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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Green, Just about a week ago the Great Tank Battles series, on the Military Channel, was about Arracourt. One US tank commander told how his tank had taken a hull down position right behind a high RR embankment. He was unbuttoned, sticking out of the turret and so of course his head was several feet higher than the gunner's and he could see panzers heaqding for their position. As the German tanks closed range, he ordered the gunner to fire...and the first shell hit the RR track rail closest to the tank. He screamed to the gunner to elevate a bit and fire again...2nd shot hit the second rail. It wasn't until the third shot that the gunner cleared the RR tracks and hit the panzer. Consider your experince based on real life events!
  2. For Question 1...road or wall/fence/bocage? I'm at work, but I'm certain there are tiles for diagonal T's for both types of terrain. The road ones are a little more tricky, but they are in there.
  3. Excellent, my good man! I can't wait to try it out tomorrow night...bedtime now.
  4. Hey BloodyBucket, something about your handle makes me think there's a link with it and your interest in the 28th Division...but I just can't quite put my finger on it.
  5. Guys, all US Inf and armor patches in ETO and MTO will be done. Splinty, the prob is that there are only 3 US uniforms (different color shades), and they go on all of the infantry. So If I put stripes on even only one, all pixeltruppen with that randomly-assigned uniform will get stripes. Short answer: No.
  6. I'm finding that out the hard way, Sarge. I have a med-large QB map in process, but I had an average of 4-5 groups and 3-4 orders for each. Depending on what the AI (or human) buys, it can get a little silly at times. Back to the drawing board.
  7. I'm doing them for myself, following on from Vein's 82nd and 101 AB patches. I will eventually have all US Divisions in ETO and MTO. It will be a couple of weeks or so until I'm finished, but in the next few days I will have all the Infantry Divs in Normandy, June-August 1944. Let me know if there is interest. Thanks. mj
  8. Thanks Sequoia, but I went ahead and exploded/repacked the A file with Mord's mod, and all is well!
  9. Yes, it turns out I was using veins, so I removed it completely. And made a z folder inside the z folder to put it in. Still no joy!:confused: I do have Veins explosion and smoke mod still in, so maybe that's the conflict. But wth, I'm replacing it in the 100a/sound file. If that doesn't work, the hell with it!
  10. Hey Mord, no luck with your "just birds" mod either. I tried just plopping it in the Z folder, and tried it in a folder-within-the-Z-folder (named "sound"), and even in a folder within the folder in the Z folder ("background" folder in "sound" folder in Z folder). Still no joy????? I think I need to replace the background day combat wav in the 100a brz in order to get rid of those annoying explosions.
  11. Hi all, I have a QB map to upload, but in testing, no matter what I do--toggle Obj off/on, make them known/not known to both sides--they don't show up in QB Battles. They do show up in the map editor, though. I'm sure it's a simple thing I've overlooked, but I can't find it...any ideas? Thanks.
  12. chaos, same here. The mod doesn't seem to work in-game, but when you just play it outside of the game, there are no explosion sounds in it, so it should work. I even re-named it by putting a "z" in front of the name, but no luck. I'm thinking about just "exploding" the 100a brz file (where the sound files are), replacing the original "background day combat" file with the mod, repacking it, and see if that works.
  13. ASL Vet, just to keep confusion at a minimum, I assume by waypoints you mean the orders "painted" on the map, right?
  14. Thanks c3k. The last QB I did, I thought I tied all single units to subordinate HQs, but I still couldn't get rid of the Batt HQ. I must have had a floater unattached to a sub HQ and not realized it.
  15. SteveP, thanks for testing this. I have only followed what the Manual says, and never looked into it further, even while making several different QB maps and giving them AI plans. My playtest consisted of me playing one side or the other, and in general things happened on time and as scripted...more or less...but I never experimented with any orders other than "Advance", and assumed they used, er..."Advance" most of the time. I never watched, say, a whole platoon or company execute their plan from beginning to end. Thanks to this thread, I will this weekend, just to see how Assault and Quick actually do execute those orders.
  16. It's covered in other threads, but basically you need to delete units from the bottom of the list up. But if you have any independent units that don't have their own HQ, like single vehicles or hvy weapons units added to the TO&E, you won't be able to delete the Batt HQ.
  17. I know of at least 3 out there so far...GreenasJade's, Fredrock's and another I ran across earlier, but don't want to link them without their permission of course. GAJ's is the only one I knew of from CMSF days, the others were just links in thread posts I noticed by accident. Undoubtedly, there will be more. What say you, BFC? Edit: Never mind, i just checked the "Links" on the home page......
  18. Fredrock, you have 4 scenarios for downloadiing on your site? Why aren't you advertising more, or uploading to the Repository? They sound like good ones! And I agree with stoex and polo regarding those issues, by thw way.
  19. This looks good, Rokko. I will be trying it out tonight. (I never played any CMx1 games...so no nastolgia for me, just looks like a good scenario.)
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