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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Banter time! QUICK! PHOTO CAPTION CONTEST. 10 POSTS max. ENTER NOW!!! [ 1. Well, Leftenant, are you gonna break out the cigarettes in that suitcase you're sitting on or aren't you sir?
  2. OK, I see! Thanks sir. That must trigger changes in the palette of buildings and other map editor choices. Right?
  3. Fall Blau....thanks! "Always sit next to the smart kid in class..." Question: Road signs are flavor objects correct? Do we get some new "Dutchy" ones for OMG? Do they replace and bump out the French ones or or does it expand the available types? There is no preview so I always have to use all and then just delete the ones I don't want. If you know...yet...
  4. Alright, let me clarify the only authorized off-topic topics in this thread! a. boozes of the world b. the dead painter dude c. rare German puns d. Jack Reynolds e. sun dresses
  5. Poesel71, OK, thanks. I was working off bad memory. But maybe it is an accidental pun? "Clouded view" Wolkenshau is the propaganda newsreel wochenschau. HaHaha I made a German joke and didn't even know it! Shucks, I have a bunch of those international historic film wochenschau on stinkin VHS. Very interesting stuff. I really appreciate the part where they show Operation Blue (Blue, right? attack towards Stalingrad, right?) All the imagery shows movement towards the right of the screen, i.e., towards the east. Constant shots of different tanks rolling along to some pumped up thematic music...OK, need a classical music grog... probably Wagner? Really low zoomed in shots of bogey wheels, PzKpfW IV suspension with 8 road wheels, then trucks, etc. Shucks, maybe I should go see the newsreels for OMG timeframe....
  6. YES! That is him. Probably has a lot of posts on the repository.:mad: Choke his dang neck....shassin fassin snassle snizin... But he's dead. OK, I do NOT mean it. I can be a tad jealous of those who accomplish the wondrous. At least I admit it.
  7. :(Snows versus Arnhem 1944. OK, I goofed, my error. What is 4? Unit selection and objectives? Aww no couldn't be that, must be something about maps first.... MAPS! This will be a treat to see you do this. Like I hate the guts out of that famous TV oil painting artist dude who smudges his brush a few times so quickly and makes perfect roses! (Shucks, I think he died...)
  8. Regarding Jack Reynolds... I have seen that blurry photo before and always thought it such a ballsy thing to do to the enemy photographers. I mean he really could have just been pulled aside and shot out of hand. In a book I got on sale for about $30, Kampfraum Arnheim, some of you have it no doubt, it shows some follow on photos to this sequence and specifically another of Jack sitting as a prisoner much more melancholy. It is in sharp focus. He has his water bottle and is soon headed off to a POW camp. I now wonder if this was the twist in the German PK mind. Less risk to show only a quick blurred moment of enemy defiance (which would have been more tilted towards allied propaganda use if they had the photo) versus a short time later the overall acceptance of defeat. Am I making any sense here? But then again, these are the rough raw footage and I do not know what FINALLY got into German newpapers, Signal magazinee, Wolkenshau (SP?) newsreels, etc.
  9. YES! That's an idea to hang on to. Director's Cut is this version. Just tweak down the ammo so any spawn point campers will not dare to try that shinnanigan, shinnegen, shaganon,....errr...trick. Jon, what are the east-west boundaries of the proposed map? Please check your post. 2 easts in there.... I looked through Arnhem 1944 but I have the softcover version and someone said (here?) the maps in there are not as good as the hardcover version. Keep on cranking! Thanks.
  10. Alright, 1 was "Outline Scenario Concept", 2 was "Research" and 3 must be "Drinkin' Scotch"...? The audience is getting restless. Show them a bloody windmill or a Kriegsmariner!
  11. OK, do it as the studio wants for the disk, then afterwards do the director's cut for the repository!
  12. For my 2 cents, I think you should try and pull off your new idea and NOT worry about the few folks out there who would camp out near the spawn points and pick off the new arrival Germans. I've got my Martin Middlebrook Arnhem 1944 opened to page 326 to read the background on the Sheriff.
  13. I appreciate your comments. For PMD, it is sad but true that you are correct when I think for myself as I get older I am damned to even remember the exact damage anyway. Even years back during operations say on CMBB there would be a knocked out T-34 in no-man's land and I most probably would not recall exactly who or how it was knocked out. I might recall it if it was very significantly accomplished. A single soldier with one of those steel hand grenade bundles or somesuch. On with the lessons!
  14. JonS, Regarding "persistent map damage (PMD) " and operations vs campaigns.... Steve says we will not get this. OK. End of story I suppose. I would like to know what you think. If you have already said something in some thread, I apologize. Do you wish that the new CMX2 had the feature of PMD and we could replay on the same terrain? You must have had to design your German campaign to never play twice on the same map less a building suddenly reappear intact after having been blown to smithereens before. Or is there another workaround you employed that we could tap into as a tool in the toolbox?
  15. It was Austin, Texas, maybe 2008? for his God Delusion book tour. He was fabulous. He did hand people their a$$ a few times after asking silly questions.
