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Everything posted by LUCASWILLEN05

  1. I am hoping it will be avaiable for the ank holiday. Come on please Battlefrnt. Don't take longer to bring out the expansion game than it took theAlliesto capture Monte Cassino. We wants it my preciousssss:)
  2. Nothing to stop us rating individual tank crews if we wish. We could have a Tank Ace like Wittmann and his crew with very high ratings all round.
  3. Not my intended implication. Some fought well and mihht well be classed as Regular. Others were lousy and might be considered as conscripts. Mosthwever I would regard as Green
  4. Their training methods were different, more akin to those used by moddern armies only tougher. Some 2000 officers from the Liebstandarte were trssferred yo the new HJ division in 1943. The recrits had already had some pre military training in shooting and field craft and this was built upn furtherwith pririty placedon physical fitness, character and weapons training. Training was, and this is important conducted under conditions as close as possible to combat conditios. Sport was used to improve physiacl fittness (this would also develop team work) and marksmanship training was undertaken uin the countryside, not in barracks The recruits got to know the officers and NCOs who would lead them into battle (Steel Inferno Michael Reynolds) So, while the division as a whole lacked combat experience other many officers and NCOshad seen intensive combatwith iebstandarte and knew whatthey were doing. These skills were taught to the new recruits. Plu of course a very high esprit de corps was developed though various methds including political indoctrinaton. Hence, while the HJ had not seen combat prio to 7 June 1944 they wre very well tained under combat cnditions and were a vbery str=ong team with high elan. Hence the ratings suggested. And, unlike many new divisions HJ performed well intheir first combat. 9th and10th SS, Herman Goering 9the replacement who first fought at Gela) and severl Panzer Divisions. They also learned quickly and performed very well in Normandy despite taking heavy losses(many veteran German units including Liebstandarte also suffered similar casualty rates)
  5. Of the divisions that were well trained but lacking combat experience i think Regular would be appropriate. Hitler Jugund going into its first battle at Buron shoud IMHO be rated as Regular bit would tend to have very good leaders (many small unit leaders came from Liebstandarte) and very high morale. Morale would start falling slightly due to casualties and +2 squad leaders might become less common after two or three weeks but the overall quality of units would rise. But headcount can and should be reduced due to combat losses and the nature of the German replacement system
  6. Green sounds about rightthouh they could have an occasional regular and several coscript squads, I don't think an elite or veteran rating is justified. Remember we can still tweak the morale and leadership ratings if we need to. In principle we could have a conscript squad with a +2 leadership and fanatic morale. The squad leader is very skilful tactician and very capable in motivatinghisrawrecruits. Assumming they survive long enough their rating will risedue to succesful combat experience with this leader.
  7. Flamethrowers and Crocadiles for NW Europe. Perhaps some other "Funnies" as well. Hopefully this might be included in Market Garden (subtle hint to Battlefront :-) )
  8. I have Steam and have not had a problem. Perhaps you have a virus or malware? Check fr that. Failing everything else there is the |"nuclear option" to eturn your computer to factory settings which means a lot of reinstalling etc
  9. You would also consider the leadership and morale alongside that. Give your conscripts good leadership and male them well motivated and give them a good defensive position and they might put up a decent fight, Regarding the US in Hurtgen Forest I did say "Green or Conscript" depending on how bad they are and there is nothing to stop you grading some squads as conscript, some as gree, some as regular. In this case a conscript rating would mean rushed through training and sent to the front line as replacements into a squa where there were no surviving veterans to tell them what to do (The only survivors f the last battle were a couple of very lucky rookies who don't rreally know what they are doing themselves yet. A green rating would be a lot of new replacements go to a squad where someone knows what they are doing. You can fine tune this with a good leader. Or of course you might give the squad a poor leader just out of trainng school himself and something of an incompetent. That squad is really unlcky and probably won't survivve. Then of course there are the German Volksgrenadiers but we probably won't see them until Market Garden (though perhaps it would be better to entitle the game "West Wall" or "Siegfried Line" f t is going to deal with the autumn/early winter battles on GGermany's Western border.
