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Everything posted by Kommandant

  1. Do not worry, i'm not a elite guy too, probably i will not win this stuff.
  2. Guys, there is now a new form, every one who have signed the old form must sign the NEW form, the link is in the first Bill101 post in this thread or you can access it in here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDJXLV9YMnQ3NV9TQklRT0pGTDNjOFE6MQ Also, i hope every one has seen, but now we have a prize for the winner, a free copy of the SC: Global Confict GOLD. So join the tournament if you want some fun or if you want a free copy of the newest SC game. I wish luck to every one and don't forget to sign the NEW form. :cool:
  3. As far as i know Ivanov, the chints negate each other, so in the 1st example the none side can bring the neutral to it's side, and in the 2nd example side A would have a 5% chance to bring the neutral to it's side. Maybe one of the Lords of SC can explain you in depth.
  4. Talking about diplomacy here people, i will take my momento to say something about it. I would love to see the diplomacy system have some changes, just like the research system. So here is my idea. Diplomacy chit should raise the diplomacy number from 1-3% every turn, or even from 0-2% every turn and this efect could be halted by the investiment from the other side, just like it works today. But it must have some other changes to work correctly. The player should have the following opitions: 1-Pursuit the target nation to come to it's side; 2-Maintain diplomatic status with that nation. The 1st opition would make the diplomatic status of that nation increase to the players side and the 2nd opition would make the diplomatic status stay the same. The idea is this, when the Entente player invest 1 chit in Holland to bring that country to it's side. The CP player can invest 1 chit to maintain diplomatic status with Holland so diplomacy will not move, UNLESS the Entente player invest another chit in Holland. The "Maintain diplomatic status with that nation" works so nothing undesirable happens, like the CP player investing 5 - 10 chits in Holland and the Entente player have invested only 3 chits, so in the actual diplomatic system, Holland would come to CP side and cause a NM problem to CP. The price of the chits should increase also, making the diplomatic investment something very rare, or a heavy decision when talking about the nations MPP. This would be very interesting, so diplomacy would work unless the other player do something, and we would not be virtually delegated ONLY to luck's will. But it must be something slow and expansive so diplomacy would take lots of time to work out. Not sure if something like this can be implemented in the next patch, but I think worth posting. :cool:
  5. Ah WW1, aways behind WW2 even if it's more important to the modern history. here is something interesting, if you haven't got into the movie Ivanov posted, i found this in the coments: "Two years ago, Harry Patch died. He was the last infantry solider alive that had fought in the trenches and mud of WWI. Earlier this year, Claude Stanley Choules of the Australian navy died. The last known man to have been in active service. Since it started in England in 1919, this will be the FIRST ever Remembrance day that has NO surviving WWI veterans still alive anywhere. Of all the millions who put on a uniform and went to that war almost 100 years ago, the last one has finally fallen." And here is another thing if you want to fell some shivers down your spine: It's much more for the music, very beautiful
  6. A moment of silence, for all those who served, and lived the horror of the Great War. All those brave soldiers, from both the sides, who died and gave their lives serving their nations.
  7. I at least don't have, cause i'm already moding other stuff, so i say, go for it, i would like to see a world map for WW1. Particularly, i hate making the map so i mod over the official euroupe map
  8. It's Dawn of the Dead 1918, the great purge of the undead soldiers of the great war. It sounds like a 2nd class horror movie with Jason Statham
  9. It's just for us to stay like "OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG! I WANT THE PATCH, NOW! NOOOOW!" I kind of hate that, but please, do it, it's just my opinion
  10. I normaly land the brit unit to harrass ottoman rail system, but when i play with CP, i just leave an unit there, rather than alexandria, so it would be needed a major operation to take the town.
  11. The prob in montenegro is the lack of supply to AH, if you try to take it out. If there was more roads, with 2-3 corps a HQ and an art taking it takes 2 turns. You omly need to move the AH 2dn army there wth an art and BANG, Montenegro down. The prob, as i sayed, is the lack of supply.
  12. People, i have spoken to the lords of SC... i mean, Bill101, and something will come up the next days about this tournament, so the deadline has changed. At the present moment we have no especific deadline for the tournament, but soon we will have. We have lots of players now that have signed the form, but soon more will come, so we just need to wait for news that will come from Bill101. About the mini campaing, we will use the standard ones, no changes, we are doing mirror games, and playing 3 different games in 3 different maps so stalemates will be rare in the tournament. I have taken for account the possibility for a stalemante and if it happens, I, as the only judge so far, will anylise the games and see who did better in all of them and choose the winner.
