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Posts posted by Seedorf81

  1. Ambush through inattention.



    One of the things that kind a made me wonder about, or slightly annoy me with, the game is the instant spotting ability of the AI.

    As soon as one of my units spots an AI unit, that same unit spots me. Therefore it is virtually impossible to ambush/surprise the forces of the AI. 


    Which is, though I understand the programmers/ developers standpoint, not as it happens in real life. Anyone who has had guard-duty in an army knows how hard it is to stay a one hundred per cent alert when you're totally tired, stressed out and/or scared. And/or distracted by hunger, thoughts off home, the weather and what not.. 


    But even a person that is fit, well fed and focused, will have difficulties with continuously spotting for trouble at a designated sector for a longer period of time. (Two hours guard duty for instance isn't uncommon.)


    In Combat Mission I've never had the chance to totally surprise the AI, because it is always alert and always sees me when I see it, but I really would like to see an enemy that isn't 100 % awake 100% of the time.


    Even if it would be once in say twenty or fifty or hundred times. Could it be programmed into the game? I like to think so, and believe it adds an even more "reality-feel"  to the game.

  2. So here's my lead Panther, minding its own business rolling down the road with its two SPWs homies (second one is just above right side of the turret).




    As they near a crossroad, I stop all and ask the right 251 to exit a team to get a peak thru that right hedgerow for any contact.


    Well... I guess... Jackpot?   (trees removed for visibility)






    Well, considering your marechal Foch-quote I assume you immediately attacked?

  3. The Schwimmwagen will not be in Bulge, at least not the base game. No extra useful capability in return for having to expend artist resources on it instead of working on something else. What is essentially a different looking Kubelwagon is not worth it for us, at least not yet.

    Would I be banned if I said (imagine little child having a huge tantrum)"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you"?

  4. Road ahead haz swimmywaggon?



    Yeah man,


    by now we've seen nearly every German WW2 vehicle, even some of the rarest, but a much produced schwimmwagen  :wub: didn't appear and there's still no mention of it coming soon. :angry:


    Adding injury to insult is the fact that, IMHO, it is relatively easy to model it, just adapt a kubelwagen.


    I do not need a schwimmwagen to be amphibious, in real life the majority of 'm didn't ever see any water except rain, I just want it in the game.


    If BF doesn't have the financial resources to produce it, I hereby declare my willingness to start a crowd funding! :P


    Please BF, I beg you to give us the type 166.



    Some Kettlerian info:



  5. Hey John,


    As always I'm impressed with your knowledge and ways to find stuff. Documents and statistics, report and photo's, there seems to be no end to your quest for info.


    Though sometimes it is a little too specific/detailed/much for me, IMHO the battlefront forum would be less interesting without your contributions. Thanks for your unrelenting input.


    Unfortunately we weren't talking about the same weapons carrier, I want the 3/4 tonnes one. But both of 'm would be even better. (After the schwimmwagen, off course :D.)   

  6. I'm sorry, I was frustrated, couldn't possibly win without tank support, and deleted my Kampfgruppe Engel saves with the missing Pak and Tanks.


    Still, everything else looked all right in those first two scenario's. The SPW250/9 and the Kubels and the Opel Blitz's were there, as they should, and

    all the German infantry was there, too.


    Hopefully there will be an swift and easy fix for the disappearing stuff..







  7. Just tried 2nd scenario, multiple turns, no tanks.


    mission two: your troops assembled at church. Straight road leads into town that has very long, also straight, road running through it, perpendicular to first road. Telling info: two enemy M8's far apart.

    You can blow big part of town (enjoyingly)to smithereens with rocket strike.

    There should be 2 PZII's, 1 Panther and 2 PzkwVI unless you lost them in first scenario, I believe, and two SPW250/9 (75mmgun).

  8. I started this campaign just this week and on the first mission I missed the 75mm tank gun behind the sdkfz251. The crew and ammo bearers were there, but the gun wasn't.

    Once I started playing it suddenly appeared as it should.

    Second mission about to start and indeed, no pzII's, but also no Panther and/or PzkwIV's. I didn't have time tot start the game, because I had to go, but maybe they appear after hitting the end-of-turn button after set-up?

    Again I do not have the time to play right now, but I wanted to let you know that I had the same issue.

    So the question is: did you start playing the (2nd)scenario for one or more turns? If not, that could be the solution.

  9. Well Gaj, I'm sorry for your loss, but at least you got some arty at all.


    When my soldiers spot an real important enemy target that has to be destroyed by artillery, every Tom, Dick and Harry in my army seems to be able to see the target. Except, off course, the ones with the ability to call in arty/airstrikes. I can have six different units behind the same hedgerow and then:


    - the riflemen spot the target,

    - the machinegunners spot the target,

    - the ammobearers spot the target,

    - the bazookagunners spot the target,


    but the officers do not,

    and the forward observers do not.


    Repositioning gets 'm killed, or the target moves away, or smoke gets in the line of sight. UURGH!!!


    At least your spotters spot!

  10. Schwimmwagen (long overdue!) and Beep (Dodge weapon-carrier).

    Also the possibility to fire into/through smoke with area fire. Even though a defending unit pops smoke, one still knows it's (at least

    for a few moments) in the vicinity of it's last known position. In real life you can shoot through a smoke cloud, so why not in the game..

    Much more dust/dark smoke in, or right after, explosions. Again, see real life..

  11. Until this AAR, and the vids from ChrisN, I didn't know that modern AFV's automatically react to "being lazed". (Smoke deploys and turret turns to threat.)


    I thought about that and came up with a silly question that maybe isn't so silly at all:


    What if every infantryman on the battlefield had a laserpointer (like those that some kids use to blind civil pilots with), and GI's would point it at an approaching enemy AFV from different directions, wouldn't that scare the living daylights out of the crew, because of all the automated alarms? And confuse and delay them?


    That might give you just a few seconds longer to live..   Or am I missing something? 

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