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Everything posted by Hister

  1. That happened to me when I had two same textures in the Z folder in different subfolders. try checking if something similar happened to you!
  2. My geforce 550 ti can't run the game any more in a satisfactory manner (some Market Garden scenarios drop fps to only 8 without shaders and shadows!). I know FPS drop is mostly related with GPU since if I rotate camera away from the high density towns and/or where most units are I get "normal" FPS again. Thus I need to upgrade my GPU. I was thinking about GTX 770. Does anyone have it and can give me feedback about it's performance? Would I be able to run biggest available scenarios with shadows and shaders on together with best texture and model quality? Or is having all in-game settings turned to best, shadows, shaders and anti-aliasing turned on on huge maps with battalion size units on each side even manageable by any GPU? If that question can't be answered then what gpu or gpu family is considered to enable a smooth gameplay (more then 25 FPS's) on highest settings by this community? I don't wanna spend lots of money to be then in turn disappointing by non satisfactory result. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
  3. Hmmm, some adittional armoured vehicles are not done yet b Aris so it's not just the tank...
  4. Ah I see. Pete forgot to include the railway then. Will be cool to compare the two maps.
  5. JonS, why does the actual scenario map differ from master map you made of the same area? Terrific job on both I must say!
  6. He he, you grandpa's would be content with anything graphical thrown towards you. Us youngsters are spoiled brats, graphical whores who also want to get top AI and a massage when our backs get too stiff from all the gaming. I would say that from graphical point of view the game would get 75 to 80 points out of 100. Plenty of room for improvements and every time we get one by the devs I accept it with a huge satisfaction and excitement.
  7. Thank you for a detailed answer and explanations sburke! I was referring to School Daze mission that is included in the German campaign in Market Garden module! That's why I posted my remarks in this thread which discusses German game campaign and not a standalone mission made by you. When I get a game I usually jump straight to the campaign and don't bother with single scenarios until I get stuck in campaign or I find something off about them. Generally speaking my design philosophy would be to make campaigns be representative of the game, to be kings and as such should be really well made (highly polished map, etc.). I do believe I'm not the only one who shares this view. I prefer quality to quantity. Paper Tiger managed to pull this off with his "Road to X" campaigns. I'm a map whore I know but I get put off when I see a map where not much effort went into it. I'm hesitant to even play such a campaign. This does not refer to MG maps - am mainly talking about base game which has some really atrociously made maps, mind you. OK, OK, I know I'm being very critical and that in order to really have any moral saying I should have probably make my own maps and scenarios like you graciously hinted in your above post. BUT just read what I have on the matter below please and be patient with me. You got me curious so I fired-up your Frosty Welcome mission and found out that map is much bigger then in aforementioned mission. It also differs from School Daze in that it has a bombardment damage (shell holes and damaged buildings) and a few tweaks here and there regarding the hedge/wall composition, fences, etc. (BTW, in School Daze mission a fence has been put below the two schools and having this type of fence there looks odd in an urban area (check my screenshot above) - so I'm happy that it's not included in your mission). I also found out that you've inserted a proper amount of British paras inside the buildings meaning you spread the force out and haven't put a whole platoon inside the same floor of the same building like it is in School Daze mission which looks and feels totally unrealistic/off. It seems almost as if a mission designer had a bare minimum amount of time and had to slap all the available units inside the buildings and hasn't bothered to even split them up before doing so. Why haven't devs used your scenario for a first mission in the German campaign??? It seems to me much more effort went into it then into School Daze. There out to be a sound reason but I'm still puzzled as to why. Jon Sowden's detailed map (Sheriff of Oosterbeek) for example should also have easily been included in the German campaign but it wasn't. Don't get me wrong - I love what Pete did with the map. It definitely had to be a huge undertaking! *I will fire the master map - so far I was hesitant because my framerates drop to non-enjoyable and visuals get degraded already when I open huge maps. I plan to upgrade my hardware with a better GPU sooner rather then later especially to be able to enjoy CM more (GTX 770 I'm looking at you). To make them lovely maps the way things were back then is simply amazing! But the devil is in the small details as the saying goes. Map is almost perfect but to be even better it should have additional detail that can't be seen from contemporary topographical maps/aviation photography. I miss things that would make city look more real, more functional, more "organic" if you will. Umlaut managed to pull it off with his Cimbienne map and he utterly spoiled me. He proved something like this is possible and the town being fictional or not does not matter here, really. The only real "excuse" would be the time available for the deliverance and yeah, I can't bitch about that, can I. Will start your Frosty Welcome scenario now and am looking forward to getting my ass kicked as the Germans.
