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Posts posted by Seedorf81

  1. Yesterday: "Dutch f-16 pilot mistakes ground observation tower for target and strafes it. Miraculously none of the personnel in the tower was hit".

    No joke, this is real! A well-trained pilot in a modern plane with high tech target-acquisition equipment in peacetime circumstances hits the one thing on this trainings ground (Vliehors, Vlieland) that he shouldn't.

    (A few years earlier a Danish pilot dropped a bomb on the same tower. Killing at least one occupant.)

  2. To alleviate your pain, I made a scenario which plays out in beautiful Oosterbeek and is designed especially if you don't have too much playtime to burn up.

    Ow wait, I see you are already playing it. Great! Please let me know how you like that one!

    P.S Seedorf? You were there in 81 for the dienstplicht by any chance?

    Yep, that's right. Bremen by night, Hamburger Reeperbahn. Memories, memories..

  3. Sounds like you are working way too hard and it has gotten to you. Time to take a nice long vacation. Impose on a friend who owns a cabin in the woods to let you borrow it for a week or two. Go and sit on the porch and drink beer while zoning out on the sound of the breeze in the pines. Do a little fishing. Go for hikes and then get some good rest. It'll make a new man of you.




    Originally my thought was: "He, why don't I go play a little Market Garden scenario. That will have a relaxing effect.." ;)

  4. Despite the growing chance that this is going to be one of those endless yes versus no threads, I have to say that there is, in my mind at least, a very big difference between a bocagebattle (where you cross or blast a hedge, get shot, muster mortars and MG's and then - if you're lucky - blast or cross a hedge, get shot, muster MG's and mortars, get shot again etc.) that can be played in many variations in CMBN/CW, and the magnificent maps, battlegrounds, buildings and battles of Market Garden, that have a multitude of NEW attack possibilities and sceneries.

    We will probably never agree on this, but if it can make some forummembers a little happier I am willing to change the sentence "no need for bocage", in "no need for bocage for me.".

  5. Cheers Seedorf81 :-)

    What side are you playing? I tried to make this one interesting to play against the AI for both sides.

    I appreciate any feedback. I am making another scenario right now (Oosterhout, 22 september, Somerset Light Infantry vs. SS Kampfgruppe Knaust) and am still trying to learn the ropes.

    Mind you, the master maps are excellent to start with. Once I have cropped out the part that I want to use, I start making some (mostly subtle) changes to it. You will see if you compare it to the original. This is a real timesaver. And with the JonS's excellent scenario making guide, you are good to go.

    I encourage everyone to have a go at scenario making now. It is fun!

    The British..

    Like I said, only ten minutes or so in the game, but it's all hands on deck.. I can't recall a CM battle that me so nervous within such a short time. Last turn I played (elite) it looked like the enemy breaks through on the left. :eek:

    Have to walk my doggie now, hope to continue this battle later in afternoon.

  6. Thanks, Jaws.

    So considering the bocagefighting and the Fj's, that wouldn't be all to different from other Germans in bocage, wouldn't it? Except for the uniforms and special weapons like the FG42, which isn't even available in noticeable numbers..

    I still can't see the reason for bocage in MG, there were numerous fights on all kinds of different terrain in this period. No need for bocage.

  7. You seem to be very angry regarding the mere existence of these scenarios. Are you aware you don't have to play them and can probably delete them?

    Sure, but my "rant" originated from very high expectations, and a rather short available timespan to play.

    In between nightshifts I had an hour or so to spare and, warmed up by the beautiful and very exciting previous Arnhem/Oosterbeek scenario's, I loaded one of the two scenario's that I hadn't peeked at before.

    Being busy with some other things I didn't read the briefing and loaded the game. When I returned to the computer I saw a whole lot of bocage, and assumed I had started the wrong scenario by accident.(I knew there was one with a lot of hedgerows, and couldn't care less, but I just didn't want to play a bocage scenario.)

    So after checking the scenario's list I started the one I knew was right, and law and behold, the same scenario appeared. Confused by my (still valid) prejudice that there couldn't, wouldn't and shouldn't be two bocage scenario's in MG, I assumed I had mixed up the scenario names and hastily loaded, a little annoyed due to lack of remaining playtime, another one.

    Bocage again! Stupefied. Only now I realized there were two of those. Very irritated and with no time left to load and play another scenario, I just had enough time to vent my feelings in a hasty posting. (Still suffering from Normandy-bocage shellshock ?:))

    Not very diplomatic. But I still believe that there is enough bocage to play with without these two scenario's. And about those FJ,s, they didn't just fight in bocage country, did they?

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