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Everything posted by Jonny(FGM)

  1. Is there any way to make mounted weapons crews (MWMIKS, HUMVEES etc) to grab anymore ammo from their vehicles? I just did a quick test with a marines and a british GMG, one mounted in a HUMVEE and one mounted in a MWMIK. I dismounted both GMGs and got them to fire off all their 40mm ammo, when they were out of 40mm i sent them back into their vehicles, but they could not use the aquire function to grab more ammo and when i dismounted them again they were still out of ammo. Surely this is a bug, or at least an oversight?
  2. Does anybody know why the man portable TOW takes 3 minutes to set up but 10 minutes to pack down?
  3. I think the answer is not without a great amount of difficulty, and no
  4. I don't think the TOWs like hitting targets in hull down positions. In the first mission I had a TOW team use all 3 missiles on one tank that was in the village, they were up on the ridge and had to fire over the trees and some buildings. The first missile hit the trees, the second missile hit a building, fortunately the third missile hit but I'm guessing i'll be missing those 2 TOWs in the next mission
  5. Just started the first mission. Basically ignored the briefing and moved the CAAT team up to the ridge, while i sent the inf plt to go straight for the town. Casualties still in the single figures, probably about 40 minutes left on the clock, and i have a foothold in the town. To be continued.
  6. Yes, a 70mB file would take a while to send, even on my pretty good connection. But if you think back to the CMx1 series, with the connection speeds back then a 1mB file would take just as long as a 70mB file would today. Basically I hope it's not the file size that's holding it back, as that's a bit of a cop out IMO
  7. I believe the Marines by their very nature are a mainly inf force, and as such i think a lot of the scenario's are mainly infantry based (I havn't played too many marines scens). I've made one inf based scen for the brits, it has 6 MWMIKS in it but these are basically just MGs/GMGs on wheels.
  8. One feature I would like to see would be for you to be able to set a line across the map with the FO which shows the limit of your advance (or your furthest defending unit) and then just set the aircraft to hunt beyond that area, taking out targets at will.
  9. I don't see why big file sizes should prevent them from doing it, for those of us with decent broadband connections big file sizes are not a problem. And I know it's more than a "few lines of code", hence the ; ) after it, but I don't see why it should be a big enough effort to prevent it from being in CMN. Unless BF want to enlighten us with some information about why it isn't possible/too much effort
  10. This is half the fun of the game to me if i'm honest
  11. I don't see why it should be impossible, we have WEGO and we have TCP/IP, surely it's just a few extra lines of code to tie the 2 together ; )
  12. With regards to targetting, generally i tell the vehicles and crew served weapons what to shoot at, the guys up front get to pick their own targets. Exceptions to this do occur, especially if i have a lack of dedicated overwatch (Vehs, CSWs etc)
  13. I got my graphics card here http://www.cex.co.uk/stores/ I got a 1gb ATI card from there, but it only worked for a day (i think it was my PSU, they tested the card in store and all was fine) so i just traded in for an Nvidea. If i remember correctly about £120 for the 1gb ATI
  14. Yes that is just KIA, i don't know about other countries but in britain only KIA gets reported in the news, therefore WIA figures don't really affect public opinion as much
  15. Regarding the cliffs it could be a pathfinding issue, have you tried putting multiple waypoints straight up the cliff? Actually i've just realised, i might be getting confused, i think the cursor only becomes unclickable for vehicles, i had a similar issue once with british inf.
  16. I had enemy troops staying in a burning bunker once, a few grenades from the back seemed to cause casualties.
  17. List of ISAF casualty figures (i've left out any country with less than 10 casualties), their populations, and casualties as a percentage of population. By this measure we can see the danes have had it worst USA: 1,020* 309,527,000 0.000329 UK: 293 62,041,708 0.000472 Canada: 146* 34,143,000 0.000427 Germany: 47 81,757,600 0.000057 France: 43 65,447,374 0.000065 Denmark: 31 5,540,241 0.000559 Spain: 26* 45,989,016 0.000056 Netherlands: 24 16,617,975 0.000144 Italy: 22 60,231,214 0.000036 Poland: 16 38,163,895 0.000041 Australia: 13 22,387,947 0.000058 Romania: 11 22,215,421 0.000049
  18. I wonder whether an extra 2gb of RAM or an extra gb of VRAM would give the best improvement. Another thing that eats CPU cycles in CMSF seems to be the ballistics, I don't play in real time but do sometimes use it to test stuff, and my PC just cannot handle the A-10s cannon, the game just freezes, i hear the gun sound and then the game starts again with the target usually on fire : )
  19. From what i've read you don't need to blast with the engineers, just get them very close to the bunker and they should use them automatically, they might need to have run out of grenades first though. As for the cliffs issue, the cursor should not allow you to click on cliff terrain, it doesn't for me anyway, however if you have your units at the base of the cliff, and click at the flat ground at the top of the cliff the line will go straight through the cliff, but the AI pathfinding will kick in and move the troops along the passable terrain. Much like if you were to give a vehicle movement order through a building the AI will move the vehicle around the building.
  20. 1) No, i think the only way is to go through all the formations and fiddle with the equipment quality setting. 2) The manual states something about the fire mission length being the number of shells fired. However I seem to have found that for some batteries it is the number of shells fired (IE a heavy quick mission will fire the same number of shells as a light quick mission) and for some batteries it seems to be the length of time they fire for (IE, a heavy quick mission will fire more shells than a light quick mission) again i think the only way to find this out is to test it out yourself.
  21. I bet you thought you'd achieved such a good flank shot. Reminds me of when my T-72 was taking on a M1 from the side, and managed to hit the front of the turret! Was not impressed.
  22. Admittedly i havn't been watching the news as much as normal recently but it seems to have been a while since i heard any news of fatalities. Certainly compared to the summer of 2009 when we had a really bad time
  23. Yes i think ATI will be my next choice of graphics card, however you just know once you chance manufacturers Nvidia will fix the openGL support and ATI will break theirs
  24. The northwest corner of the map has been laid out, some extra detail added in, need to go through every one of those buildings and cap the no of windows on a wall to 3, make them the thin type windows and generally add detailed. What have i let myself in for . . . . . . .
  25. Light red units are WIA and if given buddy aid will have a much reduced chance of being judged as KIA at the end of the battle. Dark red units are instantly KIA and giving them buddy aid will do nothing except recover weapons and ammo.
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