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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. This were just talks about nothing several months ago. No such contract. All T-72, which now received UKR forces are just repaired after long time storing T-72AV, T-72B and taken from Africa's contract Ukrainian-upgraded T-72AU1. In whole since winter to this time no more 50 T-72 transfered to armed forces and National Guard. I think some of these tanks of course will be in module as on UKR as on UNCONs side (if UNCONs will be issued together with airborne/narines).
  2. These losses were caused by heavy artillery strike on positions possibly during Russian offensive on Novosvitlivka and Khriashchuvate at the end of August (many craters and completely destroyed tank hulls) - in the same way were destroyed many UKR armor on positions in that settlements.
  3. This is fight near Novoannivka village south-east from Luhansk. Mid or end of August 2014. Two BTR-80 were destroyed by BM "Bulat", which survived several hits of RPG-7 and RPG-26. One BTR was abandoned and took by UKR troops. No this episode on this video, but known photo with it. LNR APCs have sign of Russian 23th motor-rifle infantry brigade (rectangle with three dots) painted above with LNR markings.
  4. MikeyD In current war both UKR and Russian-backed troops widely use Soviet type "claymors" MON-50 and MON-100 (see in wiki if interest). Also very often use booby traps with hand grenades. Their usage so wide, that often way through bushes or tree plants, forests, abandoned buildings etc. in frontline zone and close rear very dangerous for infantry and civilians.
  5. Main reason why T-80BV gave to airmobile units its hight speed of this tanks, which much more then T-64 and T-72. Paratrooper units must be high-mobile on marches and during raids, so according this was decided to give a tank company of T-80BV for each brigade.
  6. It's hard to say can Svinets-2 defeat Duplet ERA in real life or not. There is no this ammunition in Russian service, just experimental party for examinations, so no real information how this thing will work. "Duplet" blocks have to work as shaped charges knives which deviate the rod and cut it. This ERA was shelled with Leclerc gun from 100 m with OFL120F1 ammo and just 20 mm dent in armor plate beyond ERA remained after hit. When I tested Duplet ERA before last patch issue I reported about some troubles and after patch issue in most cases Duplet successfully resisted to Russian APFSDS, but test shots were from 2000 m
  7. This is probably bug. AT-4C can be equipped with IR sight 1PN65 optionally, but in this case ATGM have to be such look (big box on top). It maintain detecting of "tank" type target from 3600 m and recognizing form 2200 m. ... Or with IR sight 1PN86 with such look ("tank" target recognizing form 2500 m): If no, and AT-4C look like this: ... so, only usual day optical sight 9Sh119 mounted with next parameters: wide viewing field on distances up to 500 m, narrow viewing field in 5 degrees on ranges 500-3000 m. Maximum zoom is 10x. During current war I didn't seen wide using of IR AT-4C sights of both sides, though were some reports about night ATGM launches.
  8. Of course. Their battalion-tactical group was moved to Ukrainain border since winter. Reportedly some crews "in vacation" took part in the war as "DNR/LNR servicemen", but their T-80 weren't in combat (though known one bad quality video, where the tank similar to T-80 drive on road within some Donbasian town)
  9. Ukraine form the end of past year is forming several new motorized infantry brigades. This is classical light infantry, unlike "elite" airmobole units. They mostly aimed for defensive operations, holding of chekpoints, convoy and guard operation in close rear area. They haven't APC/IFV in every squad just platoon/company of its per battalion and possibly tank company. These units will release mech.brigades for offensive operations if this will be need. In summer 2014 we have lack of mech. infantry capable to offense with big forces - this caused to dispersing of battalion tactical groups in different directions. Close tasks have National Guard - almost the same light infantry, but unlike past summer campaign now their units mostly operate in mid rear and rarely on frontline. But some National Guard units have enough potential for flexible tactic - they also can provide raid operations and even local offensive. And of course airmobile and airborne troops - they are "universal soldiers". Tough in defense ("Bravo height", Luhansk and Donetsk airports), surprise in raids (famous 470 km raid of 95th airmobile brigade battalion), rash in offensives (25th airborne attack on Zhdanivka and Vuhlehirsk)
  10. Old weapons origin - huge small arms storages in former salt mines near Artemivsk, where you can find various rifles, pistoles, MG from WWI to WWII . Despite these mines were strongly guarded, separatists in the Spring of 2014 could sneak into some adits, where was stored WWII and post WWII weapon. In such way they received several hundreds WWII rifles, SMG, LMG and AT-rifles. Also they grubbed some museums of WWII. WWII weapon also was in use in some UKR volunteer units. Initially, for example, "Donbas" has DP-27 which can shot only with single fire. VUC of Right sectror, which most of own weapon took in battles hitherto uses Maxim MG. "Azov" regiment despite its now have modern weapon including artillery and tanks also uses some PTRD AT-rifles.
