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JM Stuff

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Posts posted by JM Stuff

  1. 2 hours ago, JM Stuff said:

    Yes in Belgium from the German border to the sea you are on  level 5 when you have your feet wet you are on the level 0 and see the English Chanel, so with your tool will not be too difficult to represent Phill next step stopping the German close to the Albert Chanel and protect the rest of the country, but saddly no B1.

    (Just joking)😉

    so than !! ??

  2. On 2/25/2015 at 6:01 AM, Saferight said:

    So i decided to try modding some of the Russian/Ukrainian firearms, not going to call it a mod just yet because i can't guarantee ill get far with this one (like most of my others :D ) but so far i like the results...

    Very nice job love it !

  3. 34 minutes ago, Butschi said:

    Hm... maybe my next CMAutoEditor profile should be CMFI? Hm... Belgium has ... adequate elevation data available ... University of Texas has some nice topographic maps... Dinant, anyone? Oh dear, I definitely should finish my other projects first... 🥴

    Yes in Belgium from the German border to the sea you are on  level 5 when you have your feet wet you are on the level 0 and see the English Chanel, so with your tool will not be too difficult to represent Phill next step stopping the German close to the Albert Chanel and protect the rest of the country, but saddly no B1.

    (Just joking)😉

  4. 8 hours ago, kohlenklau said:

    La grande conclusion

    We shall see what happens in Saint-Grammont-sur-Merde...

    The Bufla destroys an R35. Maybe the last of them?


    Major Tron watches Pelou enter the village...

    <I will recommend him and his crew for medals!>

    DRI-VERRRR!!! FORWARDDDDDDD!!!! Cross the bridge and go to the left of those houses!


    Pelou's tank moves slowly down the main street. The Bufla is only around the corner.


    Major Tron comes around to draw fire for Pelou. Pelou is ready to turn sharply as soon as he clears the small bicycle shop.


    Major Tron pumps his fist! Now Pelou! Now!!!!!


    Pelou's gunner fires and hits.


    SAINT-GRAMMONT is ours!!!



    So I was not far away from my deduction 

    France Allemagne 2-0😉

    Beautiful job Phill a moment of suspens but a real moment of joy !

  5. 32 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

    Part 3

    The lead tank survives!


    The culprit is spotted, a Panzer IV Ausf D with short barrel 75mm cannon. Maybe it was a HEAT round? Just to the right on the other side of the hedge is a Pz II Ausf A firing the 20mm autocannon. This crew has avoir les boules!!!9eYrLad.png

    In France, we can take off the tops of the trees for use in a delicate pastry...or to better see the battle of char versus panzer


    THERE! There is the black-hearted beast of Krupp steel!


    The Panzer II Ausf A dies in a ball of flame. uhhh, ball of..smoke? :D


    "BOURRASQUE" retreats back. She is scarred and ravaged but still alive.




    so the legend is true that the b1 were ones of the best tank !

  6. 19 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

    The freedom to work on what I want at any pace or never even finish it is what I enjoy. I could not "work" for BFC. They never asked me so I guess we see eye to eye! I probably wouldn't last a few weeks if they DID ask me and I DID join. hahaha. I wish them the best and I will happily stay in my little playground for the rest of the year and then I am planning on punching out of this hobby for good. I plan to mod my heart out and then it will be time to move on. 


    Yes the best is to devote more time to a heart that awaits us, M. sometimes reminds me of this and I drop the mouse, for the good of all of us...

    by the music I would prefer, Rush 



    a little like BFC and France 1940, but is only My opinion 😉

  7. 1 hour ago, kohlenklau said:

    Here is the briefing for the French. 


    Here is the French set-up. I used 3 different color zones to kind of force or allow some stuff to happen. left and right flank positions and the main area at the farmhouse. He has an LMG. A squad. A Breach team. A platoon leader and Capitaine Gourmand. Plus 3 foxholes.


    Let us look at some of the French troops...(P.S. I don't have a PhD in French Military History, ok. Just trying to have fun and be creative.)

    These are colonial troops. I guess from Africa. Their helmet has a crescent moon and R.F. emblem. Courtesy of @JM Stuff Merci JM. 


    This is a Breach team of French. Falaise made the greatcoats and one has the collar badges for the regiment. He also made a bunch of gear and I will swing around to take a shot of their back sides. 😮



    ...and le derriere! Check out the canteen we made in Blender. It actually holds wine according to Falaise. (Red with beef. White with fish and chicken). He made all the textures. We are still migrating them out to the other troops. These guys are pretty much fully equipped.


    Here is our rendition of the France 1940 French army squad. We wish we could ditch the SMG as desired but it isn't editable. We can play tricks to make it go away and not be present in a battle. The French had very few SMG's. They got several thousand out of Spain after the Spanish Civil War. They started making one. MAS-38. I am trying to get it Blender modded. No luck yet. I haven't had any success making a MAS-36 either. z4cDRGT.png

    Here is another @JM Stuff Maybe he hangs around the docks late at night and got this 3D model off some drunk sailor? I don't know. Merci JM.


