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Posts posted by Seedorf81

  1. I think there maybe the possibility that the makers of these battles want to be as realistic as possible, and (IMHO at least) sometimes forget that we want to play this game for fun and that, how realistically it may be, losing without a chance of winning is not very funny.

    Playing a(n) (near) unwinnable battle would be ok for once or twice, but CMBN, CMCW and now CMMG, seem to have quite a lot of those. In stead of a relaxing game, I find it teeth-grinding, fist-clenching, swearing-ridden and frustratingly difficult.

    Maybe I'm a softy, but I would have liked a little more ease at times..

  2. Let me see if i got it straight. You reran the installer and now you are able to play both MG and v 2.00 without having to reactivate MG every time you launch 2.00? Is this correct?

    Yes, am playing German campaign, have started two or three scenario's to look at them and no problems.

    However, I did not play PBEM, nor have I tried to load and older CMBN/CW game-save yet.

  3. Well, I've got one that doesn't work..

    I believe it's Vin's animated text, because that shows that I have Su-25's, RPGs, YPRs, Italian mortars and my infantry is sometimes designated as Long Tom.

    Have still to remove this Mod to be sure that it is the reason for this game spoiling crap.

    Not a good start and to make things worse: I am very glad that in MG we don't have to deal with that bocage horror no more, but the first scenario I start???

    German para's have to attack through rows and rows of bocage! (Counterattack at St-lo or something).

  4. Here, I have a better thought. I want to start campaigning that they dont release it until Christmas, make all those that cannot wait go crazy.

    Plus it solves all the threads that pop up wanting something new from BF at Christmas time since they have time to use it then.

    So Please Bf, no matter the pressure. wait and make this mans misery complete and release MG at Christmas!!!

    What?! That soon already?:cool:

  5. I had mostly been playing heavy infantry campaigns. Hunt seems to be very tiring for infantry, and I tended to only use it for the last few meters of a move, into bocage--for example.

    But now that I am using a campaign with AFVs, the hunt command, before enemy contact, almost seems like the old "move to contact" CM1 command.

    Once the enemy is engaged, the hunt command then again becomes of less use--because the AFV will stop at the sight of any target, no matter how trivial.

    Is that others' experience?

    Yes, even after playing this game for quite a while, I sometimes start swearing and cursing when my AFV's or tanks seem to ignore my orders to advance. In the heat of battle I forgot that I gave a HUNT command and indeed, they spotted a lone enemy rifleman and stop, f#cking up my brilliant planning.

    This arcing solution that is mentioned doesn't suit me, since I tend to forget to UN-ARC later, with usually disastrous consequences. I hardly ever use HUNT anymore, certainly not for vehicles, I use SLOW.

  6. There where I stated in a previous thread that being a Sdkfz mg-gunner had to be the deadliest position in Combat Mission's history ever, I 'll have to correct myself after seeing these astonishing screenshots:

    Being a Commonwealth unbuttoned tank commander must be the deadliest position in Combat Missions history.

    (Until some other impressive and surprising screenshot-evidence shows otherwise, that is :).)

  7. And there it is.

    You would have had a victory had you not been handicapped, rolled and robbed by the historical TO&E :D when making your choices.

    Why given the circumstances the same results would happen to Bill if you had Bill's sexy, Fascist armored vehicles and Bill had been equipped with those pokey old Austins your para were foisted with.

    No this just won't do. The results were preordained..

    I would move for a rematch after this exercise is over to prove once and for all who is the Master of the Battlefield. ;)

    (Large crowd chanting): "REMATCH, REMATCH, REMATCH!!!"

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