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Everything posted by Kommandant

  1. Cool, we have 4, that makes semi-finals and finals If anyone have the wish to play in a tournament or think will might play in it, post in here, but post a way we can have an idea of your centainty, like "I will play, count on me." or "I might play, will depend on how things will go." Because this will not work without more people, at least 8 are requered to play a good and fun tournament. Counting on you guys .
  2. I will work over Rabelesius post: I agree, as it has been discussed before, germany should be forced to leave troops to hold ground in the east border when Germany surrender. I think, also, that Russian surrender should force US to enter more into the war, not a total activation, but something like 20%-30%. But, we must see that CP has some minor desadvantage towards Entente already. I agree with this also, The race to the sea is never done, as troops are not deployed faster enough to the northern border of france. The brits should have a DE to deploy a corps and a 5 str art by late 1916 I don't agree, Gallipoli is already a very good target for Entente, i only think that greece should mobilize at 200% if gallipoli is taken by Entente powers. I think minimun research lvl for a breakthroughshould be 30%, then this early research achivements would not hapen at all. A good point, but i don't think it's relevant, US has a lot of industrial power, and you can give 75% of it to Brit, the US enter in the war is not about the US troops, but is about US MPP to GB. This is a very good point, but to do it i think they have to remake all game supply system, i don't think this will come out in the next patch. I agree. Caucasus is never a front in the game, It's because of the lack of troops and supply for Russia or OE, but i think this front can be moved by deploying troops there rather than the german/A-H borders.
  3. Ok, we just need more than 3 people to do this tournament... Come on guys, this will fun
  4. Hey Mancspartan, glad to be helpfull, i would recomend you to focus in garanting a minor victory with CP as first objective, then, if you have the time and forces, try a major victory, set long term goals and imidiate goals that will lead you to victory. There are no stupid questions when you are learning Mancspartan. Every time an enemy unit is in a title where it has a river, the unit will have the cover of the river, if you are attacking the unit from anotehr title that has the river between your unit and the enemy unit, to help in the defence of it's position. You can see this in game when you are about to strike the enemy unit and you have to cross a river, a simbol that looks like a smooth SS will apear right at the side of the predicted casulaties for the attacker and the defender. Not attack crossing a river is a basic notion in strategy, as you can imagine when a army try to cross a river under fire the casulties will be higher, because, if there is a bridge, it will be narrow and with virtually no cover, if there is no brigde, soldiers use boats or build simple bridges to cross the river. Rivers were and are used as defensive lines by military forces in all the world. If you have any questions about how to play, or what is the best way to approach an enemy army and what forces to employ fell free to ask, me or anyone in the forum will answer you eventully. And remember, there is no stupid question when you are learning something.
  5. Hey guys I was wanderig if there will be any type of tornament with SC: TGW using mainly the WW1 maps. I see some thigs about it in the SC: GC forum, but i'm not much into GC, i preefer much more TGW and i would love to see a tournament running in here. So, if anyone have any clue or idea if there will be any tornament and how it will work, please post here.
  6. Hey Mancspartan welcome to the world of wargame First, i would recomend you to see what are the main objectives for you to win the game, there is a botton when you go to select the campaing map that is called "Victory" it shows the victory conditions for both sides. I would recomend, if tou play Central Powers, to focus your forces to take this objectives, mainly the ones that look less defended and attack in weak spots, places where there is no river or the unit is weaker, like a cavalary unit, focus artillary fire into one or two units, the more you hit them the better. If you play entente try to defend the objectives tha are worth defending, and try to use hill, rivers, forests, towns and cities with entrench, as this positions will give you a advantage in the defensive and try to leave 2 or 3 shells in your artillaries as they you fire at attacking enemies, but try to keep the shells raining in the enemy during your turn, that is the basic of attriction warfare. Anyway, i would say that the best way to learn how to play is to read the manual and play, as much as you can. SC was my first wargame also, it took me sometime to learn the basics and develop some usefull strategy.] Hope i helped
  7. I will, in time Ivanov, in time, when i'm not at work (yes i work on sundays) Anyway i guess you got it right, only one thing to add, when you sign the treaty you get a payment fo 300 MPP but when russia surrender you don't get this bonus, but all the friendly countries are formed.
