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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Just to clarify a little - for Windows you can use the original PBEM and the new PBEM++ and it does not matter where you bought the game as long as both players are using the same version (and you both have accounts for PBEM++). For Mac you don't get access to PBEM++ but the original PBEM works the same as before.
  2. My understanding is that you can update the .cam file for a campaign in progress and it will not effect the scenario you are playing now but the next scenario will come from the updated campaign. I do not know if there are any particular risks involved with doing this for the changes in question. Perhaps someone who's done it can chime in.
  3. Yep, it they don't disappear in a few minutes then it's a clue that they have friends near by that are telling them they are coming to help. If you have men who have surendered you can rescue them be pushing the enemy further away.
  4. Not just Cold War. All CM2 games are quite challenging. I even have two friends who were big CM1 fan who just cannot get going in CM2. Now they are both taking another crack at it with Cold War. We will see how it goes. I am again getting messages that say things about how this or that is broken in the game. I keep trying to explain what they are seeing and acknowledge the limitations. Wish me luck :-0
  5. Page 32 says that the more realistic artillery calls start at Warrior. So @MikeyD made a little boo boo. Carry on as usual @Simcoe
  6. The buddy aid animations would have to change
  7. You are correct. It doesn't appear that the server was wiped as we'd been told. mhardist* is from Slitherine. I don't know who Shards4 is. The other ones were from YouTubers that got advanced copies. LOL I was not paying attention to the forums so I found out the game was released when one of my test challenges was picked up. I have no idea who I'm playing.
  8. @domfluff's explanation of how it works and why is correct. I would like to add that universally shortening the spotting check cycle will not in and of itself make units spot better. If we could hypothetically check spotting every second all that would do is reduce the edge case silliness that we all dislike because there would now be chances to spot stuff that follows along with the changing battle field better. However, the basic design of the game - to simulate soldiers either noticing or not noticing the enemy would remain unchanged. Again as @domfluff mentioned there is flexibility in the spotting cycle now when enemy units are close together and that has significantly helped reduce some of the edge cases. I think a lot of the time people are under the mistaken impression that "your favourite tank" not noticing "your worst enemy" is a result of a flaw in the game but it is not! The game is designed to simulate units in combat and our inherent imperfections as humans. So, even if the evaluation of who sees what can be nearly real time the game is literally designed to simulate your soldiers *not* noticing things.
  9. Don't be confused. The AI does *NOT* have any special protection. If someone has tests that show otherwise lets see them. Such claims have to be near the top of the ridiculous pile of BS made on here.
  10. What he concludes is 100 percent incorrect. Preparatory fire can be effective and cause casualties.
  11. I am unaware of such a bug... Just checked nothing known. Let me know if you can reproduce it. 28 minute delay seems very long to me too BTW.
  12. Yep, now when you purchase you get a key that works on either OS so you can choose where you want to pay the game. There was a time when they were separate keys but not any more.
  13. The TO&E in game is meticulously researched. Sure, errors do occasionally occur but the chances are low that there is an error like this. StG 44s are in the game so chances are they are just issued to the unit or in the time frame you thought. I don't remember who the author of that campaign is. What time frame and unit formation were you looking at in the editor? Perhaps then someone, for example, @akd would be able to shed some light.
  14. Steve has discussed some of the issues with LOS and trees. Your example might be something different but you might like to read this if you haven't seen it already.
  15. Not for nuttin but you have access to it. You can see for yourself. LOL yep. I told me self.
  16. Yep. I personally would like a true WYSYG mode for fog, darkness, blizzards etc. but that would have to be toggle-able so you could actually play - as @ASL Veteran correctly points out. I think it would be pretty cool to follow a unit through the fog seeing what they can really see. Like smoke now. Not to mention it would put to rest some of the "why can't my guys see that <insert big scary thing here> right in front of them". OK it wouldn't really stop those posts but we could turn them all into: OP: "Why can't my guys see that <insert big scary thing here> right in front of them. The game is broken" The rest of us: "Have you toggled on True Visibility (tm) mode? OP: "Oh"
  17. Yeah it's a weird name. Yes, it is a new system. They are hooking into the Slytherin PBME lobby system. For BFC it is the third iteration of PBME, first was the CM1 games then the CM2 games and now the Slytherine lobby. Yes, the current CM2 PBME will still work - so I have been told.
  18. Really, you want them to ship it if it still has major problems? I get it we all want it but fixating on some specific date isn't really magical. So, personally I'd rather it work than be released.
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