  8. Got myself MG module and fired up this campaign as a first thing to do after all the mods were in place. Finished first mission of this campaign with minor victory. SPOILER ALERT! A note to mission designers Packing buildings with so many British men does not seem realistic. Units should have been split and not whole platoons be put in single floors like it was done. Looks ridiculous. If it was like that historically then I take my words back. Also, I found the map a bit too empty and not so realistically made. When you try Umlaut's Seizing Cimbienne map you get mightily spoiled in the urban department... Besides that I had a blast (pun intended)! Awesome immersion. Unforgiving urban battle. Had to cease fire 'cos all my units were rattled, stuG ran out of ammunition and so did SPW 251/17 Ausf. D which I found as an essential arsenal for rooting those pesky British paras out of their occupied buildings. What a cool weapon this is! A footage from the carnage:
  9. There is no mission branching depending on your success since campaign is about independent events that took place at roughly the same time. So yes, it's a fixed number.
  10. Excellent! I thought that wasn't modeled.
  11. Thank you for the answer! So only 2 unmodded vehicles remain, so cool. Guess I found just the proper time to buy this module then. I've noticed Aris added muddy variants on some vehicles. I suppose muddy textures in vanilla game after Market Garden module was released (or was it with a patch?) show up on all vehicles when it's raining? Hmmm, if that is the case then Aris has a lot of muddy textures creation ahead of him! Aris, hope you manage to pull this off. Iiiiih ihhhhh.
  12. I decided to buy the module to have a complete game nevertheless. Downloaded all Aris' mods for MG module and it seems that most of the new units delivered by the module are already modded except for King Tiger (Henshel). Is there any other new vehicle that Aris hasn't touched yet?
  13. I finally resumed playing Road to Montebourg (Revised version) with Hell in Hedgerows mission at which I stopped last time I played this campaign. SPOILER ALERT!!! I managed to clear first 2 lines of defenses but the third remained to be tackled. With latest patches machine guns have been buffed-up and attacking the final line of defense where all the bunkers with their machine guns are is a slaughter. I've sent a few of my men toward the touch objective but they were all moved down or routed by machine gun fire coming from the bunker/s which I wasn't able to suppress enough. After realizing I only have a very slim chance of reaching the objective ground with any units while definitely obtaining terrible losses I went for a cease fire which allotted me minor tactical defeat. I haven't managed to bring any units to touch ground objective but had only a small number of soldiers killed until that point which gave me better position with the score. I obviously attacked the third German defense line with all my on-map and off-map assets but could not knock out any of the wooden bunkers. Also firing directly to only one bunker from MANY units didn't manage to suppress soldiers inside and they kept on firing on my soldiers. Obvious plan would be to use lots of smoke to then charge the big clearing in front of the bunkers but none of my artillery/mortars seem to have any smoke shells. Am I blind and somehow missed on smoke shells (I've read it somewhere by a player saying he used smoke) or is this WAD and there are no smoke shells in this revised version of the campaign? I don't mind losing a mission but am wondering how this one can be won without smoke... P.S. PT, are you working on revision 3 of this campaign or you don't have time for it any more?
  14. Necromancing this thread to ask you Paper Tiger how is it looking - will you finish it (now that MG module has been released since you said it will be finished after it)?
  15. Ups, wrong thread - reposting in proper one with updated (revised) campaign!
  16. Oh, I thought it was only two activations! Neat if it's really four. Can you point me to official info? Is it possible to have two activations, one on my stationary PC and one on my laptop so that I play against my friend who visits me sometimes?
  17. Not sure if I should buy Market Garden module and I'll probbaly decide based on the answer to this question: How many vehicles that this module introduced haven't been modded by Aris yet?
  18. Oh my my, here we go again - but then again it's Valentine's day and penetration topics seem right on spot!
  19. Great suggestions umlaut - review rate would be muuuuch higher that way.
  20. Being a good commander does not make you evil by default if you belong to the side that lost a war.
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