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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. While true you did not ever use the word "discount". As a public service I did look at what you *did* say: I think you can see how people might think you are advocating discounting or lowering the price of the CM games. Because well you sure implied it - a few times To be fair you also did say:
  2. After @Jock Tamson's post I re-read the OP and follow up posts I actually thought the first post was about 2.12 behaviour not 3.0 behaviour. I see now after my re-read I was totally off on a wild goose chase. Once the 3.0 update air issue is fixed I am sure all will be right with the world.
  3. Or convert to a higher compression format. Handbreak is very useful for this kind of thing.
  4. Damn that hurt too. Not to mention now I know you can see through that tree line in places my trucks are not safe. Every one is scrambling into the woods. I think I gave the hell back to your AT guns - or at least the ones I knew about. Nice surprises waiting for me...
  5. OK I started a little test scenario. @blow56 please have a look and try it out. There are four attack lanes one platoon and a truck for each side in each lane. There is a hill separating the US from the Germans since I do not want any other casualties. Two of the lanes have a large wooded area for the Germans to hide in. In the other two lanes everyone is in the open. In two of the lanes the US troops are 300m from the edge of the attack circle and in the other two they are 700m. I ran the test twice and in all 8 CAS attacks no US solider got a scratch. The same cannot be said for the Germans. Sometimes the air planes do not see anyone in the woods and just give up but in both runs some was it in the first minute and all attacks were over in a little under 10 minutes. While clearly not statistically significant it is a start. These are for CMBN 2.12 Do not use 2.2 until the CAS hot fix comes out. The scenario in case you want to tweak anything. http://www.lesliesoftware.com/forforumposts/2014/CMBN%20CASFriendlyFireTest.btt The saved game that you can just run http://www.lesliesoftware.com/forforumposts/2014/CAS%20friendly%20fire%20test%20001.bts
  6. That quote suprised me. My expectation was we were not going to see motor bikes in CM and I thought that came from comments Steve made. I did quick search (looking for comments by Steve re motor cycles since about 2008) and all I found was this (which backs up my memory): http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1220369&postcount=3 I would be interested in reading the comment you remember.
  7. OK, the removing of the control from air strikes in CMBN and CMFI has been acknowledged as a defect and was *not* intentional. Let BFC fix it. Then you / we can start investigating the friendly fire issues. Should I sing warm kitty to help sooth everyone's nerves.
  8. Ditto - but I did try it - both of them. Yikes, I did not like it at all. Back to the default...
  9. Can you unload the crew and report back what you see? Please.
  10. Or get behind a good hardware / software firewall and ditch AV software entirely. Take its drain off your system and don't install anything but software from trusted sources. Things will run faster and you will have less install problems.
  11. It is not as bad as you might think. Once the call for artillery has reached FFE then your FO is free to make another call. They do not have to wait until the mission is over.
  12. Oh yeah it's there. @sfhand and I upgraded our PBEM game and his 105 direct firing at a building caused little fires on the second floor during the first turn. Cool. Of course I wish he were shooting at an unoccupied building but what can you do
  13. The feature I would like to see next is support for Head to Head campaign play. I really, really want to be able to play campaigns via PBEM. Several people have created systems for campaigning outside of CM but I would like to see the support for the Campaign feature some people are currently enjoying extended to fully allow head to head play.
  14. Nope. The install replaces / updates / adds the game default files and does not touch or look at your mod files. The look of the game is a combination of those default graphics and any mods you have added. So if the mods are not there you get the default game look. If they are then they override only the files they are named the same as. The install could not care less what is in the mod directories. ??? no idea what you mean... If you have a problem after installing an upgrade or patch with the way the game looks you can remove all your mods and rest assured that now you have just what a default game would look like. If at that point there is still something wrong with the way the game looks than you have a) hit a defect or the install screwed up some how (such as they were done in the wrong order or missed a step). But the presence of the mods during the install were *not* the cause. I know this from empirical experience, years of computer experience, years of programming experience, what I have learned from reading between the lines reading these forum posts and comments from Steve and Phil. I am 100% certain I am correct however I have no official confirmation from anyone from BFC.
  15. LOL that is the what it usually costs my wife and I; and we do not go to the most expensive restaurants. I am wondering where *you* go:)
  16. Wow you guys are timid I just install and delete the animated text mod and go. So far no issues. Mind you I do not use terrain or sound mods so perhaps I can get away with it because of that. I really do not think that will ever happen. The cost benefit is way to low. I suspect that the engine components are not as similar as you expect.
  17. Our normal grenades, as used attacking tanks, are an abstraction for those other things you mention. So when you see your infantry up close and personal with a tank they *are* using thrown mines, tellers grenade bundles or magnetic mines we just get to see the grenade animation.
  18. My analysis shows that once pre orders are announced they have a pretty consistent track record which can be used to make predictions. Guessing from their announce date is not reliable. Check out my data here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1498087&postcount=16
  19. Hey, ten bucks is ten bucks eh. http://meemsohnooo.blogspot.ca/2013/05/why-ten-bucks-is-ten-bucks-eh.html
  20. Here is the thing. You kicked off basically saying CAS is totally broken and then threw in a very few details. Hummm, considering many of us have experienced CAS and do not have your concerns you might not be surprised that people were displeased by your opening salvo As Ken says you might have run into a real problem - and many of us would be happy to help figure that out. So, let me put what you initially stated in perspective. It sounds like I have used CAS about the same amount as you. After the first time I used it and had one friendly fire attack run - that's right one - I changed my personal rules to make sure that the edge of the target circle is never closer to my positions that 500m preferably more. Since that first experience I have never had another blue on blue air attack. Not once more. So, am I lucky? Are you unlucky? Beats me, lets find out. Do you have saves of any of the incidents you experienced? If not how about trying to recreate the incidents?
  21. Oh I like your logic - hey how come no one has said that before? I think you should start a new thread @JonS
  22. Oops, that's what I get for responding before I finish ready all the posts on the next page... Thanks @womble for your already perfectly good explanation.
  23. This is the part I really do not get at all: why is anyone arguing upgrades are a bad thing? In spite of issues of not getting "everything" or is it a fix or new content or is $10 to much or to little. Who cares? The alternative as you have outlined above would suck way worse than anything else.
  24. Ah, here is the problem: no you did not already pay for it: You bought CMBN with the 2.12 features and patches You bought CMRT with the 1.0 features (plus future patches) You have *not* bought the work to bring the engine improvements from CMRT to CMBN. *That* is what the $10 upgrade is for. It is for you (us) to pay for the work it takes to move the code changes from one family of the game to another. So, I do not have inside knowledge of how BFC operates but I do have software development experience and typically when you release a product you lock its code down so you don't mess it up for patches while you work on additional features on another branch. You do that feature work on a separate branch that will become a future release. In the case of these games things are even more separated (tones of stuff in CMRT is not at all part of CMBN and visa versa). So, once they are done the work on the CMRT code base they then need to take the different pieces of code done for feature work and apply them to CMBN. While it is true that work is easier than doing the work in the first place it is so far from free. OMG frankly it is a pain in the - you know. I personally hate doing it. You would need to pay me to do it. Oh wait that's what we are talking about Well I would never accuse you of being a communist but it *does* sound like you want something for free.
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