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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Exaclty in fact the module CMFI will be CMFI MC in memory to this famous soldier, taking place as rang officer, close to Patton, and admirated from Ike...
  2. Ask Steve and BF they will tell you......well is only a suggestion about what we are waiting from the attending module CMFI...
  3. Hi guys This coulb be the next module of CMFI, take a look on the link....mods and scenarios waiting to you... gold of infos..https://www.abmc.gov/sites/default/files/interactive/interactive_files/ROME_web/ for sure Steve and the Team was visiting this page
  4. Thank you very much nik mond appreciated your job, like every modder on the forum.. and yes they look more better that the first version (the first one was already good), but this one has better textures
  5. Hi Guys 1) Can somebody tell me how work the game system to read and allowed or attribuated uniforms or helmets ? Helmet number "x" instead helmet number "y" to a specific uniform. 2) What are the files (...lod.mdr) what are they doing exactly in the game... are they the key of this choice? 3) About helmets: ready to play I can see all soldiers with differents helmets but only I can "see" smod_german_helmet-soldier ("0,2,3,4) smod "0" for helmet soldier.bmp,"2"is smod helmet soldier 2.bmp...,and in the game I have helmet soldier1 dont appear and "5" "6" "7" "8"are from a mod but dont appear in the game ? I know this cos I sacrified a set of uniforms and helmets with drawing number on the pictures and loading the game to see the result. How can I attribuated a specific helmet for exemple one from a loading mod ? Thanks in advance to your answer
  6. Exactly my mind, would like to see...new units in Creta Greece, New Zeland Australia ...we have already Great Britain German and Italian...something new. ...would like to see in action Chifftain Centurion M48 super sherman ...Golan Heights...1948 1967 1973 ponton bridges from Suez Canal...Egypt Jordanian army and more vehicles after the ww2...lile I said, something new...
  7. Hi Guy

    Comming back to your Pacific Mod from yearrrrrs ago 

    If you have always the mood the time and the patience to completed your mod about Pacific I can let you a hand I discover in another games a lot of interresting uniforms... in men of war...in case of...



  8. Hi all I know this post is old but do WE have a possibilité to load this mod ...also partialy Have trying to take contact with the owner but I can not send him an e mail probably he has desactivated e mail or don t want bé disturbing or there were more peoples working of thèse project. The link "hungary set" doesn.t works Know somebody something about others mods like Rumanian Croatian...And others satellite from Germany? Thank a lot in advance
  9. Whoawww this let me of course without breathe !!! I will try to download the files that you recommend me when they are always available ...and have a look on the threats in details !!! Thank you again
  10. Hi guys Have a question about Red vs red or Blue vs blue Return to the past...I would like created a small battle in the Croatian Independance 1991 with Croatian vs Serbian and later Croatian vs Bosnian, I would like try to use in CMSF the Syrian regular troops vs (Unconventional army) but in the editor there is no possibility to added some tanks in the Unconventional army, only infantry and some vehicles are allowed... the idee was to used differents uniforms and material for both of them i would like to know if is possible to make a copy of the Syrian troops to replace the Unconventional army ? Or eventualy replace the blue force with a copy of the red force ? I could buy the CMBS cos the vehicles are almost used in both side russian vs ukraine but I need older tanks and vehicles included in CMSF like T54 T62 Bmp Brdm old generation... Weird Idee I know but when is possible why not... Idee, solutions, laugh,... are allowed Thank you to your comments...
  11. Sound very good thank you Steve and all the Staff, I m sure we will discover new things... I would like to see and hope to ...paratroops in Kreta and some engagements in mountains ... we are very exited to the new release or Module, thank you BF.
  12. Hi Combatintman appreciated your commens...effectively with help from IanL have found some Icons similar as Soviet, but have created myself or modified some of... soon an overview... cos concerning the ww2, for my part of view the best Icons (the Canadian Cat and Johnny for Allied Icons and Theejl for Axes are the best representations)....but this is my personal opinion...also my wishes are to make a personal set on already existing Icons...with theirs allowances of course....soon an overview for the News Nato and No Nato Icons...job is almost done...
  13. We have to be patient dates are sometime a point to said something but not always possible to realize, I m sure they are listen to all our needs and wishes...the pleasure will be more beautiful and the job will be without need of another patch. Artists need also a place in the sun to desconpressed ..
  14. Hi Guy Have a question about Iraqui army for CMSF according to the mod in the repository on Battlefront page...I would like created some floatings Icons similar as Nato symbols but specific to the Iraqui and Iranian army and used in the real time from them... and later Syrian and some Oriental China, Korea countries... but dont find anything on the net can someone help me in my rechearch ? Thanks in advance to your replies
  15. Thanks...mixed with Jorge MC Mod "Mustache" we will have real British gentlemen guys
  16. I respect all modders small or big (in the size or numbers of mods ) and say thanks you to all of them...@nd I ask me if they have time to play a full scenario or be only on pimp their CM s for our pleasure
  17. Really appreciated this pictures mods...please send me the links also...
  18. Very nice from couple of months I was doing something similar but more ugly and with the wisdom of helmet ...I support your mod and respect your job and ask to post it.. would I'm sure really appreciated...
  19. Hi friend have loading ImageMagic but like you said is really basic have perhaps a solution with Photofilter 7 have to make some test and tell you the result...
  20. Hey ! funny birds instead stay in your jar give me the solution,,,
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