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Everything posted by Kommandant

  1. I just shut down the games in sound, also the music in the menu, and play any music i like, sometime i listen to podcasts. I really preefer to listen to other music during these kind of game, cause the in game sounds and music get into my nerves, i spend a day playing, any game like civilization or SCTGW, so i rather preefer to shut down these musics and play something else. So for me the no in game music is more like a bonus then a bad point.
  2. Ok people, 1.04 is out, I will set the players that will go to the playoffs and their respective foes. I will send the general email to alert every one about it. Notes: The first place of every league will get a medal for the forum account. All the games in the playoffs will be played with 1.04. Any questions, please ask.
  3. I will come up with some thing, please just WAIT! Also you can send me an email about yout idea, a sumary of it, please. You too Glabro.
  4. Ok people, here i come again, sorry to be so out of here but as glabro said, i'm really busy most of the times. I was waiting 1.04 to come out to give most of the info, aside the scoring system that i should had informed you guys early, sorry for that... Ok, here, the score system that is working, that have won, is my/glabro's system, yes he helped me with that. The league fase is near the end, after it we will have playoff knock out games using ONE fate of nations game. There will be TWO winners in every league and the FIRST place get an medal to the player forum account. It will work like this: Example with 4 leagues: Hope you guys can see it. Just to make a note, 3rd and 4th place can also have a game of Call to Arms, if both players agree, after all this is to have fun as far as i know. Hope this answer much of you guys questions. Edit: Now you can see that with 8 leagues first fase of the playoffs will be 16 players and 8 games, the following 4 games, before the semi finals, will be also a Fate of Nations game.
  5. I will enter in this debate, if it is acceptable I have a different approach to the supply system than Glabro has, but first i will add one observation to Glabro's answer. Beachhead initial supply should have a boost from Amphibious Tech. Now my idea has a base, which looks like much as Glabro’s aproach, so i will develop it as i answer your questions. Solution: You described 2, rather different situations, yes a complicated supply scenario in both, but for a solution there is a different approach to both. Minsk situation: Here is a pocket situation, something very powerful to destroy armies. When the Germans totally cut off the Russians the allies HQs and Misk supply should immediately drop to 5+(infra tech/2) every allie turn the supply from the Russians should drop 2. To make an example, using the Russians with 0 at infra tech, at allied turn 1 when Germany cuts off Minks, the city and the HQs will drop their supply to 5. At allied turn 2 the supply drops to 3, at allied turn 4 the supply drops to 1 and so on. This balance the game, as a pocket will have a chance to break free, make the infra tech very interesting to the players and is historically accurate. D-day situation: Here is a landing, dangerous and a very risky situation. When the allies land in normandy they will do with a total supply of 5+amphibious tech and with the decay of 2 per turn. Therefore, the allies HQ can land with a total of 5 or even 10 and have the decay per turn. But, to make thing very interesting the allies can build an air link with the HQs transforming the decay of 2 into a decay of 1 per turn. When Caen falls to the allies the total supply of Caen is 0 because it's not connected to a supply source. After Cherbourg fall, the allies have a clean connection to the supply source, because the ports of Cherbourg have a connection to ports in England with a supply source, London. When the allies have control over Cherbourg and its port the total supply of the resources, like cities/towns, will have a total supply of 5 and no decay, because the flow of supply is not 100%. This is an interesting idea, as it makes amphibious a difficult task forcing the player to be prepared and gives the defensive side a chance to pull back the enemies into the sea. It also makes amphibious tech more interesting to players, manly to UK and USA and is more historically accurate. Notes: The infra tech only get's to work when setting the city, town, HQ supply are cut off, and have no effect on the supply decay, the same way amphibious tech has only effect in the initial landing of HQs and have no effect in the decay. Also the idea of air link can be seen historically in Stalingrad, when the 6th German army was stuck in a pocket and the Germans used bomber to send supply, not very efficient but it worked to keep them longer in the fight. Air link: The air link would be a special mission for bomber and would use the bomber turn and it could be intercepted, or hit by AA.
  6. I've been dead for more time, sorry for that, looks like the forum is flooded in posts i need (want) to read... Anyway, i will send, today, in 30-40 min an email , will need all the games that are not finished yet so i can set up the score, the playoffs will start soon, very soon.
  7. Soon bill, as soon as i get all the scoring, i need to check my email and get all the score i got from the players... I will, later today, send an email to detail these new playoff games and get the scores of every one
  8. Your referee is dead, i take his place, but know that he died in a honorable battle.... So, i was messed up with finals and stuff, but now i'm alive and i call over all the players!!!1 Good news.... I decided, that, i will implement the idea ofmaking the league fase to have 2 winners... You guys seem eager to see more fight.... so i decided this, after the league we will have more games, and to make you guys happy ALL, I daid ALLL, the playoffs fase will be played with the map Fate of Nations.... I know this will take more time, but i'm assured that you guys are here to play the big maps All this will be sent via email to every one for more details.... and sorry for my MIA status these days....
