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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Hister

  1. Maybe I'm wrong but I think you current success made you too bold - for it's a bold move to move Pz-III in such a way. Maybe too irrational? But then again if it weren't for your boldness you would not be in front of the villa now.
  2. You get firing distance with the weapon icons.
  3. For the above pic it should be called "Spectacular Mapping"!
  4. Not all Sherman hits result in them going ablaze. As it was historically wasn't it? Bil, battle is at the point where you should keep the focus - in times like these it is a big danger to get more relaxed and then make stupid mistakes that cost you the win. But you already know that better then myself.
  5. Finally some luck on the Bil's side! Sorry ND - I'm cheering for his troops!
  6. Yeah, feel sorry for those poor boys in the truck, ugh. Don't know why I'm cheering for your side Bill, funny how this happens. Especially so since my grandfather was "fighting" on the allies side. Would have been as easy to cheer for ND's troops but my brains went for the other option. Maybe because you got more tormented in the battle then ND. I must say up to now I haven't really understood how real fighting looked like from the tactical point of commander's view. Now I know (well I tend to make myself believe I do).
  7. Huh sorry there, I don't have a mac John so can't help you with that. CMBN 2.0 will indeed have the option in-game to delete save games.
  8. I fully share your view on that PT! Explosions should look like those from the adaptation of the game to ipad. Those I saw in the trailer looked good and better then what we currently have which is strange imho.
  9. Oh oh, also booby traps you say?! I've sent many squads down the highway with only the end point of arrival clicked and no way-points in between. All the troops were automatically hugging the hedge and did not walk in the middle of the road as is usually the case when you send troops from point A to B down the road. Is it not possible to position those mines also just next to the road or are those tiles already occupied as hedge tiles? I suggest at least increasing number of those minefields (at the scenario review at the end I saw only 4 or 5 mine flags on the road). T sections would indeed look a bit off considering this is supposed to be a highway. BUT what you can do though is to position German squads along the highway on the other side of the hedgerows so that they can at least present some obstacle for highway advancing US troops. Troops positioned that way do seem to have limited LOS and don't spot approaching enemy in time so maybe putting them in fox holes would improve their survivability and threat a bit? Did German troops historically have time to dig holes before Americanos came down that highway? Another possible trick would also be to not end the map with a straight end but for the highway to make a curve at the end of the map with a hedge behind which you would position an assault gun or AT gun overlooking down the whole highway. But that would most likely look even stranger then "T" solution and you would also have to change historical map for that purpose which is a no go right? It's a hard nut to crack this one indeed. On another note I have a question for the level following Les Licornets. I'm generally not good at using armoured scouting units (don't know how to). Can you give me some tips how the tactics for that should look like? It will come handy for that next level. Thanx.
  10. I know it had to be a grand undertaking with which simple mod swapping is like a baby's fart in comparison! But it's a nuisance never the less, albeit a small one.
  11. Nah just not the arma engine please! It0s way more buggy then CM ever was and will be.
  12. Yeah, what is sorely missing is Juju's UI.
  13. I don't own CMFI but by the looks of it and player reports stock ground and vehicle textures are of such quality that modding visual aspects is not a pressing matter and able modders prefer to play the game rather then mod it.
  14. Bravo Bil - I was real worried for that truck. Hope other reinforcements arrive as safely!
  15. I'm all in favor for the OP's idea! Oh and Hit Decals sound fabulous to! I found swapping insignia mods almost as a nuisance (in my The Road to Mounterbourg campaign) so I just opted to go without them. Too much work. For single scenarios that is a different story - just apply insignia mods and forget until new scenario is played. BUT having all this integrated by BF would be soooo much better!
  16. Great Fuser! A question: Do you plan to finish the remaining CMBN vehicles not yet touched by your brush when 2.0 comes out?
  17. Hey there PT, maybe you've missed my above post 'cos I've seen no response from you? Just finished Les Licornets the other day (Updated Campaign of course) and managed to get a great score. This is all good but the issue I have is HOW I got to get such a good result (SPOILER ALERT!). I sent one squad along the highway just for the laughs of it and expected them to trigger landmines that were supposed to be there and gotten shot at by defending Germans. No mine went off and no shot was fired against them (are those mines there only anti vehicle mines?). That squad actually managed to kill off most of the Germans on the left side of the highway which made a frontal assault on the left side a piece of cake (only two men were still hiding when the main body of my soldiers arrived there). They also picked the AT gun hidden further behind. They sustained only 2 casualties and at the end of scenario logged 41 enemies killed including one enemy assault gun (not in the whole campaign, just in this level). When I saw that such approach is viable I sent more squads down that highway to take care of it's right side and results were similar only that this time the other assault gun and Germans hiding next to those buildings and in them managed to actually made some shots against my soldiers but I had no casualties there. There was also one AT team positioned on the other side of the hedge next to the highway but apparently didn't see my men until it was too late for them. Germans are just sitting ducks if the player decides to send his foot troops down that highway and flank them full on. What I sugegst is to to make this approach less viable and/or more costly for the player by applying anti personnel mines down that road and more infantry positioned on each sides of the highway that can fire on the approaching Americans. All this becomes mutt if that was actually what happened historically, then it can stay that way of course.
  18. Yeah that's why I said "most of the time". I know a pearl happens here and there.
  19. Fuser is back, wooot, wooot! And there were talks something bad has happened to you...
  20. Military Channel, huh, well I don't have it on my TV. Not that I watch TV, just here and there when I'm to tired to hang in front of the PC. By the looks of it I can support noob's view about the way they show the information. Similar thing can be said for a lot other doc. channels though. Quantity over quality most of the time. I can as well skip them all.
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