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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. SBU strike drones group "White wolfs", equipped with R18 bombers, for five days destroyed and damaged next 22 targets - 14 tanks, 4 BMP, 1 mine-cleaning vehcile, 2 blindages, 1 ammo dump
  2. Other two tough videos with drone bombing Drone of 30th mech.brigade chases Russians, drops FRAG grenade and forces them to hide in blindage. Russian thought, the drone is empty but this was fatal mistake - it kept thermobaric grenade for this... 10th mountain-assault brigade makes carnage with probably some large drone, loaded with large number of grenades
  3. Soldiers of 2nd company of 2nd assault battlion of 3rd assault brigade "Azov" after action. He told they assaulted Russian VDV and they are relly suckers - nobody didn't leave own blindages and they just were thrown by thermobaric grenades. Only one at the end tried to shot back, but also was killed with two grenades. UKR soldiers seized Russian small arms - they carry AK-15 rifle and some optic device on tripod, also soldier says other guys from their group carry Russian MG and SVD. In previos video about assault actions from 3rd "Azov" brigade they also said that Russian VDV unlike Wagners didn't attack like zombie - they more trained, use more tactical schemes, they have better fire supoprt between their pairs and triples, but they have fear of death (unlike Wagners under "magic potion") and often can't stand during intensive contact
  4. General Staff stepped back with own information about Russian withdrawing from Nova Kakhovka. They told "informatin was issued due to incorrect interpretation of available information" Also in TG this info has appeared, which can to clarify what really could take place Nova Kakhovka. This is about forward [probably means "frontline, army"] units. In Nova Kahovka to this time remian LDNR troops, collaborationists and some ot Russians [maybe Rosgvardiya], but forward units indeed had been withdrawn
  5. The screen from Russian TG for 23rd of March 2022 Today's video from Maryinka. The town doesn't captured yet. Our troops push from east and advance in the town. On the video they say strightly, that several days more need to mop-up Maryinka completely. Since year DPR/Russians could seize about half of almost completely ruined town.
  6. Looks like Russian offensive on Avdiivka by level of disastreous losses can ovecome Vuhledar I will not post all these Russian milbloggers TG screens, just some takes: - about 40 minutes 5 UKR tanks were calmly disassembling RUS positions from 800 m and almost didn't change positions. No Mavics lefts with dropping systems to hit them. Artillery is unable to hit even stationary target. ATGM crews on positions pissed off to leave blindages and stand to launchers under tanks fire 20th of March 22nd of March ....I had very hard moment in my conversation - 1st Slaviansk brigade (DPR), which is working now on Avdiivka direction. Losses. Heavy fights. Heaviest. They assault without artillery support. There are many controversal and even unlawful acts against their own [means that DPR commanders keep remains of "domestic" DPR veterans and sent to one-way assaults Russian mobiks under threaten of punishment] ... Tragical news - large losses in 1st Slaviansk brigade. Alas, I have no rights to say anymore. 23rd of March Avdiika area, DPR Sitauation on direction - "pizdyets" /rus. filthy lang. means "total ****...g sh...t and complete fail" /if somebody else thinks, that we have learned something in a year/
  7. Hm... Somehing strange. General Staff claimed Russian troops abandoned Nova Kakhovka. Some Russian milbloggers posted some unclear messages like this 9/11/2022 Kherson, Russia. Surrendered. Evening... 23/03/2023 Novaya Kakhovka, Kherson oblast, Russia That's all. By good will But locals didn't confirm this information. Strange PsyOps...
  8. After 2:47 have to be a "cutting scene" - Wagner fighter, being wounded in blindage, shot himself with AK. I can't find fragment of this video now.
  9. Already a history. Day 1. Lutsk airfield - MiG-29 of 204th Tactical aviation brigade are taking off for several hours before missile strike. 204th brigade recently was deployed on Belbek airfield in Crimea. This was mostly paper unit. Pilots had very low quantity of flight hours, from 52 MiG-29 and 4 L-39M1 planes only 13 could fly and only 4 MiG-29 and one L-39M1 were combat ready. Russians in 2014 captured airbase without resistance. Most of personnel betrayed Ukraine (62 %) and many of them signed contracts with Russian AF. Only 240 of land personnel and 11 from 21 pilots moved to Ukraine on Kulbakyne airfild near Mykolaiv. Russia later turned back most of jets, but before this removed some systems and damaged wires. More capable and upgraded aircraft Russia didn't return. Only since 2017 brigade had been returning own capabuilities, when their jets were gardually repairing. Since 2018 brigade was deployed on reparied Lutsk airfield. Before the war brigade had 15 MiG-29, 2 MiG-29MU1, 4 MiG-29UB, 2 L-39M1 Lutsk airfield after two heavy strikes on 24th of Feb and 11th of March 2022 was completely taken out.
  10. During visit of President to Bakhmut, Russians intensively assaulted in Ivanivske area on south and tried to breakthrough to Khromove on the north. There were heavy clashes, but attacks were repelled. As caimed soldiers of 93rd mech.brigade Zelenskiy was near destroyed MiG-17 monument area - in 500 m from this place already lays "zero line"
  11. Alas, all three waterdrones and one UAV were destroyed. Close explosion just knocked out windows in some administrative building close to the shore.
