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Posts posted by Seedorf81

  1. Being over fifty years of age I seem to get less capable by the day. Eyesight, hearing, physical coordination; all going down the drain it seems.


    And, of course, the ability to type a reply to forum-reactions without deleting it when having written the most of a brilliant answer.


    BUT THE BATTLEFRONTBOYS HAVE DONE AN AMAZING THING! I was already cursing and swearing about the disappearance of my text, when I saw that this forum has an auto-save and I could retrieve my message! 


    Thanks BF, brilliant work!



  2. A bit of an update.. just spoke with Scott and I am going to pause my turn reports at this point to let him catch up.  Phase II of the battle is beginning, or as I like to call it: The Beginning of the End.


    Any critiques of my play at this point would be welcome to fill up the time (I think 3 or 4 days).  I will chime in and try to answer any questions or reply to any comments.  For starters.. I think 2nd MRC is in for a world of hurt.  Thoughts?  Agree?  Disagree?


    Well, if you would have been able to avoid that Tungushka in your back, it would have been a near perfect battle for you so far. 


    I admire the way you used 1MRC to cover 2MRC. Very nice and highly organised (organized?) move.


    Question: How do you feel about getting as much of your troops as possible in built-up area's, even if that means getting them back? (Oh boy, I can already hear c3k's indignation!) No modern day combat knowledge here, but I suspect that fighting the US army in the open would spell disaster for your troops.  


    Many thanks for many days of fun. Just as during your earlier battle-reports the first thing I do when I get home from work is checking this site for new turns.


    Good luck with the oncoming slaughter..  

  3. The amount of white is assaulting my aged eyes making it bit hard to look at.  Otherwise, a very nice look to the site and I appreciate the improved functionality.


    But my god, the white....  arrrrghhh  * claws at eyes*


    Maybe BF is preparing us for all that snow in the next module: Battle of the Bulge???


    Boy,  now I know how it is to be snow-blind..  

  4. But I agree that smashing the encircled ukranians first with what you have should be a priority

    They (the encircled ones) seem to be near, or already in, an urban/built up area. That means that it would be very difficult to disable them completely as a threat. It most surely would cost me dearly in time, men and material.

    I believe that a relative small portion of my force could delay the encircled troops if they decide to break out. The Ukrainians would have to advance over one of three bridges (that at least is what the map seems to indicate) which makes a small-force delaying/defensive action pretty possible.

    Attacking the "big brother coming to the rescue"-force is an unavoidable necessity, so I would go at him first.

  5. I thought I had been able to suppress my yearning for a new PC with the following arguments:

    "You don't really need a new PC."

    "Your current one will do for a few more years."

    "If you behave like a man, not like a boy, you can withstand those annoying evergrowing Battlefront-PC-performance demands. You don't NEED Red Thunder and the rest!!!"

    "You can use the money for wiser things."

    But when I saw the Black Sea announcement I felt doubt creep up again, and if I keep looking at this AAR I know I am defenseless; soon my home will be invaded by a new PC.

    Since I only played BF's WW2 games, I'm very curious how this modern warfare battle plays out.

    Just one question Bill: have you considered to ignore the isolated group and go straight for the reliefparty with all you've got?

    Good luck and thanks again for days of excitement.


  6. Ehm, lot of info and discussion on the effects of SU-122's and SU-152's vs. Panthers and Tigers, but has anybody some info on the frequency of such engagements?

    I mean, how often did they meet in battle? And are there any reliable statistics available on the results of such engagements?

    It seems to me that those head to head confrontations were (very) rare. Of course, a Panther being struck by a 152mm would probably feel like putting your head on the working end of a pile driver, but wouldn't the only way for an SU-152 crew to achieve a direct hit on a German tank be from a prepositioned ambush position?

  7. I'm having problems finding fan made campaigns for CMBN. If possible could people post any campaigns they know of here and post a link and I'll copy them into this first post.

    This would give CMBN players a quick easy way of finding such campaigns.

    Thanks in advance.

    Devils' descent

    Very nice little campaign. Not too difficult, beautifully made. US para's.

  8. Well, I bet they paid for 'm, one way or the other. But anyone who was against "the Commies" in those days was a big friend of the USA.

    The US Army realized that if the Eastern Block forces would attack Western Europe, they needed all the time they could get to mobilize and get enough troops and equipment across the Atlantic ocean to stop 'm.

    Therefore they made Tito (a "socialist dictator", if that is a possible qualification) an ally so that he, and his with nice Shermans equipped Army, could be used as a delaying force.

    Tito on the other hand knew that his chances of keeping his independent state Yugoslavia would be greater if he had the USA as a friend. The threat of an Russian invasion, followed by annexation, hung over his head for years.

    It has always been the same throughout history: my enemy's enemy is my friend.

  9. Few days ago I watched again the movie Kelly's Heroes that I haven't watched for ages.It's a good and funny movie with some remarkable combat scenes.I didn't remember that the shermans used in the movie were genuine shermans and not M-48 or other post-WWII tanks that appear in many other war movies.After some research I found that the movie was filmed in former Yugoslavia and the tanks belonged to the Yugoslavian Army.Were they from the Lend & Lease program?.As far I'm concern they were M4A3 models upgunned with a 76mm gun.Anybody has more information about it? (..)

    From the magnificent Dutch site www.strijdbewijs.nl (partially translated in English, they're busy with the rest, I believe):

    The tanks in the movie, provided by the Yugoslav army, are a little odd.

    In the 1950's 630 Sherman M4's, recovery tanks included, were delivered to the Yugoslav Army. All of them were M4A3-E4 76 mm's with M34A1 (sic) turrets meant for the 75mm gun, but adapted to house the 76mm.

    (My translation from the Dutch article.)

  10. Once again it comes down to a matter of taste and preference. Some guys like to test themselves against a really grueling environment, hence Iron Man competitions and climbs of Everest without oxygen. As it happens, I am in your camp. I have no objection to playing a game which is almost a sure win as long as I don't screw up in a really big way. From that point, the challenge is how big a victory, and I always go for Total with as few casualties as possible. But a lot of players would find that too predictable and boring. Like I said, a matter of taste.


    I can understand that people have different preferences, but climbing Everest seems to be a challenge that has, with the proper preparations, at least a 50/50 change of survivability.

    But I do not see those odds in the fore mentioned campaign, and shockingly as it may be, I would consider that "normal" people (if ever there are any, that is), play games with the same intent as I do: have some fun. Not being subjected at an involuntary sado-masochistic experience..

    I realize that I might hurt others people's feelings here by inadvertently stating that sado-masochism is slightly out of the ordinary. (If anyone's offended, sorry 'bout that.)

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