  13. You were posting wille i posted, so we posted during our post. That's preety much what happened
  14. When you select the you unit, only land units, in the menu in the right, will appear an opition that looks like a soldier and an arrow, its, if i recall, the 3rd opition from the top to bottom. Just click it, and your unit will move 2 times faster in your controled territory, but the unit will not atk and will lose some morale in the process. When you click with the right mouse bottom over an unit, land and air units only, an opition will appear that is called "opperate", it will only be possible to select it if the unit is over an rail, in case of air unit it only need to have 3 supply value to operate in any title, rail or not. You spend some MPP doing this, but it's the best way to send troops to the front lines fast. Note, that when you operate, your unit will not do anything more in this turn and will lose some morale. the small numbers are tech lvl of the units, when you upgrade an unit that number indicates the tech lvl of the unit. You can upgrade your units by clicking with the right mouse bottom over it and selecting upgrade, or when you're going to buy the unit you can select the tech lvl it will come. Upgrading costs MPP and you need to reach the tech lvl first, so you can upgrade your units.
  15. as far as i know, there should bew no prob, cause as i understand the logic is, when a minor get activation in 100% for axis, the medal bitmap is based in the germancross simbol, right at the bottom of the medal_sprites.bmp when 100% allies it becomes based in the US star, right above the german cross in the bottom. Now, that must be a problem as the program should not do this, if you haven't editted the me medal_sprites.bmp file. So try to open a ticket, they are fast to give an answer
  16. Hey people, as i got just some answer in the form, there is now a new dead line for it, wednesday, every one that is going to play, answer until wednesday. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGFieFh1MVB1cEhNR0R6N2h4ZUR2LWc6MQ
  17. if you connect the roads that comes from Oltu and Sarikamish the supply from the russian HQ deployed thare would help the units attacking from Oltu, leaving space for a concentrated russian strike in Erserum, with 3-4 corps + an art unit and a HQ from the russians, it would be possible to take the city even against a defense of 2 ottoman corps + a HQ. A coordenated assault from the russians and brits would force the ottomans to fight in 2 fronts, and with weak units and the lack of concentration os the ottoman armies, one front would collapse, at least... At least i think it could work....
  18. Hey Mancspartan good to know you have bought the game, play some times as CP or Entente against the AI and latter come to the forum for a challange against another player. :cool: Oh, and good luck conquering europe
  19. ok people, everyone that is going to participate, please, answer a google form, just to insert your name and for me to have better control on this. If you have any question about the form or anything, please, post here and i will answer. You all have until sunday morning, i live in gmt -3 and will start preparing the tournament in the sunday morning so try to send this until there. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGFieFh1MVB1cEhNR0R6N2h4ZUR2LWc6MQ So, bill, i have played some mini campaings these days and would agree with you, the most suitable are Gallipoli, Kaiserschlacht, Race to the Sea and maybe Gaza-Beersheba. i wasn't thinking about mirror matchs for all the tournament, but it would fit in the first fases of the tournament with the mini-campaings.
  20. Ok, to choose i would do a random thing, it will not soud very professional btw, i would use this site http://www.random.org/ to generate random numbers, i would give a number to every one, 1-8 and another number to every mini campaing, and i would generate another random one to choose the side. as i said, it sounds unprofessional but it can be done. This is my present idea. Just for the record, Glabro will be helping me putting every thing in place. Now, i could be the referee, when some one ends the game, send me the save, so i can say who is the winner and post a print in here. Obs: There can be surrender by any player at any moment of the game. Oh and Ivanov, i'm waiting your turn
  21. I didn't count you peter, if you really can get to play, let us know.
  22. so, if sharkman plays, we have 8, that does a tournament already. With only 8 we will do on play-offs, i will give until friday for anyone to sign here for the tournament. For now the rules will be: 1th and 2nd games will be decided by 3 mini camaping games with no mirror, the on to win 2 or more games moves up. Semi-finals will be a fate of nations game, winner go to finals. The finals will be a Call to Arms game, and to decide the 3rd position another Fate of Nation between the semi-final loosers. The sides will be chosen ramdomly and the mini camapings scenarious will also been choosen ramdomly. the rules for every game will be: fog of war-ON weather-ON Undo moves-OFF Retrats-ON Production Delay-ON Research-ON Soft Build Limit-OFF Diplomacy-ON With standard scripts and the only official maps. There is no prize for the winner in the tournament, for now it's only about fun and i would like to keep the first one just like that. Please, give your opinion.
  23. Ok people, now to the real deal! What map will it be? It will be all with mirror games? We will do with standard rules? We will makes leagues or just to be play-offs? Should there be any winning prize? Ok, here is my position: For the map, i would preefer Call to arms. We should do all mirror games, if we play with leagues, and no mirror games for play-offs. The rules should be diplomacy, research, production delay and with soft build limit. I think we could do a tournament with leagues, but we need more people to do that. I would like to see a prize for the tournament, but that is not necessary. Ok, leave your opinion here, and if anyone haven't posted yet please, let's know if you are interested.
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