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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I think that is a great idea. Add that to the difficulty level and just have "Hit" available for enemy vehicles. If that were on iron I would probably grit my teeth and play iron. So, I would prefer to see it as a part of Elite
  2. That sometimes happens in game now. I don't think the AI crew read those hit texts. I recall asking if it was a bug that my Sherman was unable to kill a PzIV with 7 hits from close range. In the end I discovered that they third hit KO'ed the German tank but because of the heavy woods my crew had no idea and pumped four more rounds on target before finally figuring it out.
  3. Turns out while I missed that the mark mines command was enabled I was concerned that the engineers would just start into the mine field so I had a long pause on their penultimate way point so that they would not enter the mine field until I had a chance to review things. So they have now been instructed to mark the mines.
  4. Eewwww good point - that is an I suck moment. You are totally correct I could have easily done that and would have benefited greatly. I'll have to look at that again. Note: I have played two more turns now - posts soon. After checking the turn I believe you are correct. In fact the mines were known by every unit even those that could not have possibly seen it. So, there ya go borg sporting for mines.
  5. Well, if the file is pooched then I could see that being a problem. Size will not be the issue by itself - I have games that are getting close the 100mb that are loading fine. And I have not seen a file corrupted by Dropbox but it is worth a try to see if the different versions all fail to show up or not. Just making sure here have you verified that both of you are playing with the same version of the game? The version number is on the home screen near the bottom.
  6. Well if you cannot find the thread it is pretty straight forward - I often have older versions of games. Since I am going up in version I make a copy of the one I have and then apply the patch or upgrade to the copied directory. For you you will need to run the older install and make sure you tell it to install to a unique directory and not on top of your current install. All you have to do is make sure that any patch you apply is done into the correct directory. I have a directory structure like this C:/Programs/Battlefront/ CMBN220Pack/ CMBN311/ CMRT/ CMRT103/ Sadly the game files directories for every title but CMBN are shared between versions which means you have to be careful with scenario and campaign files but the files you care about probably have not changed.
  7. In general what Ken said is the right thing to do. However my decision is based on my assessment of the mine field and I am taking what I have determined is a small risk. The scouts on the left hand side of the road actually got further along the road than the guys that stepped on a mine. This leads me to believe that the mine field does not reach across the entire road. So the guys on the left side of the road are following the scouts that already passed there unharmed and I am carefully hugging the bocage and moving slowly over the are that might be a concern. No one is quick moving where I suspect mines. While it is true there is a chance that the left hand side scout team just got lucky that is why only one additional team is going to follow in their foot steps. If those guys make it then I'll be pretty sure there is a safe path there. I am pushing it because I want to see down the road and time is short. I had not expected to encounter mines so bloody early so if there are more I want to find them sooner rather than later. Image repeated for ease of reference. Looking at the picture again I think the engineers are headed into trouble. Oops with some luck they will not get that far next turn and I can pull them back. Interesting I did not notice that. I thought the mark mines command was only available once the engineers spotted the mines. I already played my next turn so I'll have to investigate later.
  8. Just keep in mind that the second scenario may or may not include any, some or all of the units from the first. The scenario designer can choose to give you totally different units in the next scenario. All I am saying is that just because unit Y that survived scenario 1 and is not in scenario 2 it is not automatically a bug. If you can show that in version 1.x or 2.x unit Y was there in both scenarios then that would be a bug. I believe that would be unintentional. If we have a documented example we can log it. Yeah, that one is not so easy. Things like making MGs more effective had a similar kind of balance effecting change. I don't see much that can be done here and hopefully those effects would be small. Looking forward to seeing what you find.
  9. Well I for one have not spent any time working with campaigns so I cannot comment on what is broken or not broken. But I will say that speculation that stuff is missing because BFC made changes to the TO&E would be 1) not as likely as you think and 2) totally unintentional and therefore be considered a bug. As a rule they do not make changes that break scenarios when they change the TO&E after the fact. If we can show that has happened we can log a bug. Also many changes actually will not effect a scenario. Most changes to TO&E have no effect on scenarios as the scenario knows what units it has. If a scenario designer *wants* the changes made in the TO&E reflected in their scenario they usually need to delete the formation in question buy it again.
