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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. I think all of them do,...I haven't got any PM or email with questions or complaints yet
  2. Lol,...it sure is noticeable, that there are not many CM modders these days,...Don't worry, I''ll keep modding even without appraises guys,
  3. Looking good kohlenklau! Keep trying, eventually modding wil turn to be a hobby, watch out!
  4. You may start here: http://myphotoshopbrushes.com/
  5. Clouds are still buggy, shaders make all 2d textures (except stock, lol) look odd. Still, I like them myself,m so I included them for those who may have missed them. Horizon Set B has been improved in hazy and thick hazy conditions,...Looks much better now IMHO.
  6. Horizon and Cloud Pack Version 2.0 uploaded to CMMODS.
  7. I know that modding roads is perhaps the most difficult task due to that "never matching " issue, so I left roads out of my HD terrain pAckages for that single reason,...If stock textures are unable to achieve a seamless effect, a brave modder should give them a try, not me, of course, I have always been a coward,...
  8. I will try to mod the PAk 40 and the M8 Version 2, Astrocat, thanks for the interest. Meanwhile: Jagdpanzer IV/70 and a new optional horizon with a Dutch flavor...
  9. Sorry Kohlenklau. I thought I had already told you I use my old Photoshop CS3 to do the job. For any otrher help regarding modding I can answer all your questions here (time permitting). Good luck!
  10. It's wayyy too much work at the moment,..sorry,..A single modder would need months of continous work for that alone, it's just plain crazy, from now on I guess I will just release single selected mods from time to time,...I think the comunnity needs more modders.
  11. BTW, how come the Market Garden hasn't got new horizons and depicts mountainous background in Holland? Umm, a little extra effort should have done it,..
  12. Something to be fixed in future patches maybe,...this should prove to be not too difficult, huh?, and yet, looks so bad,...Cruiser Mk VIII fenders mappings,...argh...
  13. You are right. Here, the first to raise the hand. I miss it ( as I miss the Enter hotkey which allowed to have a kind of mini encyclopedia ingame..), even if not necessary, it would be great if included and modelled so that it could be switched on and off as it happens with the landmark names, etc....
  14. Man, sure this game is getting better and BETTER, I look back to CMSF v 1.00 times, and well, it looks like we are back on track now,...I trust BFC, I know they love CM so much they can't stop improving it now, Thanks for the bone, BTW.
  15. I would use alpha masked textures of dirt and rust for that and blend them on the signs. Send a roadsign to me and I will try something if you want...
  16. Moddin vehicles is NOT ..easy,...is a LONG learning process,...Hard to teach, you' d better learnt by trying,...anyway, if you need some tips, you know where I am,..
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