  16. Yes! Loamshires! I now remember, played that. I learned that is the fictional generic regiment for UK training purposes. As we might say in the US military, Joe **** the rag man. 18 Platoon, yes, obviously now so JonS-ish! Platoon Patrol, OK, I see your style. Like a Led Zeppelin. OK, 10 days times 2 hours. = 20 hours so about 2 days effort. What? You got maybe a free Battlefront Beer coozy, leftover 1999 CMBO mouse pad, what else? It has gotta be a labor of love. Just joshin'. Keep up the good work! On with a real eye-opener of a thread. JonS, JonS, you gotta go out there on stage! "Oh, bloody hell!" Please! Webwing has trouble with his costume. A tad tight in the crotch. Stall til we get it altered. I promise, ahhh... five minutes MAX!
  17. Wow, this thread is starting to remind me of a recent college lecture I attended. Now I was not one of the college students but an interested 48 year-old attendee. When they got to the Q&A part I was livid to ask further questions when the college folks "seemed" disinterested or shy. The lecturer was Richard Dawkins... Eff it: JonS: So, I now know having played it several times, GL Kiwi Soldiers is one of your scenarios. Did you author any other CMBN or CMFI scenarios or campaigns. I admit that info might elude me if it is in the designer's notes. How long did GL K.S. take to design? Umm, if you have been authorized by Webwing to offer any clues, what campaign do you author for CMBN OMG? Oosterbeek Campaign?
  18. One last post on my hazy idea... I was thinking to use the variable range of time in arrival of reinforcements of single jeeps, maybe 3 or 4 in total, to be an indicator of them taking time to get unloaded, organized once on the ground and headed off to the objectives. Likewise on the German side, a similar variable time range in arrival of squads indicates Sepp Krafft finally realizing to spread out on his flanks, including north of the railway. Either side could head off early with less, get lucky and have it all in the beginning, etc. That is what I meant by the timing. Looking forward to see how you handle these issues or if you even use random arrival of reinforcements. I want to hear other guy's hazy ideas!
  19. From JonS: A question to everyone: What hazy ideas do you all have for a tiny or small scenario? I wanted to do that Wolfheze map with Major Freddy's jeep recon lads against Sepp Kraftt's 16th Reserve Bn. But it was supposed to just be small to show how the timing came into play. Random arrival with an exit objective. I was gonna call it "Go Freddie Gough!" :-)
  20. Gin is good stuff, give it another try. Hey, this could forge an entire sideshow effort. How about a new cocktail or drink contest? Something called the "John Frost" or the "Pegasus" or whatever. Or a drink with 3 different boozes called the ______. Oh, wow!. I am terrible. See? Anything to get away from actually finishing a scenario. Sheesh.... Alright, back to the lesson. How do you usually decide how big the map should be? I suffer from trying too large and then get winded and quit. I admit it. Many in the graveyard of unfinished scenarios are my brainchildren...
  21. Thanks for doing this Jon. I will be watching with great attentiveness. OK to roll the questions? So, you seem to already have a scenario title. Does that mean you already have this fuzzy idea forming out of the fog? Or a locked down specific inspiration from a short section in a book on the battle or is this fictional within the non-fictional MG timeframe like GL Kiwi Soldiers is fictional but within a factual overall timeframe? Do you get to drink any scotch yet at this point? Just taking notes....
  22. Without persistent map damage, I can't think of how someone can make a decent multi-battle campaign of the Red Devils at Arnhem bridge. Campaigns now have to progress on to some new map. Someday Stalingrad with no persistent map damage? CM1 somehow had it, right? And also in no man's land, the destroyed vehicles would stay there. Try hard guys. Solve the complications. Please.
  23. Bring all the families and modules on! packs too. thank you thank you thank you! trusting in you and looking forward to whatever your creative juices arrange for OMG. Wow, but I guess you gotta be careful writing a campaign that tries to show for example 101st dropping in France and then during OMG. Only folks who bought the proper combo of modules can play it? If you own all 3 modules, CMBN, CW and OMG and draw upon some combination of your combined editorial pallet to make a scenario or campaign, what is it prefixed with? Base game (no probs), CW (OK, you own CW, you can play this) CW-OMG (you own all 3, no problem) But what about just base game skipping CW but bought OMG? I guess it just doesn't load or what? This coming from the guy who has posted only one scenario to the repository thank you very much.
  24. Steve: "ehh, honey, I'm gonna go ahead and start the Market Garden Thread today" Steve's significant other (SO): "TODAY!!!?? I'm making lasagna and Aunt Mildred is bringing over her eldeberry wine!" Steve: "I understand, but baby, I promise just a few short posts and I am in the dining room right away..." Steve's SO: "Those blood sucking ba$tards will never be satisfied with anything you say! FINE!!! Your lasagna will be by the microwave...." :-)
  25. Forgive a non-3D computer graphics artist a question: Can somehow one of the smaller 1 story barn buildings be modeled as a glider? Or perhaps phrased in the vice versa? Wings ripped off at least? Just a crazy idea from the peanut gallery.
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