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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. Give it a try yourself, just copy and paste and see if it works (It should BTW) Next , all US AA Halftracks (M16 and M15 AA) Ready some time this week...
  2. Should be enough for today, ...wait, no, one more... M3 Gun Motor Carriage for CMMG http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5033/details
  3. Next...Bofors...all of them (notice the wheels...they are trembling with fear )
  4. Splash Screen Template HERE 6PDR/17PDR Pack HERE
  5. Splash Screen PSD template and 6pdr/17 pdr PAck for CMCW and MG modules uploading to CMMODS.
  6. Basically, there is only one texture for German HQs units ingame,(stock) if you want to have the game to use SS, Heer or Kriegsmarine for a specific battle, then the answer to your question is, sadly, yes.
  7. Soon, this weekend possibly, time permitting, 6 and 17 pdr AT guns will be modded and uploaded to GaJ' s site. I had to mod them, they are way too important in CW battles Pic is from a Beta Mod...
  8. Very true Childress, CmBB frustrated, "stuck in the past" players abound,...
  9. In my Option folder German HQ can be depicted as Heer too,...?¿ US HQ can be depicted with a "HQ" label or with the US flag, so, choices galore,...
  10. Soon in your HD,...6 and 17 pdr AT Guns,.... AT LAst!!
  11. Who cares what others may "think" about something you actually love,..
  12. Ok , tested, it was a glitch due to a specially slow redrawing time of the textures at the time of taking the screenshot. No bugs.
  13. Ah, ok! Let me recheck it may have somethinb to do with my videocard or any other variable...I didn't even notice it! Thanks.
  14. YES. ALL special effects (smoke, dust, explosions, muzzle fire, tracers) work for all CM variants.
  15. If was to upload all the mods I have done for more than 2 years I would need a Premium Dropbox account I am afraid. BTW, if downloading all th emods you like takes time, imagine how much took us to actually make them,...
  16. Some mod packs are great to have, but as mods keep on updating and uploading, it's hard to update such big packages if sharing it's what we have in mind.
  17. Huh? Wasn' t intentional?? I thought Ithikial had done it on purpose,... :x
  18. Erwin, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38783558/splash%20background.bmp SdKfz 234-3 for MG in the works
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