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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Am I correct in my interpretation of this that the VLs are not necessarily the same between the two sides? I realize that many scenarios there are a few VLs and both sides are trying to capture them. But is it possible for one side to have eight VLs to capture and the other side only two? In this case each side has the same number of VLs to capture and that is just because the scenario is designed that way not because it is required that both sides have the same VLs.
  2. Sounds interesting. I am having trouble picturing what you mean. I am assuming you built a scenario. If so could you share the scenario file?
  3. I have not had a corrupted file so far. But I have had the .ema file not save issue. I am pretty sure that I have not seen it happen with the 1.01 version only the 1.0 version (I still have two games going using 1.0). It happened to me this morning and the file size was 3 488Kb. I don't think files size is the issue.
  4. A H2H campaign would be brilliant. I would really like to play such a thing. It might be difficult since I believe that right now you cannot play a campaign via PBEM and that is certainly how I would have to play it. So, I will need to wish that PBEM be extended to include campaigns in the next while as well.
  5. Brilliant - thanks. I appreciate the effort to show what each of these buildings look like I also really like your helpful comments on where to use examples of these buildings. That part is something you cannot get from playing around in the editor.
  6. Ranger33 has given you a great list. I have not tired any terrain mods but I have all the others he mentions. The only other three that I really really like and don't like to play with out are two mods for changing the floating icons and one for making the animated text way better. For the floating icons: CMBN Icons_billy_sp Changes the floating icons to use the German and US period tactical symbols. It did take me a while to get used to the German ones (the US ones are very similar to the modern NATO ones I am familiar with. But after a while I have really grown to like the German symbols too. Niessuh_icon_contact_Balkenkreuz Changes the ? contact icons to stars and crosses for the US and German's respectively. For the animated text: Vin's animated text - CMBN v2.0 Now instead of cryptic ASCII art there are real icons that have meaning.
  7. Is there a question there:) I can vouch for that being correct. The times that artillery missions don't work out has been because of poor sight lings to the target and the area around it. Those spotting rounds can be off by quite a bit and if your FO cannot see where they land then the rest of your experience is not going to be good. The patch is much better in this regard - unseen spotting rounds no longer end in FFE on areas away from your target.
  8. Not good. I am sorry that "solution" did not work for you. My only remaining suggestion is to post your problem in the tech support forum and see if the experts can help you. http://www.battlefront.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=125
  9. Sorry but CBA? I just know I am going to field daft when I hear the answer but I looked it up on an acronym sire and got bupkiss:confused:
  10. That is what I remember too. I thought I read Steve explaining it but I cannot find that. The closes I can find is this http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1308888&postcount=18
  11. No, no. No rebooting required. If you shut down the game, change the file then restart the game it will use the new values. Each time you want to change the values just shut down the game, tweak and re start. I did that a bunch of times until I found a combo of screen res and 3D settings that game me a look and a frame rate that I was happy with.
  12. If you have a save from the game you can open it and use the command "Menus | Briefing" and the name of the map is listed there.
  13. Yes, 0 0 0 is what is stored for "desktop". I suggested you pick a size in the game so you could see the size you picked in the file and know which was the width and which was the height. Now that I am at home I can tell you that my file contains: 1776 1000 60 So the format is width height syncspeed. I would suggest that you use the game options to pick a size offered - other than desktop - and then replace the width and height values with a size you want to use.
  14. After a video card upgrade the desktop size choice was no longer respected. I am not sure what size it chose. I over rode it by using the display size.txt file. It could be a minor graphics card issue. Pick a size other than desktop and then shut down the game. Open up the display size.txt file and replace the first two numbers with a resolution you card supports, save and restart.
  15. What I do in situations like this is give a Target arc command that is a quarter of an elipse.The problem with covering a field with a pie shaped arc is too much of the field is not covered. So I do this: set the first point of the cover arc far away and to the right so that all but a small near corner of the field is not included then select the other target point much closer and 90 degrees ish to the left. thus creating a quarter of an elipse that covers most of the field. I am writing this on my phone, if you want further clarification I can post a screen shot later.
  16. I agree 100% - I was pointing out that surrendering troops are *not* invulnerable, even to the unit they are surrendering too.
  17. I do not think that is true at all. Just last turn a member of a German squad was surendering to my sherman when a previously unsaeen member of the same squad popped up. The Sherman crew aimed and fires at the new threat. BOOM both the active and surrendering German soldiers died. The sherman crew could see the surrendering soldier.
  18. When doing this there is a slightly disconcerting thing you should know about. The team in the transport will have a move order that takes them from the vehicle's current position to the first way point after dropping them off. The first time you do it you feel like they are going to jump out right away and start running across the map. Don't worry they will stay in the vehicle. I usually play with "show all movement paths" turned on. That way I can see the vehicle's movement orders while setting up the passengers move orders too.
  19. I agree, there is no special protection. They, themselves, just don't get targeted. Just yesterday, one of my shermans blasted the remaining member of a German squad and it killed his buddy next to him who was surendering. In that same battle one member of another German squad has surrendered to my sniper team. He has been offering his surrender for 3 or 4 minutes now. But it is not safe for my sniper team to come out of hiding. Near as I cam tell the surrendering soldiers only disappear when it has been established that no help is coming and the soldiers they are surendering to really have control of the area.
  20. The other place I really notice that CC matters is with broken troops. By definition broken troops are not in good shape and they do not perform very well. But if you can keep them under CC (with an HQ unit that is in good shape) they will contribute. I have seen broken squads out of CC basically routinely not follow orders, fire maybe two rounds before running away even when they are in a relatively safe place. I have also seen broken squads in CC do OK. Nothing fantastic but if you keep them out of close contact they will fire at the enemy and contribute some covering fire for other units.
  21. I do not believe that you can. I just read read the manual and that is just not a feature you can choose for a QB (QuickBattles pp51) Even when you use a scenario for a QB map many things are ignored - and it seems, although not explicit that includes the variable time (Creating Quick Battles pp 149).
  22. Interesting idea but, I fear, this highlighting tool you suggest will not really be as accurate as you are hoping. Others have already mentioned the issue of relative height of vehicles and obstacles and the final position of infantry in the action square effecting what will be visible. The most dramatic example of this is with infantry and bocage. If you give your infantry a move order to the edge of a bocage line and then test the LOS from the way point, you will find it says they will not be able to see anything on the other side (OK maybe on action spot on the other side). But once they team gets there and sets up on the bocage they can see quite well on the other side. I think you will find that this is just one example and the tool you are suggesting will be misleading. I think the examples of this will be more numerous than we think.
  23. Did you stick that "However..." on the end, just to prevent your quote from ending up on his sig? Very clever:)
  24. Tried it - did not work. I really wanted to as well Right now you are limited to only these two scenarios: 1) Give the riding unit a dismount order and then plot a move order for them and the vehicle. Result: riding unit gets out of the HT and then both the soldiers and the HT go their separate ways on their respective move orders. or 2) Give the riding unit and the vehicle movement orders. Result: riding unit stays put all cumfy and cozy in the HT while it drives where you told it. Once the HT completes the move order the riding soldiers will exit the vehicle and begin to follow their movement orders. Perhaps at some point we will be able to place a disembark order on vehicle's way point and have it pause while the riding unit unloads and then have both the HT and the riding unit move off on their own. Sadly, that is not available as of now.
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