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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the September Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMRT: Assault CMBS: Going To Town The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  2. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the September Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMRT: Assault CMBS: Going To Town The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  3. Minute 18-17: On the left flank the second last house is about to be entered and the flanking section is approaching the end of the back yard wall. In the centre all hell broke loose and a rain of artillery landed in the farm yard. One tank commander and a couple of infantry were casualties. That AT gun in the woods put a whole in a tank too – no casualties but the main gun is toast and the crew bailed. Figure 117 House clearing Figure 118 Closing the final meters Figure 119 Ouch Figure 120 More ouch Minute 17: Orders The orders are pretty simple. In the centre, pull back from the artillery or hide in the building you are in. On the right fire on that woods AT gun and on the left finish clearing those houses. Figure 121 Pullback Figure 122 Last house Minute 17-16: No further casualties at the farm. The tanks managed to pull back and the infantry managed to find cover. The final house in the row at the edge of town is not clear and the MG team is confirmed gone. I did briefly see a half track loaded that appeared to be withdrawing. Figure 123 Harmless artillery Figure 124 Final house cleared Minute 16: Orders I also took some sporadic fire from the village. The team that scouts ahead will have to be careful. I also moved the Bren gun up to return fire. Figure 125 At the village If I am right about an attempted withdrawal from the town I would like to get into a position to ruin it. To do that I want to get 3 section into that house on the far right of the town, once they are there I can safely move the tank section up to cover the open ground behind the town. To do that I am going to bypass those first three houses just past the houses I have already cleared. So the plan looks like this. Members of 1 and 2 section will fire on those houses as best they can along with the tanks. Once some fire has started 3 section will make a break for that key house. If thing go smoothly I can then move tanks up next turn to get eyes behind the town. Figure 126 Aggressive flanking move
  4. Minute 19-18: The smoke around the town is mostly cleared now. My centre farm group can see some enemy contacts in town now. On the edge of town it looks like the MG team and friends have displaced and retreated into town. My men managed to catch them in the open briefly. Figure 109 Town contacts Figure 110 Caught in the open The big news is the barn AT gun has been taken out. No one had eyes on it when it happened but two near simultaneous HE explosions happened and once the smoke cleared it could be seen that it was knocked out. Figure 111 HE finds home Figure 112 Finally! Minute 18: Orders On the right the orders are to switch fire towards the woods AT gun. Figure 113 Next threat In the centre my men will fire on the known contacts and the suspected contacts. Figure 114 Town contacts On the left the house clearing continues and the move down the back yards is nearly complete. Too bad the MG most likely go away. Figure 115 House clearing Figure 116 Final push down the back yards
  5. Yeah the one in the woods is preventing me from assaulting the village but the town is going to be mine. Mind you there is another AT gun in there so that could cause a big surprise when I finally find it. I just hope that it is not in a position to engage any tanks right off the bat. The one in the woods can just rot
  6. Heck yeah contribute to the level where your are effectively buying the game - you know you will once it is released anyway. I went a bit higher than that...
  7. They may be progressive but they are also busy. They chime in from time to time in various threads but you really cannot expect to happen with every thread. You will possibly need to be satisfied with knowing that they are aware of this thread.
  8. Yes, I am resisting the urge to assume the houses are empty because when I do that history shows me I suffer. I am fairly sure they are empty. Not sure if you are talking only about my write up or if you have looked ahead. I have two turns I am about to write up and the lunch pin gun is dealt with but I am still having issues with the one in the woods. I'll have more to say shortly but my assessment is I can take the town but I am not sure about the village because that gun in the woods is restricting the ability of the tanks on right to manoeuvre to support an assault in the village. With time running out it is not clear if I can deal with that gun and get an assault going on the town. Having said that I have seen no movement and received no fire from the village in several minutes so a scout team to check it out min be in order.
  9. Right, he did say that didn't he. I forgot. Assuming that BFC have been happy with the all in one installer I think it would be a safe bet that CMFI will get the same treatment.
  10. I am sure it will. No time line given or even hinted at that I can see.
  11. Wow, look at that. I did not know that was a made up incident. Good to know. I stand corrected - thank you .
  12. Ah, OK. This is way off topic but I'll just say a nontrivial amount of the spread of small pox was intentional. It may not be pleasant but the fact is in North America our fore fathers did try to wipe out the native peoples. Canada's residential school system is another example.
  13. Yep, still humming along as far as I can see. I am sure there have been gaps in page updates before.
  14. I hear you and feel the same. If you hang around here you will see if pop up from time to time. I like the idea of having an "it's too cheap" thread. Nice change of pace.
  15. Shah don't tell Steve that Of course your comparison with the price of movies doesn't really work because movies aren't worth even close to $10 an hour.
  16. No way, this kind of distorting of the facts does not deserve a "fair enough". Sorry I'm not upset at you but this kind of sophomoric statement deserves no quarter As the saying goes you are entitled to your opinion but you are not entitled to the facts. So you can have the opinion that you don't like playing for upgrades but you cannot justify calling it a patch. Wikipedia had a couple of nice definitions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patch_(computing) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upgrade So feel free to have the opinion that you do not want to pay for upgrades and you can vote by not buying them. That is fair enough. But you cannot justify claiming that they are charging for patches. They are not those are the facts. Writing your own definitions is not something you are entitled to do. Period.
  17. Boy, that makes zero sense. So far BFC has been pretty consistent if they call it a patch it just has bug fixes. If they call it an upgrade it just adds features that were not in the game before. I don't see why you guys insist on wilfully ignoring the evidence and making yourselves unhappy.
  18. Well the Abrams tank's ability to spot their enemy is top of the heap so I am not surprised to see you getting beat to first shot. The Russian tanks can get the first shot off at times if they surprise them but really their main path to victory is while the Abrams is lining up the kill shot on one two other tanks get hits on the Abrams. If you are going at them one on one you are going to come out on the loosing end the majority of the time. It seems to me that you might be trying to treat the T90 as equal to the M1. It is not, regardless of what some might say. The best thing you can do is stop using tactics that treat them as equals and instead try to close the distance and out manoeuver your opponent. Once you get the T90s in under 800m or better yet 500m then who ever hits first is likely going to be the victor. In close like that you can also find ways to outnumber the enemy tanks locally. Try the First Clash scenario. The Russian force can wipe out the initial US force every time. I have done it against the AI and a competent opponent and he did the same to me as the Russians. Once the US reinforcements arrive it gets dicey for the Russian player it comes down to how much damage they took from the initial force. But if you can get your tactics down so that you can destroy the initial US force then you will probably be happier.
  19. Minute 20-19: The town house clearing continues with no additional resistance. I have a feeling I’m going to be spending a lot of ammo on empty buildings, but that is better than the alternative. 1 Troop successfully drove through the barrage with no ill effects. They are not quite at the town yet but very close. Figure 104 Through the barrage 3 section, 5 platoon found their aim and dispatched a member of the MG’s protection detail. Figure 105 Flanked The AT Gun in the woods opened up on 4 platoon. It is time to stop repeating the same mistake. That AT gun has a clear field of fire into that area and I need to get some smoke between it and my men. Figure 106 Same mistake Minute 19: Orders Tanks keep coming to join their infantry. The main smoke screen is starting to dissipate and I want those tanks to be in AT gun blind spots. Once that smoke screen lifts the tanks will be needed to shoot up any resistance in the town and they also have to find that remaining AT gun. Figure 107 Tanks advance on town Figure 108 Advance to farm
  20. Your friend can install a second copy of the game and patch it up to 2.11 so he can play against you. Or he might just give you the $10 to get the upgrade
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