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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Company Sgt Major brought up ammo with the noon day meal.... He also brought all these bloody picks and shovels. We'll tunnel down through this farm and up into the rail station. Take Jerry totally by surprise! Alright, put your backs into it lads....
  2. yep, alt-bloody-k. Dang, that is some nice smoke graphics, not even a mod.
  3. Wow, alt-k, thanks, I will check it ASAP. I have some of those ingrained in the noggin but not that one. Hahaha, I remember I think I remember alt-C from CM1 to make your units visual size big, bigger, BIGGER, BIGGEST. I needed that to see the dang things and not forget to give one of them an order.
  4. Hey! The programmer guy wins the scenario? Sounds like Kirk and the Kobayashi Maru. And the S in JonS might stand for sadist with this scenario. Bravo Jonny, Bravo. SPOILER Last night I am on try 4 and finally got 3 Kiwis up by the wall near the sniper. I am trying to fire 2 inch smoke but never see anything. The rounds count goes down but no smoke and a pancake. The rail station bubbas suppressed them too much and it all came to naught. Plus some rail station FJ guy has a double barreled sheis becker. I swear it seems to fire 2 rounds at once or 2 guys fire at the same time. Another go tonight laddies!
  5. "One last thing. Market Garden ends in the end of September. So not even any autumn leaves." Shucks, I thought I would be making a better "Bloody Aachen" scenario....October 44...
  6. I know Ardennes Offensive isn't just about high glamour KG Peiper and the north shoulder but GL module didn't yet bring in the Waffen-$$. I am scratching my head and have to consult a book but I thought W-SS fought at some stage of Anzio, a small unit?
  7. what download button? never mind, the one in the e-mail from BF, ok! dl-ing....!!!a
  8. I forget, for CMFI, what comes after GL to get us to the end of the war? - - - - F5!
  9. 1944, that was an election year back in the states. Lots of GI's KIA for some 2 bit Macisle French village didn't muster up the votes. Try and increase his casualty count and maybe he'll crack. Get back farther with the MG's and lay it on 'em. If the shrecks don't knock out the tanks then have them fire at the bunched up squads. I played this map and had the same problem with 9mm ammo. But if you have scouts in the right place with the ammo, then they can rack up the kills quickly. GO BIG GREY!!
  10. Will CMFI GL have date range in the scenario editor up to the end of the war? Or is there another CMFI module coming out after GL? So couldn't/wouldn't we get some MP44 in the infantry squads? I get confused. Oh, wait, I see now "The Gustav Line module depicts July 9, 1943 to June 4, 1944. That's almost a year of combat through all four seasons! Snowy weather is here, as well as dynamic spring, summer, autumn, and winter terrain changes based on the date." I thought snow of winter 44-45 but it is snow of winter of 43-44....
  11. You are what they call an "idea man". Nothing wrong with that. My fondest CM memories are of using CMAK to make Ardennes-ish scenarios, operations and campaigns. Someone, sorry I forget the name, did the uniforms with gloves. Scarves and toques around the necks I think I recall. Both US and Axis. You can really get immersive, snow on the ground, foggy, cold weather, set it to dusk. A heavy kampfgruppe comes rolling down the road....
  12. Jonny, 1 more thing... Another thing I have learned now versus earlier is that for example like on my burn-out in finishing that mini-campaign where I am working with a fictional from my imagination map. WTF! Now I see! The heck with that imagination ****e. Macisle looked at that French village and nailed it and probably used less overall energy than a dozen noobies lost in the forest of unfinished scenarios. Get me them topos and google earths. The naked female model sits before me and I use my pallet to depict her curves as they really are. That aint workin, that's the way you do it, get your money for nothin', get your chicks for free. Buona Notte amici!
  13. Baneman, He's a well paid pixel actor. Actually, I couldn't leave it to chance. The kubelwagen was already destroyed. The poor sod was a 50% casualty conscript low morale sniper -2 unfit.
  14. Great! Now you tell me! ;-) Well, I did finish 1 small scenario for CMFI and it is on the repository. "Salvate il Maggiore Rinetti" Italian axis Human player versus German axis AI only. It was a small map. I did all the roads by hand and did not even know about the draw tool. It was a fictional town so the overlay feature did not come into play. Of course I have done many scenarios, operations and campaigns for my own use. CMAK, CMBB, etc. I've got a mini-campaign in the works "Sauvignon Sahara". I am held up by burn-out on the final map. A big chateau battle. Macisle reinvigorated me with the white manor map. He smartly just did H2H which saved all that time on the AI plans. He smartly just layed out the purchased forces for the human player to redeploy. His briefings for the scenario version were cut and dry and his briefing images were simple and easy to understand. His time went into the map, a labor of love with good techniques. Then he posted the QB version which even drops the briefings! I am not saying I can pull off a Macisle but I have decided to not worry about the AI plan or scenario briefings. Once I do have this big bugger finished then it can be chopped up into smaller parts IF NEEDED for smaller sized QB action. Right? Or the custom QB battle with a 3rd party intermediary. Anyhoo, weekend is finito, gotta get up at 0330 tomorrow...
