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Everything posted by Jonny(FGM)

  1. I think the answer is it depends. if you're facing an enemy with RPGs and ATGMs falling out of every orifice then obviously you dismount at the earliest opportunity and advance cautiously with an infantry screen. Whereas if the biggest threat you face is a AK-47 then well you stay in your APC/IFVs for as long as possible
  2. I don't know what's going wrong then. I managed to get a minor or tactical victory despite not complying with the casualty parameters or the preserve paramters (some were intact but some weren't). without a points break down it's hard to see why you were being awarded a loss.
  3. snake_eye The first mission is easy, well not easy but i can't see where you're going wrong First of all ignore wilma, just drop some (you don't need much) 155mm and 81mm into the trenches there. Move the TOW up on foot to get eyes on the tank and take it out. Move straight into bedrock with your inf plt and take wilma with your follow on plt and then move around the back of bedrock with this plt. this way you should inflict heavy casualties in the terrain that suits you best and force a surrender with minimal casualties.
  4. I have 1:13 left on mission 2. This is a toughie! i've only just got past While E Cyote. ***************************SPOILERS!!!!****************************** I had my MG teams up on one of the big hills close to the Blue setup zone but i had advanced out of their range so i loaded them up into the LAVs and sent the LAVs at full speed to Whiley, i should have realise that the bridge would have been IED'd although i'll be very curious to see where the trigger man is! Amazingly only one serious casualty taken. I took a little video if it : ) ************************** End Of Spoilers **************************** Here's a shot from the end of the last turn. This t-72 is right at the edge of the javelins range at 2498m i think lol.The snipers originally spotted those tanks (i'm sure you know which ones i mean) but it took them about 10 minutes, and it even took the javs about 5 mins to aquire them.
  5. Well i tried taking all the floors off of the ground floor, they didn't like it lol. They refused to enter the building, the order was cancelled as soon as it was issued. Also these balconies at ground level seem to make strange things happen. I don't think i'll be using this technique as those underground entry points will make ridiculously good ambush points.
  6. ok video here (can we pleeeeeaaaase have video embedding turned on? i know the forum software can do it) Edit: Note, if the squad isn't given a face order on level 2 to make them go onto the balcony they will exit the same way they entered.
  7. Oh wait mebbe it does work! lol, it didn't seem to work on the way in but it worked on the way out :s. *goes to make a video*
  8. Ah no it doesn't work, the troops pass straight through the balcony lol. Could make for extra cover for the basement though, but then again the troops would basically sit outside the house if they were put on the new "ground" floor
  9. I may have to try that. Have you tried giving the 1st floor (the new "ground" floor) a balcony with no walls? I've used that technique to give access to adjacent rooftops.
  10. i'm not sure if this got carried over into CMSF but in CMx1 if a unit was taking fire from multiple directions it had a big impact on a unit morale, in fact the best way to get a unit to surrender was to put units between it and it's friendly map edge. now obviously this didn't affect global morale but getting troops into a rear area can still panic your opp (if it's human) and make them do something stupid.
  11. But then won't the only way into the building be through the "basement"?
  12. Hopefully we will get map tracking for normandy. in a blitzkrieg across Syria it's easy to imagine that the distances covered in a day can be huge and therefore it's unlikely you'll fight over the same ground twice. Obviously in the (relatively) tiny area that is Normandy the story is very different
  13. I think a test needs to be run to see if troops approaching a "busy" squad from behind gets spotted any later than approaching a "free" squad. And then you could test the difference of spotting from the front and the back, side and front, etc etc etc. my gut instincts say that busy troops have a spotting disadvantage in CMSF, but perhaps we need BF to confirm this.
  14. Was the syrian unit the only red unit in los of the us troops? i'd say run more tests but it just seems there are too many variables to control for
  15. Oh yes, i'm extremely satisfied with the game how it is, it never stops amazing me which is why when some of the simple stuff goes wrong it really frustrates me It may well be the difference between RT and WEGO, i'm a die-hard WEGO player; neither me or my PC can handle RT. Like i said, im not disagreeing with you here, just saying I never see it lol, i've never seen a panda (for example) but i know they exist ; ) it's probably just the difference in how we use them, not just the difference between RT and WEGO but something more fundamental. For me snipers are long range units and should be at least a few hundred meters away from the nearest enemy inf unit. having said that in creating a scen at night the 2 man brit snipers seemed to switch to their SA-80s at about the right time. But perhaps this is just different expections of what is "about right"
  16. oh i wasn't denying that other players have had problems with this, i've read many other players talking about this issue. Just there seems to be something about me or my style of play that stops this happening. Probably for a start with the snipers if enemy units are within the security elements weapon range then something has gone wrong . . .
  17. As a major major guess i would say it'd be down to the LOS implications but thats probably wrong
  18. But CM (IMO) has never been (and hopefully will never be) like "most" PC games, and likewise i think it attracts a special type of player.
  19. Tank rounds, small arms fire, entrenchment tools, of course the last 2 are will take some time and are only practical for non reinforced walls, but thats all we seem to have in CMSF https://rdl.train.army.mil/soldierPortal/atia/adlsc/view/public/23583-1/FM/3-21.8/appf.htm Edit: Thinking about it, perhaps by light walls they mean plasterboard walls? yes i have no problem not sending the breaching team through the breach when the unit is outside, as you can give a blast command to the middle of the wall and then tell them to run away straight after. But as far as im aware there's no way to do this if you're blasting between buildings
  20. If i understand your question correctly... i believe syrian (uncons and conventionals) squads form a HQ unit if their actual HQ unit is destroyed
  21. It's not true mouseholing though also as far as i'm aware there is no way to blast through a wall from within a building without sending the team with the demo charges through. Not allways what you want to do.
  22. how very true. how many times have i wanted to practice my inf attacking skills so set something up in the QB and ended up with a load of humvees. I never use the QB generator anymore for this reason. Its a shame because it's one of the areas that has gone backwards from CMx1 (there are quite a lot of them IMO) because I play a lot of AI pick CMx1 battles so they have got it right in the past.
  23. All i get is a 403 forbidden message on that link. Only the brits get on map mortars tho : )
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