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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. Haven't found any apart from those, yet,...
  2. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38783558/splash%20background.bmp
  3. LOL....The one on the left is on my wish list too,..
  4. THANKS. M18 Hellcat uploaded, some extras included,... http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5025/details
  5. Lol, yes, Dutch asphalt is known to be badly (VERY BADLY aligned) comparing to german one (which isn't perfect either..), go figure, dutch decided to add a white line along the road, which complicated everything quite a bit more , so I decided to remove it for now,...(not that wasn't easy before,...). Did that answer your question? XD
  6. Thanks guys, nice to know these mods are welcomed. Well, let's go on,...lots of work to do,...no time to chat As soon as I knew this was to be included I wanted to know how would it look like ingame, since it is a pure classic in CM history, so,...ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in CMX2' s short but intense history, the amazing Hellcat,..(umm, modded BTW, standing on a new DUTCH ASPHALT PACK (BOTH, in Beta stage, the latter intended to be for personal use only, sorry).
  7. Nope, some, quite a lot I think are unmodded...it's an overwhelming task for a single person...isn' t it ?
  8. Umm, let me check,...um,...I may have forgotten them,...sure,...so many mods, so many modules that I may have missed them,...back to work then,...
  9. GREAT! Thanks a lot, making scenarios is a hard (and enjoyable at the same time) task...
  10. Another very cinematographic splash screen:
  11. Sexton Mod uploading to CMMODS as I write,...
  12. What about some extras for the next mod, like a customizable (Photoshop file to create your own splash screen) alternative welcome screen without(snif,,,) those familiar Stuarts?Make CM welcome the way you want every time it loads... For example,...
  13. Thanks to you MArco , it was my pleasure to test this monster, enjoy guys, this is a labor of love.
  14. Firts 1h session with the Sexton, still a lot to do,...
  15. Juju, the "must have" modder maker. THANKS!!
  16. Sexton first , sure, I won't to mod that pretty soon actually. The other two, well, later on... Thanks for the appraises guys, really appreciate them.
  17. Manolito, classical Spanish name for naughty kids,... Still, IMHO latest Oddball mod it's the best conpendium for those of us that dont want to check every single WAV.
  18. As many bugs as it might have, I must say, that CMMG is the ultimate expression of what CMNx2 is capable of, a compendiumn of bugfixes and new features that add to city fighting inmersion, ..well, still a lot of work to do until Stalingrad city fighting it's properly simulated,...but oh man, we are GETTING THERE, 8-10 years after CMBB!!
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