  10. I would be very careful about giving any one in Normandy a conscript rating which, to me, would indicate soldiers who have not completed their basic training or who have been rushed through it as US soldiers in particular were in the autumn of 1944 and sent to their units as replacements, To represent a US company fightingg in the Hurtgen Forest I would rate the unit as Regular overall but with many squadseither Green or Conscripts. Remember also you can fine tune a unnit by manipulating Leadership Ratings and Motivation. In Normandy the worst units such as the Ostruppen I would give a rating of Green to their front line troops but if I wanted a unit to contain their support staff sent in as replacements these would be rated as Green. Same principle applies to higher grade units. Thei support troops, used as replacements ought to be a grade or two worse than usual eg a Regular Divison might have the support troops graded as green or even conscript.
  11. And the crew have to survive being gunned down as they bail out!
  12. I would cerainly like to see Battlefront cover other conflicts post WW2 icluding Korea, Vietnam, India - Pakistan and the Arab-Isreali Wars (controversial but perhaps less so if they just cover the earlier 1948 - 1982 conflicts, not the contempory actions which miight be a bit much for some people. However I would like to see much more of WW2 done first including the early Blitzkrieg campaigns. Should BF bring out more modern titles as they continue WW2 work that iis fine by me.
  13. There were speciallydesigned Anti tank grenades. There are a number of problems infantry have. Firstly they have to ge lose enough to use grenades without getting killed. Easier said than done at times. Then they have to kill the tank. Might be easier if they first manage to immobalise it. But still risky particularly if it is not already isolated from supports.
  14. I have only experimented with mapping so far and have discovered a couple of things. 1 It is a difficult job to produce a reallly good looking and plplayable map. 2 I find it easier to place the roads and water first so I can see where I am going when working on contours. 3 To get a really nice looking hill you might need to do more contours with subtle changes in height Personally I am quite happpy with the graphics as they are though I would like to see things like burning buildinggs, grass fires etc. I would however be interested in seeing the War Movie effects in Gustav ine. My only concern s the effect graphics improvements might place on older video cards.
  15. Looks nice but don't seem to be able to find this one in the scenarios. Would be interesting to see a version for Western forces.
  16. To be fair to them Normandy was only their second magor acton, their first being in Russia in April 1944 at Buczacz and Tarnopol and they did not perform well there either (see In the Firestorm of the Last Year of the War by Helmut Tieke) However many units did not do very well in their first battle. The reformed Herman Goering Division at Gelafor instance, But they did rather well later. And II SS did not do all that badly in Epsom though their performance was not great either.
  17. Poor Shepski! :-) Request to BF. After Gustav Line a return to the Russian Front is what I would like to see (and CMSF2 of course which I hope will allow winter warfare anda summer campaign)
  18. Getting back to Operation Bagration what I would like to see is the period late June to late August/early Septembe 1944 au a minimum and preferably the first Soviet attempt to invade Roumania in the sprng (April - June 1944) and the push into Rouania and Hungary during the autumn of 1944 (aDebrecen Module to the main title) Ideally the main game should cover the SovietSpring Offensive itself and the first Roumanian offensive. It would have to include Model's battles to halt the offensive. In time BF should cover the whole RF. Though Barbarossa is often seen as an easy win for the Germans it actually was not a walkover by any means. Operation Mars in the winter of 1942 (same time as Operation Uranas and, of course 3rd Kharkov, Kursk and the Dnieper line battles are crying out for the treatment.
  19. Would be nice but probably not essential given the level we are playing at. I am happy enough without that specific feature.
  20. You can of course turn the smoke option off. I would like to see burning buildings as, if I remember correctly you could in the original CM. Regarding mist/fog and for that matter weather in general this is one feature I have never been happy with from a visual perspective. Would like to see this improved but made adjustable to suit the varying quality of graphics cards.
  21. OK do the one with the tanks first then and the historical version later when/if you have the time. You will still have the map and forces but you might still need to redesign the AI PLANS. I don't mind if the Taliban are not human playable.
  22. There are mods for CMSF allowing the game to be used in African, European and Korea environments. A mod recently uploaded covers Iraq 2003 though I have not downloaded tthat one as yet. Regarding scenario balance there are ways to do this to make it harder for NATO to win, Having said that I would lke to see future titles covering historical moderns such as the Arab Isreali, Ind- Pakistani and Vietnam wars and perhaps a hypothetical 1980s NATO Warsaw Pact at some point. But, for now BF has a lot of work to do with their WW2 historical verson of the game - they still have the rest of the NW European campaign, the rest of the Italan campaign, the whole of the Russian Front. And that is just for starters
  23. A very poignent reminder of the cost of this often forgotten campaign.
  24. You could do two versions, one with the tanks and a "what if"
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