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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. That is my impression but I have not tested it. Part of the issue is ready troops coming under morale effecting fire will displace and get out of there - thus at least partially preserving their morale. Exhausted troops are not able to do that. So is spot on.
  2. First let me say for the record I hope he's ok and back involved in the forum soon too. LOL that reminds me of a funny story. When I applied for my very first job - volunteering in a hospital - I made mention in my resume that I did modelling. I do not remember how I phrased it but clearly I did a poor job of wording it. I had a lot of scale models for war gaming - that's what I meant. I could tell the interviewers were confused about something on my resume about half way through the interview. The finally asked what I had done modelling for and I clarified I meant scale modelling. 14 year old me never even considered there was such a thing as posing for photos for money - WTF that makes no sense. The interviewers clearly correctly deduced that no one would pay me for that and could not understand what I was talking about on my resume. Embarrassing at the time. Makes me laugh quietly to my self now.
  3. I do see your point and your desire. I highly doubt this will be done though. First many times the soldiers would not really know that information either. If you are Soviet 45mm AT gunner and you think a Tiger is coming at you, you might not fire at it if your game player has perfect information even-though you really should - it could actually be an PzIV or you could hit a track, or the tank crew could think they just got it by a 75 and not a 45 etc. etc. Second, they really don't want to commit to an outcome and disappoint you (much better to keep it all hidden and be up front about disappointing you :-). A round striking a target at different angles (in 3D) creates situations with significant differences, the is variable behaviour of shells and armour as well so by the tables may well say good chance of a kill but you don't get one. You would be sad - especially if that happened two or three times. But if you don't know you will not have any expectation and you can be sad about something else. Third the effort will be quite high to factor in all that. I suspect Steve would prefer to spend the effort in other places.
  4. Yes No, hiding is the way to reduce the time spent looking around so you are already on the mode that reduces the chances of getting spotted. Your screen shot shows a lot of men in those windows. My suggestion would be to have a two man scout team to watch over the road and have the other men close by in another building or behind the building.
  5. For CM play my recommendations are: to favour higher clocked CPUs over more cores - most game processes use only one core adding more than 8Gb of memory is not really necessary unless you have other needs or really want to run other programs at the same time - the game can only use 4Gb stick to nVidia graphics cards - they handle Open GL better
  6. Here is a new link. I created it with no expiry and no sign up limits: https://discord.gg/n5wSQu3YQc
  7. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the April's Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMRT FR Snow for the Hungry CMSF2 Nato - All Flights Are Delayed The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  8. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the April's Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMRT FR Snow for the Hungry CMSF2 Nato - All Flights Are Delayed The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  9. In a nice bit of irony when I tried to give this post a like I was met only with the notification that I am out of likes for today. So, I'll have to do this the old fashioned way: +1 good post #morelikesplease
  10. To bad. When you eventually get a new notebook make sure it has an nvidia card as well and you can configure the game to run using the better card.
  11. CM does not run well on integrated intel graphics cards - if that is what iris Xe is. It does not always fail but it pretty much always has text blurring and poor performance.
  12. Someone else reported an increase in reporting on social media of the death of individual Russian service personnel. I wonder if this comment was the trigger for that. By trigger I mean people felt more comfortable talking about actual casualties now that a government official acknowledged that the casualties are much higher than previously claimed. Yet another indication that fighting these day is "come as you are". You have to have the personal and equipment at the ready or in reserve and that is all you have to fight with. It is a wake up call that seems to be resonating in many countries. My own government's budget from yesterday has a large increase in defence spending and a defence minister with a proven procurement track record.
  13. I was wondering that too - no really - I was :-). Probably not in as sophisticated a way as @The_Capt but we have heard that the US is sharing intel and it sure seems like that is a factor helping the Ukrainians but how are they managing to get that info out to the guys doing the dirty work? How have the UA managed to keep its command structure up and running and information flowing so well? I like @The_Capt's guess but even that doesn't show how US intel is getting out there. Is it a myth that it's helping on the low level of individual action? Is the US side distributing info directly to lower levels as part of a decentralized system? I wonder. I was listening to The Current yesterday (https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-63/clip/15904523 ) where they interviewed a manager of a radio station. He evacuated from Kiyv and reported for service. They asked him about what he used to do and suggested he setup a radio station instead of taking up arms. So, he and his staff have created a make shift studio and set out to play some music, give some news and ask for supplies and information. He gave a simple example of a military command post that was in need of a printer - call went out over the radio and within a few hours they had three. It really seems a decentralized take action on your own initiative with some basic information sharing is functioning as part of this whole system the UA has created.