  8. As bill said in another post, and i think it's in teh version.txt file in the game folder, Bolshevik agitation will not stop even after russian surrender. The manual is wrong, i think they will fix it in the next version. Now i thought that russian surrender would give me a boost even if i only sign the peace treaty. Thats why i lost my last game of fate of nation, the russian surrender let let france in the same NM situaton as germany, if i had gain the NM boost by russian surrender i could win, or prolong the war even further.
  9. I would play it, it's kind of unbaleced, but it's still good to play. There will be no major patch very son, that's at least what we heard, and if you want to go for a mod try 1938 CBTS it's VERY diferent from SOE, but it's the best mod so far.... The advantage goes for the axis, but if you play it wrong, of course allies will get the advantage.... i play with any side, but if you want to have the inicial advantage, try the Axis...
  10. I think chemical weapons are already there in the art, they were not a very lethal or usefull weapon even in ww1. Armored trains, in my opinion are the rail gun units, but could be added the ability of AA bataries in this unit, just like the AA batery unit, the rail gun unit would have some AA carts that can fire at air units at a range of 1 title. Naval mines could be added in the game, it's a good idea, the destroyes could lay down the mines and sewp them too. This mines should go away with one hit, like a unit gets close to it and the mine blow demage the ship and the minefield is gone. The idea can be aplyed to land with the enginers too, unless you consider mines fields to be part of the fortifications. Oh, and i like the idea for this mini camaping.
  11. I don't know about you guys, i run the game in a Athlon 64 3200+ video card GeForce FX 5600 XT and 2gb memory... I run in win xp and it runs fine, really fine i think it's because of win 7, not sure what Hubert has found but i tried in win 7, in a better comp, and it runs no good. I did comptible mode with win xp and it runs somewhat better... But i wish good luck to you guys, and hubert of course!
  12. I know it's kind of dificult to make, but i love pacific theater, it's a very good game, i would love to see a map for the pacific theater in SC: TGW with the modern research system and, if possible, NM... Don't know about everyone else, but i like SC: PT, if it could ever be made for SC: TGW or if it's possible to apply the new research system to older SC games, mainly pacific theater and global conflict, as both camapings don't exist in SC: TGW.
  13. Oh, these are good news indeed, improvements for Great War... anyway, I think everyone in this forum believe that you are busy and with limited time and resources... Well at least I hope everyone here agrees and understand, as most people here are grownup men…. Well I haven't found anyone around 20 years old in SC forum, I thinks there is only me here with this age, correct me if I’m wrong
  14. God, i had fogrgot about Military History Commander WW2, it's very cool but i preffer SC, it's a kind of game that stands between hardcore and casual level. SC is casual, a cool wargame to play sometimes, relaxing. If i want to play it hardcore i get HoI. Never played it much, but it's not bad, might give it a try again one of these days...
  15. Damn, have posted in the wrng thread... anyway, i agree with Glabro here
  16. Hey man, nobody told you naywhing, so i will say... I would recomend WW1: TGW as you can play SoE for WW2 or play WW1 maps but mainly because the research system has improved a lot, i recomend to buy and play it, u will not get disapointed... U can get more info in the details of the new research system in the 1.02 patch details in the main site for WW1: TGW Hope i helped
  17. This are good ideas brett, i had them once, some of them, like conscription or to invest in major naval forces or in major land forces. Me and Glabro are doing some modding, i had the idea to give this decision events at the start of the game, for the player to decide what were the decision taken by it's country and allies in the last years close to the war. I really think this is a very good game, and have a lot of modding capacity... You might get to see some of this in our, me and Glabro, mod for SoE.