  12. Today's Russian strike on Zaporizhzhia. Residential house was hit with "Tornado-S" rocket (more precise upgrade of "Smerch"). Probably Russians targeted trade complex nearby (in foreground of video), but missed. Result of strike - one civilian was killed, 34 wounded (29 of them hospitalized) Also this night several Shakheds hit two dormitories and building of technical college in Rzhyshchiv town, 60 km SE from Kyiv. Reason of attack is unknown, probably some pro-Russian informator told Russins there were UKR soldiers, but this currently isn't confirmed even on RUMINT level. In result of strike 8 people were killed, at least four still under ruines, 20 were wounded. Total this night 16 Shakheds attacked Ukraine, 11 were shot down. Several of them in vicinity of Kyiv. Moment of strike in Rzhyshchiv
  13. Press service of UKR Air Forces refuted this information. It was said, France conducted trainings for air controllers and survival training for some pilots, but there no flight trainings on Mirages.
  14. Kostiantynivka town SW from Bakhmut, which is shelled alsmot each day
  15. It's enough rare thing, but here is example of using green and yellow+green tapes simultainously by two different units. This is from Bakhmut - two UKR groups met, they clarify situation and "green" group offers covering fire for "yellow" group if they assault in their sector
  16. Official news from official military sources during the war in any country is enough... official %) General Staff recognized lossing of Soledar since two weeks as it happened. And according to GS info we already downed half or Russian combat aviation %) So, I just take a note of their reports, but more eloquently about situation speak changes on DeepState map
  17. @sburke 3rd rank captain (=major, retired) Dmitriy Akimov, former chief of chemical and nuclear safety on K-244 and other nuclear submarines of Northern Fleet. Retired in 2005. Was mobilized in October. Was killed in Luhansk oblast in March 2023
  18. Guys form Bakhmut write about completely other things - Russians in contray after some reducing of intensivity of assaults, in past day sharply increased number of assaults - as if they have thrown all available reserves to breakthrough defense. The dynamic of number of attacks for March (for all frontline), according to General Staff info
  19. Commander used Motorola DP4400 or 4800. It has 5-7 km of range. This is most used radio in UKR army.
  20. https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-03-21-23/h_8445bd0ba3eae29072aae8a5f9979bf0 The US has changed course and is now providing Ukraine with 31 M1-A1 Abrams tanks instead of the newer M1-A2 variants previously planned, Pentagon spokesperson Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder said Tuesday. “[A]fter further study and analysis on how best to do this, DoD in close coordination with Ukraine has made the decision to provide the M1-A1 variant of the Abrams tank, which will enable us to submit significantly expedite delivery timelines and deliver this important capability to Ukraine by the fall of this year,” Ryder said at a press conference. He added that the US would also be providing Ukraine with “advances armor and weapons systems” that are “very similar capability” to the M1-A2, including a .50-caliber heavy machine gun and 120 mm cannon.
  21. Looks like yesterday strike on Dzhankoy was conducted with Mugin-5 (or similar type) long-range drones. Probably several of them didn't carry HE and were false targets for AD. One of such UAV was intercepted over the town Acoording to posts of local citizens very doubtful that cargo of "Kalibr-NK" missiles was destroyed as calined GUR, but indeed theer were impacts in railway station area, were military echelone with vehicles stood in that time. Local publics claim that railway depo, power infrastructure were damaged, also some small fuels dtorage was hit, but there are no photos - police and military closed acces even to approaches to railway stattion. Probably something was destroyed of military vehciles, so they are removing it now. Also no info about probable dameges on airfield, because there were several explosions in that side. Russian propaganda instead emphasizes as if Ukaraine attacked civilian targets. During low-altitude interceptions explosions of Pantsyr's missiles and debrises of shot down drones and missile fragments damaged several buildings in Dzhankot and outskirts, including building of technical college. Drones carried "trollface" pictures )
  22. Soldiers of new-formed 82nd air-assault brigade shoot from Stryker. In comments somebody told brigade completed own tarining and soon will arrive to Ukraine
  23. "Harmata" in Ukrainian means "cannon" common name for all barrel artillery assets. In more narrow sense it means exactly "gun", not "howitzer" (ukr. "haubytsia") But in this case "harmata!" is a command, which gives after charging of gun before the shoot. After this command a crew have to stand on own positions and to be ready to repeat charging routine after the shoot. In Russian the same command sounds like "orudiye!" When after "harmata!" command a crew had been prepared for shoot, a commander gives "vohon' !" ("fire!") command Often before salvo shoot, especially on camera, for bigger "immersion effect" ), commander instead "vohon' !", commands "Trysta! Trydtsiat' !! Try!!!" ("300! 30!! 3 !!!"). This is Soviet code command for arty fire, some sort of "ready-steady-fire"
  24. Small clarification of this news. N.Macedonia claimed about these four Su-25 as far as in summer, but only now they were delivered to Ukriane. Its former Ukrianian Su-25, which we handed over to Macedonia, when they fought with Albanian separatist. Since that time these planes weren't in use and had poor maintenance. As result they were recognized as uncapable for flights and will be sourse of spare parts.
  25. UKR artillery has struck repairing base in Pokrovka village (Kinburn spit). UAV targeting of 15th artillery recon brigade
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