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Posts posted by Seedorf81

  1. After reading this thread, I wondered if the campaign scenario's were as bad as they seemed to be. So I cheated if you like, and loaded the battles without playing them.

    I will most probably offend a lot of people, but when I buy a game, I do expect it to be a little fun. Not a murderous, near impossible to win, slaughterhouse. How realistically or historically accurate that slaughterhouse may be.

    I play a game to relax and to have fun. But this campaign seems to be, in my opinion, even more frustrating than the bocage struggles. And to be honest? I like to be able to win a game sometimes..

    PanzerMike's scenario's for instance, give me the feeling that a win is possible, if only I make the right decisions or even if I get lucky. It's a fair game with him.

    This campaign on the other hand gives me the creeps. Why should I even bother if I know that the odds are so very difficult?

    I know, and nearly every hardcore forum member will tell me what an unhistorical, near hysterical, ungrateful f%#k I am, it was the way it was and if I don't like it, don't bother to buy the game, etc.. But come on, people, is it fun or a nice way to spent your free time with this level of frustrating, hardly-winnable, battles? I do not think so.

    If I want to be very frustrated and have a daily dose of not getting what I would like to get, I might as well go back to my first girlfriend. (Be it that the BF game is still a whole lot cheaper, mind you! :D)

    Battlefront has given me years of fun, but I wonder if the urge to reach a certain amount of (historical) accurate "feel" - which is an illusion until we can be shot at with real bullets or shrapnel sitting behind the computer - hasn't gone a little too far..

  2. Hi guys!

    Haven't been writing here for a while.


    The Russians were a completely different story: poor leadership, poor training and poor (in comparison) equipment througout the war.

    Just some numbers: the Brits lost an estimated 100-150 tanks in capturing my home province of Lower-Saxony as long as Hamburg in early 1945. In the same time frame the Battle of Berlin and its preceding battles over the Oder River cost the Soviets about 2000-3000 tanks (battle of Berlin alone 1000 KIA tanks).

    They usually just poured massive artillery firepower and stormed in afterwards.

    Flexible leadership whipped them at every opportunity.

    Best regards


    Hmm, you're seem to forget that in early '45 most German soldiers in the West weren't nearly as determined to fight the UK/US forces, as the Germans in the East were in fighting the Russians.

    Certainly in the last two or three months of the war, the British and American forces had hardly any serious opposition left, while the Russians had to fight against very fanatical (sometimes literally suicidal) soldiers.

    Therefore you're comparison isn't entirely just.

    And I think that the Germans, in for instance Heeresgruppe Mitte in the second half of 1944, realized that the Russian Army by that time was pretty well trained, very well led and rather well equipped.

  3. Ow man, I sure had hoped that nasty thing would be a real partypooper :D

    It would have, if

    - I hadn't done so well elsewhere on the map, what forced the AI to surrender.

    - I hadn't stumbled on the small "armor gap", that made it possible to deploy my tanks without exposing them on the dike.

    - my first (utterly failed) attempt hadn't shown that the dike was even more exposed than I realized, and that a particular corner of the map was pretty dangerous.

    - I would have chosen a more difficult level than the cowardice "basic training" (direct consequence of too many humiliating losses in scenario's on "Iron".)

    Still, I don't know if this nasty sting-thingy we're talking about would have been more useful when placed elsewhere. (Hindsight view!)

    My scores:

    British: 241 ok, 36 kia, 48 wnd, 0 miss.

    German: 43 ok, 117 kia, 63 wnd,22 miss.

    I lost just one tank, and two others lost their TC's.

    Germans lost more, but in order not to spoil, I won't mention what.

    Though I now know where the German positions are placed, I am certainly gonna try the dike approach. Let's see what smoke - an awful lot of it - will do..

    PanzerMike, your scenario's made my doubts, whether I was (frustrated) going to stop playing CMBN or not, totally go away.

    I had a blast of a time..

    Thanks, PanzerMike.

  4. Well, I got myself just that! Total victory!

    No one more surprised than me, because Gerry (AI Gerry that is) gave up before I knew what really happened.

    With no infantry support close, I went on with my "suicidal Sherman show". Two Shermans, one buttoned up in front, the other one unbuttoned following at about 25 meters distance, and than leapfrogging. Keeping the front one always buttoned. (I did not use the dike, except for one slow creeping Sherman as bait.)

    Got lucky on an AT (with it's barrel pointed at the dike it was too slow in traversing) and after that kill, the Germans surrendered. Glad they did, because they still had something very nasty hidden on the map edge/corner.

    Scores will follow, have to go now.

  5. Still playing. Just about cleared the right side of the map, but with 29 minutes to go I seem to run into the same problem as Fuser. Distance to remaining VP's and troops exhaustion make a final attack, other than with just three or four unsupported tanks (=suicide), near impossible.

    PanzerMike, don't know if it's at all possible, but maybe you could add some playtime for this scenario?

  6. I'm playing at the moment and I killed the PZ III's. (I have to confess it's the second attempt after my armor was slaughtered on the dike during the first.)

    Without spoiling things I can say that I found (somewhere on this magnificent map) a very small opening for tanks to advance without having to run the gauntlet on the dike. Without it I would have been very frustrated, I fear.

    Still, I don't know if I can get my remaining tanks to the far VP's without having to return to that diabolical dike.

    PanzerMike, I really love your scenario's. Instant nail-biting excitement, (within three minutes I had an awesome 600m distance point blank duel between a Firefly and a German infantry gun), multiple approach possibilities and a very nice feeling that the end result depends on my own decisions. (Instead of some of the base scenario's that give me a feel that I can't get a total victory whatever I do.)

    And boy, do you know how to set up a nice defense..

    I'm a fan and hope you can make some more of these beauties.

  7. Just wanted to throw out a thank you to all the modders. You have taken a great game to the next level!!!!:)

    Hear, hear!

    For v2.11 I removed my very well filled Z-folder and I restarted the game without putting that Z-folder back again; a shocking difference!

    Without Mods the game looked eerily bland (no offence intended BF).

    My hat off for all them Modboys!

  8. I've seen a good deal of two types of threads here over the years. People coming on here whining about some minor issue and/or making unreasonable demands as well as people having legitimate questions/concerns then getting jumped on by the pack mentality mob of BFC-can-do-no-wrong'ers.

    Thankfully, I haven't noticed too much of either lately, though my visits to the forum are spotty.

    Though I do not totally agree, I do think you have made a legitimate point.

    Newbies or forummembers with little or no understanding of ww2 (be it tactics or techniques, battles or uniforms and what not), of game development, of Battlefronts strategies and possibilities and limitations, and even of the English language, sometimes get very assertive and/or condescending reactions.

    Maybe it's, like somebody once mentioned, "a forum/internet-thing one has to get used to", but I will always prefer courtesy.

  9. As far as I know the "klinker-streets" were very common during WW2. Even a lot of the main roads were paved with these pattern-laid stones. As the Dutch are well-known for their, almost Scottish "careful way of spending money"(= stingy!), they used this very cheap and pretty durable material where ever they could.

    When you look at pictures from Market Garden and Hell's Highway, for instance, you will see how common those brick-roads were.

    Just one example..


    But, since especially at street corners, those fine laid stone-patterns were easily destroyed by passing tracked vehicles, the Allied armor may have finally contributed to a better road surface in the post-war Netherlands!

    Still, even today there are lots of "klinker"-roads. The street I live on, as well as the surrounding streets, are paved with klinkers.

    So, a "klinker" mod for Market Garden would/could be a very nice addition..

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