Thanks
  13. My friend and I have noticed an irritating phenomena over the last few months: German HMGs will not engage Bren/Universal carriers or their passengers. Inherent LMGs within German sections WILL engage these vehicles. Does anyone know what is going on with this?
  14. Hey Stonne! Wasn't that an ASL campaign? I never played it but it was on my list way back when I played ASL
  15. Sometimes I have had problems with tanks firing through bocage, but with Churchills it is even worse. I just assumed it was because of the short barrel on the Churchill that caused this. During one battle I kept positioning and re-positioning my Churchills against the bocage....reverse, move forward: no LOF...reverse, move forward: no LOF. Eventually I just stopped trying. Anyone else notice this with Churchills?
  16. Does anyone know if there is going to be any early war modules? France 1940? North Africa? Crete? Barbarossa?
  17. My snipers rarely hit anything....they just provide observation and a mild annoyance to enemy forces....."blam, ting!" miss...."blam, ting!" miss repeat as necessary
  18. OK check out these pics...all four of them here now http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/ChappyCanuck/library/Tiger
  19. I didn't know that, thanks. Can anyone point out some common pic sites as recommended?
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