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Everything posted by Kommandant

  1. the tatic of not invading belgaum is some what a flaw, because if you leave just a small strip of land to defend, france will have more resouces to spare, as it's relocated insutries still como to play, wich i think is not accurate, also, in time, war can be declared to belgium or holland, as Karhu said, and entente will fall heavy against germany, or against the ottoman, dropping their morale as down as possible by taking it's nacional morale objectives. i don't like his tatic, not at all, the bet one is to invest in trench warfare with germany and make a steady line in northen france and drop the morale of the french army with attriction warfare.
  2. Is there anyone that happened to get a problem with the HQ rating in the 1914 Call to Arms game? Because I started an email game a few days ago as i playing CP and in the last turn i spoted that the HQ of Von Bulow that is positioned in Belgium, he's rating is 0, but when i start a new game he's rating is 5. I don't have a screenshot at the moment but i will add it as soon as possible. I will make a replacement in the HQ unit this will probably solve the problem. I just want to know what could had happened for this error to occur.
  3. Historically it's inaccurate, during WW2 trench warfare was limited to individual, or short extended trench, if you take a look in the battle of Bastogne in 1945, the Americans did great use of individual trenches. In kusk, the use of this type of warfare was limited to short extended trench, not to extremely long lines of trench, used in WW1.
  4. Looking for an opponent to play an email game for 1914 call to arms to play the entente or the central powers, although i preffer to play the central powers. wh40k.biffy@gmail.com
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