  14. LOL Sorry that made me laugh. Interestingly I was going to suggest looking up why the white house is called that because I believed the propaganda I was brought up with: that the US government painted it white to cover the burn marks from the British sacking of Washington. Instead I learned that the white wash was always part of the construction and was to help seal the porous stone to protect it from the freeze thaw cycle. Also it was often refereed to as the white house long before the war of 1812 even. Mind you I'm sure after the fires it did need a new coat of white paint but that's very different from painting it white because of the fire. Sorry for the off topic side track but it is an interesting bit of how propaganda sinks in to a culture. Well it was to me.
  15. While that is possible, I predict the parade will be a lot like last year. They still have all the prototype T14s and T15s because none of them have made it to front line units. Heck they probably have had time to make sure they actually can drive this year.
  16. Indeed. I read some where regarding predicting when a dictatorship will fall: "Everything seems fine until it is suddenly it's not". I mean you know unrest and political strife is is brewing but you cannot predict the day or even if the plot is triggered. I agree the pro-democracy movement is extremely week. I could see some civil unrest and protests being the trigger / cover for the internal plotters to make their move. Here is my favourite scenario: Unfocused protests (either about war dead or food or gas shortages) are not put down efficiently because some of the security services are sympathetic to the protests and their leaders are not motivated to get things done. During the chaos back room plotters make their move and take over and make a big show of Putin is out and someone is in charge who will fix things. Suddenly the bosses of the security service become motivated again and get their guys to clean up the streets. Just a guess - I have no inside knowledge and no net work of agitators setup to generate unrest
  17. First I believe Steve has assessed reality correctly. In any real sense of assessing Putin's goals he has lost. The problem is reality doesn't matter much to a dictator who has a near 1984 like system working in his country. So, while we might correctly asses reality, Putin does not and he will try very hard to not let his citizens see it. He'll just say "we always wanted to free Dombas and create a land bridge to Crimea". He'll call it a victory and hide his other failings. By hide I mean deny of course. Anyone who is observing reality will see that he is making **** up. The issue is Putin has been making **** up this whole time and so it's no bother to suddenly start making up different ****. The questions are will the rest of the world let him get away with it? Will his citizenry and other political supporters let him? We don't know that yet. Clearly this situation is way out of hand from what Putin planned and its fall out is a serious threat to his term as leader of Russia. There is still a possibility that the Russian army can secure some modest territorial gains and Putin can call this a win and attempt to re-frame this whole adventure. The problem with this is Ukraine does not look like they will just stop and accept that so can Putin's battered army actually hold any sham victory? Will the rest of the world loose interest and start walking their pressure on Russia back? Will Putin's elite supporters let him stay in power? I think (hope?) the answers are: no the rest of the world will not want him to get away with it, no Russian citizenry cannot over throw Putin but Putin is not save from his security system, no Ukraine will not let the Russian army hold anything, no the rest of the world will not forget, and no Putin's elite supporters will not let him stay: Putin's days are numbered. But it doesn't matter much what I think it matters what actually happens and we don't know for sure yet how those questions will play out.
  18. The ScanDe code does not try to run in the browser it tries to open it's resulting .xml file after it runs - that typically tires to open in a browser because and display's the results of the tool there. The underlying files should be extracted or generated in the directory where you ran the tool. But if that's not working I don't know what to suggest. But since this is working for you it likely does not matter. Glad you got what you want.
  19. Browser yes but the Java based scenario extractor needs a Java VM installed. There is no issue with installing that which I am aware of. I mean Apple is pretty java hostile but you can still install it.
  20. I personally like all the CM games and I have something going in both modern and WW2 pretty much all the time. Not something from every title mind you Over at the blitz we have been asking for sign ups for one WW2 and one Modern scenario most months since part way through 2021. So going back a year these are the number of people signing up to play PBEM games. Modern 56 WW2 114 This does not count all the other games people play on their own on the Bliz ladder just the Scenario of the Month sign ups.
  21. Nice. You can use <shift><ESC> to pause without the notice text appearing on screen. That gives you more usable pixels for your picture.
  22. I took it to mean the equivalent of 2IC or XO.
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