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Posts posted by Probus

  1. 4 minutes ago, alison said:

    The trouble is for most Taiwanese the status quo is seen as a better situation than increased tensions with China, whereas Americans are playing a different game - they have their own competition with China where Taiwan just exists as an abstract bargaining chip or domestic points-scoring exercise - so it's difficult to get a sense of just how serious the US government is about the country's defense.

    The USA/West can’t let Taiwan fall. Put simply, it would cause or risk a domino effect (of future invasions) that would not be acceptable. 
    I do believe China is determined to keep pushing the line back to see how much the West will allow. 
    As for a sim, oh yeah, I’d buy that! Before Ukraine, I would have thought air power would dominate any land battle. Now, you can easily create plausible scenarios with out it dominating the fight. 

  2. 27 minutes ago, George MC said:

    As we’re not playing till the end the ‘normal’ exit points conditions won’t count. So basically each side does their best to give the other a good kicking! The US will only get points for killing Soviet stuff. The Soviets will not be penalised for not exiting. 

    Ah. Ok, thanks George. That makes it simple. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, Centurian52 said:

    Fair enough. But I don't PBEM. Multiplayer has never been something I've been interested in. It requires coordinating with other people, which is not really the sort of thing I want to do in the limited time I have available for entertainment.

    Ah, you’re missing out Centurian. Multiplayer is where it’s at. Well worth the time. In my humble, but correct, :) opinion. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Special announcement...

    For some stupid reason (major brain fart) I forgot to list the Battle Pack for CMBN.  I blame general lack of sleep and yet more snow (not unrelated to each other).  I edited it into my announcement post.

    As with the other upcoming content there will be a detailed discussion about it in the related CM discussion Forum.


    +1 !!!

  5. 14 hours ago, kohlenklau said:

    Question 2: Can these mdr bugs such as Cold War sprockets not turning be fixed by a system of "official BFC mods" where the new replacement BFC approved mdr is posted for download versus waiting on a patch?

    Official BFC mods.  Now that's an interesting question.  I'd like to see small mods like the introduction of certain Western weapons to the Ukrainians for CMBS.  Might be a workaround to the war embargo?

  6. IMHO, a Taiwan vs China game is actually a naval game. US subs vs the Chinese fleet.

    I haven’t completely read the thread, but China can’t knock down our air power enough to do substantial para drops. Now if you game it where there is only no or limited US air cover and no US naval involvement then you’ve got yourself a game.  

    I agree with @Lethaface, a blockade would be China’s way of “testing the waters” around Taiwan. That would force the US to run the blockade and at that point China backs down or there’s a shooting war. Surely Taiwan isn’t important enough to risk getting into a war with your biggest customer. 😉

  7. @Free Whisky & @domfluff, what a difference a bit of organization makes!  I'm still playing the campaign game and I've gone from decimated in my first game to barely scratched in my second game. I've coordinated my artillery, used my echelons to pave the way for the next echelon and stuck to a single plan.  I'm pretty much using Domfluff's AoA 2 route.

    Practically all of my casualties have been from air strikes, which I really couldn't do anything about (so don't count :)).  My first two echelons were just eventually chewed up by US airpower, but not after achieving their objectives of scouting the enemy and prepping the route. As soon as my main body arrived the US airpower was just swatted out of the sky.

  8. 29 minutes ago, ng cavscout said:


    I have not had any success in getting out of my setup areas in that first scenario either. It is just a bitch of a scenario. I gave up trying the Soviet campaign (I probably don't have the proper mindset for it). Other scenarios, especially the ones demonstrating Soviet doctrine specifically, are much better at showing how to make Soviet doctrine work. The campaign designers even say in several threads it is a very difficult campaign.


    I feel your pain.  My first attempt was decimated.

    I'm trying to use artillery in my second attempt to block sight from ridges and overlooks. I've also planned a route for my attack and I am scouting the route at the moment to see who can see me.  

    Those videos were very interesting. I wonder if the tactics are currently being used. ATGMs and AT rockets may just nullify this strategy nowadays.  Maybe back then too.

  9. I'm playing the Soviet campaign Ride of the 120th and just getting slaughtered.  All those tanks on the high ground, its like shooting fish in a barrel.  I'm obviously doing something wrong.  Can somebody explain how to effectively use Soviet doctrine in Cold War?  Or maybe link me a couple good articles to read about it.  Those RPGs just don't have the range to take on long range targets.  Also the Soviet Tanks (T-62s) are really having trouble hitting their targets.  Is it just me, or is the T-64 a much, much better tank?

    EDIT: Ah, I see Domfluff has some videos.  I'll watch those and see what I've been missing...

  10. 25 minutes ago, cargol said:

    Yep, quite strange.  I received file number 3 from one of the two games. When I  loaded it, it asked for a password which, obviously shouldn't be the case. When I 've checked load saved games in the game  panel, I've noticed a file named 

    'Alby vs Kilroy large 005 '', which I suppose it is from another  game of my opponent.

    Now, I do not know if @ALBYhad a PBEM++ game with another opponent, and somehow this got mixed with our tourney games. The moment that @ALBY told me that he replayed the game that saved file 'Alby vs Kilroy large 005 '' disappeared from my saved games panel. 

    @BFCElvis FYI


    Oye! The humanity! 😵

    I hope they can figure it out.

  11. On 1/20/2023 at 10:43 AM, Blazing 88's said:

    PM sent rocketman.... 😉

    Groghead's forum for the FC2 mod(s): (my version is modded using only the v1.2 update only. I haven't tried the helicopter versions.)

    Awesome site for scenarios and campaigns, Haglers11's site: https://sites.google.com/site/hagler11sflightcommander2site/home?pli=1

    From the introduction at Hagler11's site... just to give this game more love:
    Avalon Hill's Flight Commander 2 was published in 1994.  Designed by Charles Moylan, this rather ancient Windows 3.1 game of tactical aerial warfare is still widely regarded as one of the (if not the) finest aerial combat wargames ever produced for the PC.  Although designed and published in the mid '90s, the range of aircraft and weapons included in this turn-based simulation allow the modeling of aerial combat from the 50's to at least 2008. The 11 scenarios included in the original game touched on actual and hypothetical jet combat from the Korean War all the way to the Gulf War of 1991, but did not cover, by any stretch, the full diversity of aerial combat encounters during that period.   Fortunately, one of the great features of FC2 is the Flight Commander 2 Mission Builder, which Avalon Hill released to allow players to build custom missions.  While some FC2 players have created new scenarios for this classic game over the years, many areas of the past 58 years of jet combat have not been simulated in FC2.  This page is dedicated to presenting new scenarios I have built over the past several years. They cover both historical and hypothetical situations derived from a variety of sources, including web pages, books, magazines, board games and TV shows.

    Dxwind and X-Mouse could possibly prove useful for this game for graphics enhancements. They work great for Steel Panthers WW2 and SPMBT, but I haven't tried them out with FC2 yet.

    Got FC2 working again in DOSBOX and Windows 3.1.  That was a trip.

  12. 7 hours ago, Suzuya said:

    Could be worse i went from first to 31st 🥲, I don't know how our scores ended up so different I only got a tactical victory in both battles compared to your total victory due to surrender but 700 to 8500 is quite a leap.

    High Kurumba!  I bet they get things fixed.  We could rename the Tourny from the Holiday Tournament to the Proto-Tournament.

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