  15. jakla, Do a search (listed by posts) for packs.... Steve said this way back on 19 Feb 2013: Originally Posted by Battlefront.com "Astute readers will note that I mentioned the term "Packs" up above. This is a term we have not used publicly much, if at all, so far. However, you will see a lot more mention of this in the months and years to come. So let me take this moment to start the education process A big bottleneck in Modules is the tight focus of the content. This means we have to fully develop the theme and also provide Campaigns and Battles to support that theme. It is very time consuming for many reasons. You have seen me talk about the "odds and ends" concept relating to Normandy. Specifically releasing a bunch of rare/strange vehicles, formations, and perhaps even terrain. A "Pack" is just that... a collection of things which are collectively cool, but not related to each other thematically. For example, we might include British Funnies, German converted French vehicles, German Stomach/Ost Battalion TO&E, the church of St. Marie Iglesias, Rommel Asparagus, etc. See what I mean about no real common theme other than "ooo... that would be cool!"? The point about Packs is we can do them faster than we can Modules. We can also price them according to how much stuff we cram into them. Maybe we do a couple of fairly small, more focused Packs ("German Normandy Defense Variety Pack" and "British Funnies and Oddities"), maybe we do a larger Pack ("Normandy Oddities"). It all depends on our schedule and what we think is worth doing. The last part is important for us. Since we can crank out more Packs in a year than Modules, this means overall you guys will get more stuff to play with in a shorter period of time. The downside is there will be few, if any, Campaigns or Battles in the Packs. And that means you can't get in and start playing with the new stuff until people make battles with them or you like to play QBs. A Pack, however, could simply be a bunch of Campaigns and Battles. It's all very flexible and we're not going to get nailed down to anything right now, hence not making much mention of it until now. Steve"
  16. well, I have finished all the topo including broadswords's recommendation to not have a solid line of black squares. Did the main roads. Now working on the gazillion little forest tracks. Also working on a few action streets. Then and now. If I quit my job, divorced my wife and disowned my sons I could really finish this sooner! Aww crapper, I just noticed I had the trees turned off, the opposite side of the street was supposed to be bushy...
  17. I confused you, I meant on the printed map, solid and dashed... On the map in the editor when doing elevations I use the direct button +/- to my desired value, then drag the cursor and paint along the special editor overlay line. I wouldn't say it is solid at all. But maybe I should go back and check.
  18. I recommend a QB on Macisle's new White Manor map. Download it from the suppository via the below link. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2616
  19. Hey Baneman, Shucks, I hate to tell you, but I did some testing a few weeks back and it DOES seems to simultaneously pound the old target line while adjusting. the rounds counter seems to hang up but the rounds continue to come down and then finally they are landing on the new target line...That is why the light/harass rate of fire seems a good idea to me as a defender. At least you don't fire it all off so quickly... Emergency business trip! Sheesh... GO BIG GREY!
  20. OK, you guys are probably sick of me already... But I wanted to again thank JonS for the link to the topo maps. Cheers Jonny! Now I have it all inputted. It has solid contour interval lines at 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, then auxiliary contour interval lines (dashed) at +2.5, +5.0 and +7.5. I used those values for my elevation data. Manual says they are also in meters. I could not do the .5 values but just rounded it off Now I am laying in the trees. I kinda need some other species of tree. The ones in the editor don't seem so "Hollandy". I dunno. I see some pix with these brick or stone cobblestone streets but I am also thinking they had asphalt, tarmac, macadam?
  21. Broadsword, the L-R-L rug weaving is going great guns. Thanks again. Even on the diagonals it seems to be expediting the process. A little "then and now" to show what I am doing....
  22. An old bull and a young bull stand on a hillside, overlooking a pasture. The young bull says to the old bull, “Hey, let’s run down and &%$# one of those heifers.” The old bull replies, “let’s walk down and &%$# ‘em all.” Go battlefront! You guys are awesome. I'm here for the long haul. I trust you, just release it when you know it is ready. I know I will never get "colonial marined" by you guys.
  23. Bil, dropshadow! OK, thanks, I am a noob and do not have a handle on the vernacular. I dl'd a free plug-in for the drop-shadow effect for my free paint.NET and here we go. I think a little better. and this time the little bends I did as separate lines versus pulling the drag point boxes on a single line.
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