  10. Do you perhaps mean .bts? The file extension .btt is a scenario and the file extension .bts is a saved game.
  11. No you cannot do vehicle moves -> disembark passengers -> vehicle moves more. That is not possible with the current commands. I was just pointing out that you can choose to disembark passengers -> vehicles moves in addition to the more common vehicle moves -> disembark passengers. It is not a full solution but another option. I find I use it from time to time. For example if a vehicle is close to the last move location and about to disembark passengers as one turn ends. I will cancel all the movement orders and issue the dismount passenger command to the passengers and then give move orders to both vehicle and passengers so the vehicle does not sit around for most of the turn.
  12. Wait, there is one other way to do it. You can have them disembark before the vehicle moves. With no movement orders you can select the passengers (not the vehicle) and give them a dismount command. Then you can give orders to both the passengers and their vehicle. The vehicle will wait for the passengers to disembark and then both will go on their merry way.
  13. Yes, for a Windows native program with various integrations into the OS it is pretty much impossible to do a copy and paste move. But it is much more common to work for cross platform software, although even then if there is integration with the OS the probability that it will work drops. But, we do not have that here. I make copies on a regular basis. Any time a patch comes out I copy the base game to a new folder and install the patch on that new folder. I do this because I invariably have a PBEM game or two going with the initial version. Also during testing I do that same. So, I actually do it much more frequently than customer's would need to. I am totally aware that some day this might change but right now there are no barriers.
  14. I would simply point out that at this point in the battle all you actually know is that someone tripped a mine on the road. If you had no other knowledge option 1 could be a mistake because for all you know the enemy is getting ready assault cross the field and the road action is just a distraction. Also, your reserve is for shoring up a weak spot or taking advantage of an opportunity. At this point in the battle you have neither: therefore it is to early to start sending them into be fray.
  15. Yep you can tell. On the main menu screen the module icons are in the lower left in a row. The Vehicle pack is a diamond shape. If it is there you have it. If it is not you don't.
  16. Perhaps but I have never measured. I just do it by feel and 15 or 20s are my starting point. I do see small team getting head of larger ones and try to throw a little extra time for them.
  17. I created a short movie showing the movement orders and the results of the platoon moving in the forest:
  18. Minute 30-29: Well none of my men spotted any sign of the enemy. Here is a view of the lead scouts in the forest. As you can see they still have quite a lot of forest to get through before they can see very far. Figure 23 Scouts in the forest I was just about to say we had no contact with enemy until the final 5s of the turn. That’s when a member of my scout team on the right side of the road became the first casualty. That is an inconvenient pace for a mine! Figure 24 First casualty Minute 29: Orders Nothing special with the orders: I keep scouting forward on the left side of the road and moved the rest of the scout’s squad up. I’ll bring up a team of engineers to mark those mines and continue moving forward in the forest. Figure 25 Continue Scouting left Figure 26 Bring up an engineering team One thing you do whenever you have squads doing bounding over watch movement is check and adjust their way points and pauses after each turn. Small discrepancies creep in overtime and it pays to check on them and adjust pauses and movement orders as you add more to cover the desired ground. Figure 27 Adjust movement orders
  19. On the special menu panel top left is the Deplay Weapon command. If you don't toggle it your guys will *not* deploy it when they stop moving.
  20. Because you gave the cover arc order. BFC decided not to mess with your orders as the default position. Sure there are exceptions but by default your units will obey your orders. If you want them to fire at the enemy you have two choices. Don't use a cover arc or make sure you set the arc correctly. It is all up to you.
  21. Ignoring cover arcs is unreliable at best. If you ordered the arc you will be upset when the crew ignores it Here is the big take away: if you want your units to fire on the enemy, don't use a cover arc. If you don't want them to fire use one A bit tongue in cheek there. When he use cover arcs you have to be very careful about surprise appearances. If a surprise is possible don't use one.
  22. I have done this many times. I mean a lot. The move of the game files will not trigger any problems with the DRM. The addition of a new drive might I suppose I don't have a lot of experience with that. My change of a video card did not a few years back. I agree starting from an SSD drive is faster but on a capable machine the difference is not large.
  23. Precision calls come in pretty quickly.
  24. LOL, I don't ever want to "say" that... But there is lots of good info in there
  25. You can see all the pictures inline with the message? The links aren't broken (well other than the ones with no path) but the lead to separate pages. I was trying to show how to get the pics in line with the message text. Now that is interesting because those files names do not have paths. Are you running a web server or something locally on you machine?
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