  11. Variant of first version T-84 "Oplot" (not yet "Oplot-M" ) for Turkish tender. First version of this tank (2000 year) named T-84 "Oplot", after modernization in 2007 it became T-84M "Oplot-M". Since 2009-10 when UKR military removed soviet tank index "T" from the names, tank received name BM "Oplot" (BM - boyova mashyna, eng. combat vehicle)
  12. "Nozh-2" is a previous name of "Duplet". APS like and ERA blocks can be mounted if this will be claim a situation.
  13. I said about "holes" only in front projection as you can see on pictures. Unlike T-72B3 BM Bulat has two ERA blocks close aside a gun. Zone in lower part of turret is vulnerable in most of tanks. About this uncovered placements on turret side 1. T-64B1M (T-64 upgrade for Congo, now in "Azov" regiment survived after AT-4C hit. Two "Nozh" blocks initiated, no penetration) 2. BM Bulat (fought near Lohvynove with three T-72 mod. 1989, catch T-HEAT from front direction in side ERA block. Residual penetration, two ERA blocks initiated, light damages) So I think this unfilled with ERA HE sections don't play significant role - ammunition anyway with big probability cause initiating of nearby HE or even two adjacent ERA blocks). I can ask Tarasenko about this %)
  14. Bydax I think no. Otavaga 2004 is a great resource, but since war began they are completely biased. Their "experts" wrote, that one initiated "Nozh" ERA block is initiating other and this caused to destroying not only enemy shell, but the tank itself. They posted photos of completely destroyed Bulats w/o ERA blocks as "proof", but in real all this tanks were destroyed after howitzers/MLRS indirect fire. I can mistake, but no one Bulat will not lost after AT ammunition hit in frontal projection. Several pictures of weak zones: Bulat/ Leo T-72B3 T-90AM / BM Oplot
  15. Kieme(ITA) Look at this link - there many photos of light version of Zaslon APS - Zaslon-L for light armor. I guess its were demonstrated for Polish MoD representatives in 2013: http://bm-oplot.livejournal.com/8189.html
  16. Muzzle velocity of T-HEAT ammunition 3VK-14 and 3VK-18, usual for UKR tanks are 905 m/s and 915 m/s
  17. Kieme(ITA) No, APS "Zaslon" and its light variants for light armor exists in real, but in present time don't purchase by state. These systems are very expensive and we have many other critical needs. Most of our tanks in this war were destroyed during heavy artillery and MLRS fire on stationery positions or lost on mines and field charges. Also enemy uses mostly old soviet AT weapon - PG-7VL, PG-9, AT-4C against which mostly successfully work even old "Kontakt-1" ERA. Poland exhibited big Interest to Microtec APS systems, so I think you rather will see these APSs on Polish armor than on Ukrainian.
  18. No separate EFP modelling, but on 2:37 (Nozh) and 4:38 (Duplet) you can see text in Russian - "Reducing of AP capability of guided AT-missiles and EFP-type ammunitions". I think, principle the same - formed EFP "drop" is dispersing by initiated "knives".