    I made this mod of an SMG in Blender after seeing a photo in an Osprey book. Whatever!


    Here is LT Falaise...What a man! Carries 333 rounds of ammo. WTF? I dialed the headcount down but the game doesn't dial down the ammo. hmmmm


    Last but not least, Capitaine Gourmand. Where did they get that radio from? Jeez. I better swap that out for 2 tin cans and some string or maybe one of those funky Italian radios with the big hoola-hoop antenna?




    just amazing all the stuffs that dedicated all the team.

    I feel that we need really this period of war, later, we can than jump to another part of Europa to created I m sure Poland 1939.

    Yes like @PEB14 said Phill you have already a foot in the BFC stairhouse  !

    Edit and you deserve it !

    Mais avant tout Steph @Falaise doit bouter les "Krauts" !!

  8. 7 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

     Voulez-vous PBEM avec moi ce soir?

    @FalaiseFalaise and I decided to do a PBEM to showcase the infantry aspects of the new mod. He defends as the French and I am the Germans.

    I am multi-tasking on the armour PBEM DAR so this one will be a bit more paced out...

    exiting moment... @Falaise I hope he took the dust of his helmet and his curving pipe, to join the party, I want to see a France Allemagne 2-0 "Allez les Poilus" 

  9. 4 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

    Hi Steve,

    Can you please give me some small amount of support to my CMFI France 1940 Mod?

    1. Can I get the "raw" texture photoshop files (with layers) for a few vehicles? Removing camo patterns is very difficult.

    2. Can someone help me with a few of my vehicle mdr hacks? I just have a few little problems that an insider might clear up.

    A few man-hours of somebody's time.

    Thanks and I hope you say yes.


    yes is easy to say !! 😊 

    not sure that  I can do something but I can check !

  10. 19 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    You will be back, Wim. 😀And perhaps then you can try to make scenarios/campaigns for the Eastern front, instead of 'eternal'normandy. So many interesting subjects there still, like Courland, Eastern Prussia and other more balanced battlefields. CMRT is too heavy concentrated on Berlin, I  think, which was not much more than a massacre, which doesn't fascinate me in the least.

    Talented people like you simply can't be missed at this forum. Pull yourself together, man! 🙂

    Exaclty Wim everybodys come back to CM forum this is your cup of tea, but more your newspaper daily that you cannot avoid to read ,if you cannot read more, we can also spend a glasses and send to you in the Big North, (just joking) have a good days guy, more peoples have already saying is better to leave now but look Paper Tiger come back after a while, and is very present now, on the forum like before, and with all yours splendide scen maps and mods you are already here a Star you will come back later with some news ideas.

    (veel geluk in u leven en denk aan ons op het forum, we zullen aan u denken als we gebruik u maken in the CMMODs,) en francais c est la meme chose 😊 🍻 🍀!!

  11. 35 minutes ago, RockinHarry said:

    No cleverness at all. Just dumped it into CMRT mods folder, selected options (like you do for CMBN as well) and here you go. 🤪 Hm... pity with Lucky. Hope he´s going well at least.

    Agree but dont tell me that the vegetation and the trees are the same from hot France vs cold far away Ukraine ?

    But ok I see that all work very nice, I was used the CMRT vegetation and terrain from the CMMODs, but I will do the same as you just changing some flowers in pehaps sunflowers or whatever,.. I will see, clever clever the Harry !

  12. 25 minutes ago, RockinHarry said:

    thanks! Yours are surely the reference for everything else here. 😎

    My friend you should actually recognize all the terrain beeing @Lucky_Strike ´s gorgeous works! https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy/cmbn-other/cmbn-lucky_strikes-hedgerow-hell-or-how-not-to-be-seen/ Where is he btw? 🤔

    Everything else is @Zveroboy1

    But my dear friend Harry, @Lucky_Strike created this mod for CMBN, but yes my friend @RockinHarry is clever enough to use it also for CMRT, never thinking about to use it...where I have my head...😉

    I don't know where he is and this is a little annoying 🙄

  13. 1 hour ago, RockinHarry said:

    Not combat actually, but pics from (near) the frontline. Map is from latest Zverovboy1´s Baltic map/battle pack here: https://community.battlefront.com/topic/142405-baltic-mini-map-pack/ Forces is not from actual battle. Bits of spiced up with Reshade and some GIMP filters. German SS Engineers checking soft ground in front of an armored column.








    Your grass look very nice Harry (1st picture), are you also working on, can you pointed to a link ?

  14. On 3/14/2023 at 8:06 PM, domfluff said:

    Panzergrenadier squads were in two teams, but these shouldn't be split with "Scout team" command by default (only sometimes, when useful) - default should be "Split teams", since each team gets an MG42, and the third is on the halftrack.

    For example:


    Nice wil be that we can created a layer with arows signs and texte, or more, directly on the map and apply the tactic, that we choose, all on a top view... this wil avoid to use others tools, this will be more easy and directly available just with a scroll of the mouse button !

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