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Everything posted by Jonny(FGM)

  1. I've never had this problem, but then again i never use the target order for the jav/snipers, perhaps that's your problem
  2. Thankyou Elmar, i can't believe i actually got something historically accurate : ) I personally would have preferred to have seen the commonwealth module first as they had the toughest opposition IMO
  3. The game isn't about WW2, it is about a very specific time period (june - september 44 i believe) Covering just the US forces in Normandy. As far as I'm aware there wasn't a significant amount of SS units facing the US as this time. They will come eventually though
  4. I believe that is so. For the casualty rate I think it's just the total number of red bases (whichever shade), this is all my best guess however as I don't think BF have confirmed this
  5. I think (think being the operative word here) that in terms of casualty % levels it is no. But if you gain points for destroying units that they do
  6. Thanks for the answer. It seems to me that using the TOW from a HUMVEE is suicide except at very long range, but likewise to sit about for 10 minutes after you've just blown up an enemy tank seems equally suicidal
  7. When you go to play the scenario it is one of the difficulty settings.
  8. And here is an example of how accurate the stock campaign maps are http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1146874&postcount=2
  9. Well the game will come with (hopefully) lots of stock scenarios and at least one campaign. Judging by what the stock campaigns and scenario's that have been released so far the maps are based on real life locations, and are pretty damn accurate. It's not that you have to do the work yourself, just the scenario editor allows you to create your own scenarios. Don't tell me Kharkov doesn't have a scenario editor?
  10. I don't understand what you mean? The mission editor allows you to recreate whatever terrain you like (as long as the engine supports it) down to a resolution of 8m squares
  11. Probably not that much of a sniper's paradise, the battle will be fought at night. However RPG gunners will probably have a field day. However I will be releasing the map to the community so somebody could make a nice day battle with lots of snipers : ) I'm just looking in to when to set this, on 1st May there is no moon, and this would probably give the Brits too much of an advantage, but looking at 15th may when there is a full moon it looks a bit too bright.
  12. A shot of the town market, I'm guessing most of you will be avoiding this like the plague lol
  13. About 50% of the map done, unfortunately it's the easiest 50% of the map lol. The northeastern corner of the map is going to be the hardest to do as this is where the majority of the buildings are. Another look at the reference picture I'm using And here is a top down view of the map looking south-west from RPG alley Looking out over the British staging zone I've had to guess at a lot of the building layouts as the resolution on google earth of this area is pretty poor, but overall i think the layout looks about right
  14. Definitely for when Ostfront comes around, how else can we do pavlovs house? ; )
  15. Well you can abstract that to some extent. For example you could make a tall building with no windows or doors to be a radio tower. I think missile silos/SAM sites are beyond the scope of CMSF (or CMSF2 when it arrives). I would imagine these would be jobs for the Air Force/Special Forces
  16. It had been reported as a "confirmed" kill, although coming to think about it the only way they could really confirm it would be to perform an autopsy on the talibs right?
  17. The british sniper rifle (i forget the name right now) is pretty devestating too, backed up by real life experience, in fact not so long enough a british sniper set a new record for longest confirmed kill http://www.theblogofrecord.com/2010/05/02/sharpshooting-record-sniper-kill-from-mile-and-half-away-2475-meters-1-54-miles/ I'm developing a night scenario (midnight, doesn't appear to be much moon so it's pitch black) and the british snipers seemed to be able to spot out to about 500m (i can't remember the actual distances, but it wasn't further than that) Are the ranges given for the SVD scopes just at night?
  18. As far as i'm aware there is no kamikaze tac AI in the game (although i keep meaning to check to see if IED trigger men will blow themselves up). Sounds like you just got unlucky and shot the rifleman just after he'd pulled the pin
  19. Just finished the first mission, got a tactical victory. 6 KIA, 9 WIA, 1 AAV lost/ Basically I didn't go for Wilma first, i dismounted the CAAT (probably should have moved them up a bit further first) and had them watch Wilma while i moved White Wolf into Bedrock. Then when Red Wolf turned up i sent them through Wilma, no enemy forces found there (except the tank), my opening arty barrage must have killed them all. The only thing that really caused me any problems was the tank just behind Wilma, I had red wolf moving down the slopes but stopped and hid them while i waited for the TOW to turn up. For some reason after being layed down in the same spot for 5 minutes the tank suddenly could see them, and started to lay into Red Wolf. In the end i restarted and took the tank out with a volley of ILAWs. Once the tank was taken care of I sweeped around the back of the town with Red Wolf. The AI surrendered with 5 minutes left, good job they did otherwise I don't think i'd have hd enough time. The time limit is pretty tight but obviously doable. Onto the next mission!
  20. No, I think BF hasn't released any of the 3d models, or they have but the plugin they use to alter them is homemade and they haven't released that. This was discussed in another thread very recently but I can't seem to find the thread.
  21. Thanks AKD, at least thats a work around of some sorts even if it is a bit of a fudge. Obviously useless if you have your crews seperated by more than a 100m or so
  22. I didn't test that, I would presume they could though as once they are dismounted they seem to be treated as any other dismount. I think the problem is that once they have remounted that they are now seen as vehicles and not infantry.
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