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Everything posted by Jonny(FGM)

  1. I just thought of something, will we get Hafthohlladung (magnetic mines) in normandy? And if so will we get the full animation of the guy running up and sticking it on?
  2. Much Appreciated - I'll make sure to put in credits for all the playtesers : )
  3. OK i ran a test and couldn't recreate the results, but it definately happened lol
  4. Right OK, I don't particularly mind the feature, just that i thought it might have been a little bug. It does seem a bit odd that a lowly spartan driver would be trained up in how to use a jav lol
  5. Well all I know is my vehicle crews let off one or 2 bursts of small arms fire and both crewmembers were dead. At first i thought it had gone in through the front viewing hatches but then they buttoned up and the next crew member still died. I did set equipment quality to the lowest setting so it might be due to that
  6. Another thing i noticed with this was how god damn awful the BRDMs are, I played it RT just to test the AI plans out and I had my vehicle crews destroying them with their carbines!
  7. I would really hope so for normandy. The amount of times I had full squads ravaged by 2 men with pistols in CMx1! If we can't have that again I shall be dissapointed lol
  8. ******* SPOILERS ******** Excellent thanks very much. I take it by the fact that you got a surrender after an hour you didn't have to give up and retake the ground. I'm guessing the 3 javelins were for the tanks, i expected people to use them on the tanks, when I played it I didnt want to have to risk letting the air support take care of them. How did the AI feel, to weak, too aggressive? Did the AI manage to sneak any troops up the middle? *************** Again thanks very much. I shall get the briefing written up shortly and I'll post it up here to see if it fits with what people have experienced. Also I'd like to do a mission if you fail this mission, where you have to retake the ground from the forces you didn't kill. Is it possible to carry over red troops from a previous mission, do I have to make them campaign troops? If so I might not bother because it doesn't look like too many people will lose this mission, and I don't want to have to redeploy that battalion lol
  9. I noticed this is in the V1.20 feature list I had a 2 man jav team, the jav holder got picked off by a sniper, so his team mate went over and gave him buddy aid and then picked up the jav. He also then got picked off by the same sniper. Later when things had cooled down I dismounted a spartan driver (he had no passengers, so no MG=Useless IMO) and sent him to give buddy aid, which he did after a while, but he picked up the javelin! Is this a bug? Are Javelins not "heavy weapons"? Are vehicle crews exempt from this feature? BTW for those of you who recognise it this is from The Full Monty (I think thats what it's caused), yet another great scen shipped with the base game
  10. I think the main difference between RT and WEGO is that in RT you get an increased ability to micromanage at a decrease in level of information you're able to obtain from the battle and vice versa. I am a WEGO player and I tried RT once or twice but just kept finding myself finding half my armour in flames thinking what on earth did that?
  11. Your casualties do carry over between battles however, and this makes you care a lot more about not losing men and equipment
  12. Did i mention it was a night battle? : )
  13. Ok i've playtested the first mission through as many times as i can, i need a fresh pair of eyes that doesn't know where the enemy is, anybody fancy it? : )
  14. I would guess the best way to test it will be to put all the AI forces on map (including the intended actual reinforcements) in a nice big clump, then destroy them with air/arty and adjust the level of reinf that comes after the end of the battle until the AI surrenders at what you feel is a reasonable point
  15. Nice to see the british army arn't the only ones who follow the light vehicle doctrine of "whack as much firepower as you can on a jeep" lol
  16. What about maintaining noise discipline though? lol
  17. Or at least some nice white text to tell me what each hit did : )
  18. I've found myself accidentally bailing out perfectly good AFV crews by mistake recently (the bail out key and the hunt key are the same, wtf?) and I can't figure out how to cancel it (oh believe me i tried when i did it to my Chally 2 in a narrow urban alleyway). Does anyone know if its possible?
  19. I doubt it actually, first you've got to find the voice actors who can do the right accents (even harder for the Brits and NATO as BFC is based on the wrong side of the pond ), then you either have to pay for studio time or buy your own recording equipment, neither of which are cheap
  20. First mission is done (no briefings yet) I've decided to go with a recon force coming under attack from *******SPOILERS********** an enemy battalion and a plt of armor *******END OF SPOILER********** I completed it WEGO/ELITE with 0 casualties and the enemy surrendering before my main force even turned up. Lots of air and arty support in this one. Playtesters Anyone? : )
  21. Did you try putting either infantry or dismounts along the ridge to spot. They should remain hidden and be able to see more than the jackal
  22. Don't forget the British Army has a great tradition of letting the grooming standards slide when out on operations : )
  23. I would guess the HQ units have LOS to the enemy lines but are just too far away to spot them?
  24. I love the british voices, was playing a game and a scimitar got hit and the crew bailed and what did i hear but "everybody oooot!". Yes the voice acting is miles better than the base game, which if im not mistaken just uses the CMx1 sounds.......
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