  18. I'm currently working in a mod with Glabro, mainly for a better SoE version.. I PM you take i look there and we can talk about something, if you are interested in modding of course...
  19. I thought you were asking for what they are useful in game strategy... Anyway, you can order the seaplane carrier to recon any area by holding Shift, a red target icon will appear in the place of the move icon. Just to add, if you move the seaplane carrier completely, to it's maximum movement, then the red icon will appear automatically. Hope i have helped.
  20. The main use of seaplane carriers is to spot enemy ship or ground units, it's range is shot, but very usefull to not get your navy in problem facing a enemy force hidden in the sea. I normaly use this units with the others nacal forces, so as i move around i get to identify the sea in front of me, so i can attack the enemy ships with maximum effect.
  21. You have to pay for operational move, what players do is forced march, which cost nothing, but takes 1 or 2 turns more than operational move. Now, as you said and i said before, CP players should be forced to leave forces in the eastern borders, because in a late game, around 1917, or even in a early game, around mid-late 1915, russian surrender can lead to the victory of the CP player, easily. The deal, is to maintain historical accuracy, and game balance, maintaining forces to not let NM drop, is needed for the germans. Of course a smart player would put A-H and attachment forces in these positions. I normaly apply A-H forces in the west front, to concetrate even more the germans in the offensive operations.
  22. That is really the main problem here, Russian defeat can mean the defeat of the entente itself, because the Germans can easily transport the units as you said. I think that the best idea is to force the Germans to maintain the troops in the border cities with all the old Russian empire (Ukrania, baltic states etc), and not only the cities but also the surroundings, at least 2 units per major city and 1 per town. Also, it could be added a attrition strength event in these units that could lead to their destruction. Not positioning the units there, or loosing them, would lead to entry of the minor countries formed after the fall of the tsar Russia, like the Baltic States. The entry of this countries would represent the militia and paramilitary forces that would go for the fight against Germany, their forces would be weak, but with some numbers, and could lead to loss in German territory. This event must also lead to the loss of German NM, something most players, as i believe, will try to avoid at this point of the game. The main idea is NM, to force the Germans to maintain the units there and keep them at full strength so they are not destroyed can make the game more balanced, at least I think it will. I totally agreed with that one. Mesopotamia is a pain in the ass, i think that should be a DE to send one corps and one art with 5 points, or two corps by 1917. That should put the ottomans in a bad situation, forcing the Germans to send troop, more than just the asian corps. Romanians forces should be increased to 1 corp, but the A-H capacity to take over Romania is only possible if the CP player is doing well, which will be unhistorical, as A-H was in pretty bad shape by the time Romania joined the war.
  23. That’s a very good idea, but i think it should be implemented in another way, to reinforce or upgrade ALL units in a country is too much. I say it would be very interesting to see the ability of a HQ to reinforce or upgrade all units under it's command, that saves time and, let's be honest, it's a pain in the as* to upgrade and reinforce all units, unit by unit.
  24. Truly Rabelesius, do not send Zimmermann, I never played a game that i sent the Zimmermann letter that did not concluded with the US entry in the war. I know there is a chance of success to the Zimmermann letter, but it's better to do unrestricted naval warfare and bring the US after a good time than do it the faster way. Now, if the US are, let's say, around 80% activation, send the letter, as the US will enter the war, you want it or not.
  25. I agree with Glabro in one point, at least Trieste should be consider a NM objective for A-H if the CP player decide NO in DE to seed Trento and Trieste, and also, it should be a NM objective for Italy if the CP player decide YES in the DE and seed Trento and Trieste. This open a great deal of strategic possibility, A-H has a small NM, if Russia succeed in forcing the eastern front, then why not make Trieste a NM target, so Italy focus in it to drop A-H NM, around 1000 or 2000. That would not force Italy to take over the city, but it makes it much more interesting to assault and take Trieste. I think it's the best option, Hubert should consider to make Trieste a NM objective because, as i just said, it opens the strategic possibility of Italy in the game, make things more spicy. :cool:
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