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Everything posted by ChappyCanuck

  1. OK so I can only upload one pic of 4....I have exceeded the upload limit...damn
  2. Amazing. Shocking. Scary. I was playing the Brits in the "Flowers" CW battle. Then two Tigers ambushed me. I was volley firing at one with 5 Churchills (75mm) and one 95mm HEAT Churchill. Glancing blows, penetration, nothing would stop it. It just...kept...coming. 6 of my Churchills were slain before I finally laid it to rest. Here are pics of the Tiger from all sides. Note the tiny penetration holes on the left hand side: they are 95mm HEAT wounds. Man..... Pic 1 of 4
  3. Fenris, I could not agree with you more. To me, the old operations (CM x 1) were the absolute best thing in CM. Without doubt. And when I purchased CMBN a few years back, I was extremely surprised and majorly disappointed that they were/are not with us any longer
  4. Interesting! I have played two of these campaigns in the past (both CM x 1) where there was a "Dungeon Master" who created and maintained the operation. There was a chain of command of many players on each side...the overall commander of each side plotted the operational movement of units. When units collided, a battle was created and the unit commanders would then play out the battles. Casualties and supplies were recorded. Great fun. I miss that. Could you tell me, Kohlenklau, about this group of yours?
  5. Operations in CM X 1 rocked. I remember one that a friend of mine and I played - took a year and a half to finish. It was a member-created campaign representing the 12th SS and 21st Panzer counterattack against the Canadians in Normandy...D-Day + 1. Wicked campaign. Loved it. Miss it.
  6. it's looking exciting! My good ol' Canadians are getting ready for battle
  7. Wow thanks Jon. I was aware of the issue you mention in your last paragraph after reading your manual last week. I guess I just expected the soldiers to move as they would in "hunt" or "normal" move within the regular orders format in the game. And when I didn't see that, I figured I did something wrong Since I have your attention, I know how to rename the unit leaders within the units section of the scenario editor, but I do not know how to change the unit name (ie creating "Royal Canadian Regiment", for example) Thanks!
  8. Jon, I have a question concerning plans. I just designed my first battle (tiny) and I noticed something unusual. When I created the plans, I had infantry elements moving "normal" and "cautious", yet when I playtested it, the infantry always start off running. And they never slow down until contact. This happened with both the axis and allied sides. I did not have them "dash" or "quick" at all, just normal, assault and max assault. Do you know what I may have done wrong? Thanks
  9. Well done womble! My testing wasn't as thorough
  10. John: your battle has only the one crossing, so I could see where making the destruction of the bridge "illegal". If I was the battle designer, I would just mention that in the notes/briefing. I will add that to take down a bridge (depending on the type of course) requires a lot of high explosive ammo, and the larger the calibre the better. Good luck taking those ground objectives
  11. The guns were almost perpendicular to the bridge and slightly higher than the bridge itself
  12. Hey John: A. there is nothing in the briefing that informs any side not to blow a bridge B. It is not the only bridge across the river, and there is a route around the obstacle as well...a long one but so be it C. Sporting? War?
  13. There was a clear sight to all sections of the bridge, so not an LOS issue. I am at a loss
  14. Ah yes the low bocage - one of my biggest gripes. How many times have I mistaken it for hedges and had my soldiers slaughtered when instead they had to move around it? The other problem I have with low bocage is spotting the gaps. I find locating the gaps in high bocage to be easy, but with low bocage I have been mistaken many times.
  15. I was recently playing a scenario where I had two 150mm onboard guns. I targeted a bridge I wanted to take down....but the guns would not engage it. I waited 6 minutes with the same targeting order to no avail. So I ran a test and again the guns would not engage the bridge. So instead I fooled the buggers. For each gun, I targeted the ground at both ends of the bridge, hoping the large blast effect would do something. And it did. The stone/concrete bridge was eventually brought down. I find this to be very unusual that you cannot direct target a bridge, but thought I would send this tip out to my fellow brothers in arms.
  16. First of all, many thanks to the plethora of responses and solutions for this map thing. I managed to work a crude solution - tactical map only. I took an overhead screenshot of the map and then inserted it into a powerpoint "presentation". I own a Mac but I was able to download the free trial for Mac powerpoint. Next I created all the text, arrows, etc in powerpoint, then saved it as a .bmp file. Strangely enough, when I loaded it up in the scenario, the map is a mirror image, so I had to go back into powerpoint and flip horizontally. It is also a little difficult to get the map sized correctly in powerpoint - it took me a few tries to get the right size I needed in CMBN. I can now carry on with the briefing, which is easy because it is plain text. Whew. I was really giving up on scenario design, but this solution has given me the motivation to carry on. Thanks again everyone.
  17. Rocketman: good idea. I have used powerpoint extensively. My problem now is getting a version of it for OS X 10.8.5. Nothing is easy eh?
  18. Thanks Pak40. I downloaded those templates yesterday and spent fruitless hours trying to play with them in GIMP. You can probably note my frustration. I am currently using the screenshot method on my Mac (rocketman: I have a Mac and cannot use FRAPS but am using the Mac screenshot ability nonetheless). The problem is trying to label the map and use arrows/symbols, etc to make it interesting rather than just a plain screenshot of a map. It is opened in GIMP now and I am really giving it a good shot...I know what I want to do but actually doing it is the key. More experimentation.
  19. Thanks JonS, but it is not in my "wiring" to impose on others. It's too bad that there isn't something simple in the editor itself that could provide us budding scenario designers with a workable template for the briefings. It is the only obstacle to producing scenarios.
  20. Well folks, I hit a huge wall. After watching hours of you tube videos and referencing the scenario design manuals, I became comfortable with the scenario editor and designed a tiny battle! I had lots of fun making this happen. However, the snag came with the graphics for the briefing. I cannot use photoshop programs and so the briefing is without maps, orders, etc....basically unfinished. I tried using GIMP for several hours without success and so I retire my very brief career as a designer. Back to being a gamer...cheers and thanks for the help everyone.
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