  19. Yes, "Microtec" designers claim protection against EFP ammunition (not only upper semi sphere). This explained by different design of ERA blocks. As I seen plain-parallel type of ERA (Kontakt and Relict family) initiates when hitting ammunition create enough stream of container fragments. "Canon ball" make too weak stream to initiate it, but do enough influence to initiate C-form charges in "Microtec" devices. Look at presentation 3D-graphic, which allow to understand principles of "Microtec" ERA work
  20. Ukrainian tanks have: Kontakt-1 (T-64BV)- first generation USSR ERA. Useless against tandem ammunition (though in the game a bug, when K-1 defeated Metis-M is present), useless against kinetic ammunition. Maximum effectiveness when hit under sharp angles up to 40 deg. If hitting is near 80-90 deg or in the edge can will not initiate. Nozh (BM Bulat) - Ukrainian development of 2000-2002 year. Unlike Soviet and Russian ERA plaine-type systems, which have big dependence of anngle of hitting, this ERA consists of several C-form shaped charges, packed in container. When ammunition hit container charges initiates consecutively and "cutting" (Nozh-> eng.Knife) plasma stream or rod. "Nozh" almost not depends from hitting angle, but has some reducing of effectiveness in edge zones. Duplet (BM Oplot) - newest development, which allow completely defend tank against heavy tandem warheads and firmly defend against EFP and KE ammunition of 1990-2005 years of development. Russia: Kontakt-5 (T-72B3, T-90A) - improved version of Kontakt-1, but still use plain design. Increased protection, reduced dependence from angle of hitting. Protection against KE also appeared, but reportedly its will not initiate with western APFSDS, designed after 2000th. Placement of this ERA blocks on glacis and turret of these tanks is very poor - about 40-50 % of front projection have zones, which don't covered by ERA blocks. Relict (T-90AM). Initially developed as light ERA for light armor vehicles. Front Relict blocks can protect tank from tandem ammunition and soviet APFSDS shells. Side ERA blocks reportedly can protect only from new RPG-7 tandem ammunition, but vulnerable to tandem ATGM. Also can't protect against EFP. On this graphic you can see protection level for all ERA types. It was made by Ukrainain ERA designer "Microtec company" for advertising purposes. Given for Soviet/Russian ammunition of the end of 90th. Reportedly Duplet was shelled in UAE from Leclerc gun with OFL120F1 and this APFSDS was defeated completely - even no armor slack. Also in other country it was shelled by Kornet-E and show 90 % reducing of penetration.
  21. There is a line in the article: On Sunday it’s one of the main holidays in Donetsk: Miner’s day. Miner's day is celebrating on 30th August. Thus, if author was in DNR during 22 days and also meant cease fire (since 5th September) and further work as military correspondent, he have to arrive in Donbas not early than in mid of August.
  22. DreDay Yes, not wipe out, but after Biednov assasination rest of group was blocked in own biletting and after short skirmish, where one fighter of "Batman" was killed by sniper, they surrendered and was disarmed and disbanded. So in that sense unit terminated own existence. Of course, write in PM if you interest this theme
  23. DreDay Damn ! I confused "Rusich" with so-called fast reaction group "Batman". You know, Azov and Volunteer Ukrainian Corps of Right Sector both very demonized by Russian media and western liberal journalists. Now most of fighters in these units are guys, who are not a member of any right party or movement. In these units go volunteers, who are ready to fight or want to learn how to fight by modern methods unlike in regular army training centers, where just some time ago began to implement experience of warfare in Donbas... Of course among these fighters, especially in Azov present neo-nazis and ultra-right followers, but their number not significant. Also among Azov fighters many neo-heathens with their predilection to runic and other ancient symbols. In this case really too hard to know where the edge between paganism and neo-nazism. For example, ancient swastika symbol uses as ornament on territory of Ancient Rus' up to Mongolian invasion and even now sometime appearing in Easter Eggs painting. One of my familiar fight in Azov - he never interest a politic, but actively participated in Maidan, was wounded in 20th Feb by "Berkut" and later enlisted in Azov. It's like WWII period UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army) was composed mostly from peasants far from politic, but political and military control over them conducted nationalist force OUN. Main difference between most of our right followers and Russian - our just stay on defending of our land and traditions, but Russian right stay on imperialistic and chauvinistic positions, they want establish own "Russian world" orders in neighbor countries, considering it as "native own". That was just remark - I think don't need to develop here these theme. Or in PM
  24. This is my summary, systematized by different sources (official press-release, twitters of servicemen on positions, twitters and FB of journalists and civil volunteers). So, this is my point of view. Of course, with time will be more details known. For development of battle I can add, that before our artillery strike reinforcement arrived on positions of 28th brigade, possibly it was units of 30th brigade, also first report about casualties was wrote in twitter from words of 1st tank brigade servicemen, so they also were involved. Yes, it sounds weird, but our official information sources almost useless - they gives just general and belated information, media and TV often spread panic news, so main source of normal information is proved twitter&FB accounts and our military forums. Just need a time to analyze and compose the puzzle. It's too hard to say about their subordination. Their appearance in Donetsk pointed about they now DNR-controlled. But this sort of detachments (like destroyed by Russian special forces diversion group "Rusich", composed from ultra-right Russian nationalists) often acting as "free agents".
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