  9. People, i sent an email for everyone to vote, please vote so i can set the most voted system to work
  10. Of couse not!! :mad: It's a question of life and death, a road guiding to safety or to ruin!!!1 Victory or death, win or see your armies nad nation fall in the face of the horrors of war!!! well, at least i want the players to fell this way, make everything much much more fun!! :cool:
  11. Gosh... Can't help you in this... GODS OF WAR I CALL YOUR AID!!!1 [thunder sound] LET YOUR WILL AND WISDOM HELP OUR FELLOW PLAYER.... MANSPARTAN!!!1 [another thunder sound] hehe PS: if you need you can reload the game and remake your turn so you can save it properly. this is a situation that reloading IS acceptable. :cool:
  12. Cannot send any games, my comp is been, well, formated, tomorrow i will be able to play.
  13. One from every league, play-offs are 8 players, then semi finals
  14. Hey Ivanov, don't worry, it's not a fixed time lapse to play all the games, if come that more than 65% of the players, that my number, for real, haven't ended the game in 30 day, i will extand the time lapse, don't worry much about this. I will send a general warning about it. To the guys that have done an forum account after the start of the tournament, send your name and forum account to the email sc.tgw.tournament@gmail.com so i can set you in the list of the guys that can win an cool military ribbon if you win the league fase. :cool: Just another note, if some one can't play during the week, like Lukas, you can play an network game, these mini campaing are fast to play, i make a turn in 5-10 min so a network game can start and end a game at the same day Also another thing, surrender by any player is acceptable, so you guys are not obligated to play all the way until the end, just let me know that one's side have surrendered. PS: All this info will also be sent via email to every one.
  15. The tournament will work in leagues, there are 8 leagues, 5-6 players each, everyone will play everyone in 1 mirror mimi capaing game. The player with most victories go to the play-off, playing 3 mirror mini campaing games. The sime finals will be a fate of nations game and the finals a call to arms game. This way in teh leagues every one will get 4-5 mirror games. Also a note, with Bill's help, o got everyone another prize, the winners of the league fase will get a cool military ribbon in it's account, so to tell other that you won this fase. Also there will be prizes for the 1st 2nd and 3rd place that will be probably a medal in the players account. :cool:
  16. I understand your frustration, but it has been a big way until here. First google form was made just for forum members. Later, Bill101 came to me and said: "hey i want to make a news in the battlefront site so people from outside the forum can join and we will make a prize for the winner!" Of course, he did not use those words hehe. So, I did a new form for the guys from outside the forum, and the confirmation email is just a thing I did just so people who signed after the dead line could join if any one just had jumped out of it. Understand this because I’m a busy guy during the week so I have to make sure everything is 100% before starting, or it's just my eccentric way Anyway, I just want to say that, with Bill101 help, this tournament jumped from 15 players to 42 and we have a prize for the winner now! :cool: Yeah, it took time and work, mainly for me , but now we have some benefits and a big tournament
  17. Generals! News from the front! War will start in the day 30/11/2011! An email has been sent to confirm the participation in the tournament, if any one does not answer the email by tuesday, the player will be replaced by someone in reserve. The wait has ended, mobilize your forces just as Dragoon99, cause war is in the horizion :cool:
  18. Generals, the staff of the tournament, me and me, has created an email to organize everything, so if anyone has anything that want to talk about, please don't use my personal email, use this email: sc.tgw.tournament@gmail.com I can't promisse to answer ASAP any email, as i work study and have a busy life during the week.
  19. No it kicks off later... anyway i will make a REAL observation of your post later ivanov
  20. Generals of the Great War, :cool: The time has come, the dead line has been reached! The forces of every commander and nation prepears for the battles to come! :mad: while your brave man gather the supply, the oponents will be choosen. Any general to sign the form for the war on day 24/11/2011 or AFTER will be left in reserve, so if any active general flees the field of battle, it will be replaced by any one in reserve. The day for the start of the war will be anouced soon, keep an eye in your emails, for in them you will recive information about the tournament. Good luck, and may the Gods of War be with you all! :cool:
  21. No prob, the forum name is not extremely reuired, it's just to people know if they opponent have a forum account. It might be a way to get a secondary prize, that i'm planing to do, but that will come later. Good luck BTW
  22. :confused::confused: Don't you even make me start, you are trolling or you are dumb.... i will keep on the trolling as it seems less offensive and, hopefully, more possible...
  23. There was a deadline for signing up for this tournament, but due to Bill101 and Battlefront promotion of this tournament, and the prize they are now offering, the new deadline and starting date has not been defined yet. So sign up and wait for more news that will come from me or Bill101.
  24. If you haven't signed up with a diferent name, there is no problem
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