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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Looking through the complete 3 part wish list for CMSF-2 there are plenty of items I would like to see included. One that may not make it into the new CMx2 version of CMSF but would make my top 10 listing is a utility to transfer CMSF scenarios, campaigns, maps, into CMSF 2. I am amazed at the number of well made scenarios & campaigns for the game. It would be so cool to just drop it in a scenarios & campaign "mod tool" and BOOM! You get to replay some great game resources in the new iteration of CMSF-2!
  2. " the enemy icon is hashed with a crosshair for a target that can be hit by the selected unit?" Maybe a "Red Dot" mod for the crosshair in CMSF-2 / Black-Sea?
  3. "They're like a stiletto, great for up-close, deadly, ambush and killing work..." depends on the height, thinness, taper, material and color... sorry I was thinking "My objective is to KILL BIL..." so a good-natured engagement with Stens and stilettos and "pixie dust"! Ken and Bil are Ready to Rumble Round One of the better beta beater reader
  4. It is very tough. "The primary criterion for victory or defeat in the scenario is BLUE casualties. .....you must tread a fine line between being too aggressive and too methodical, and make decisive use of your superior firepower to silence enemy threats while negotiating the maze of streets." This is a tough MOUT assignment. I have never finished the scenario after @ 3 attempts. It is doable but it will take time as it should LLF did a great job on the research & design. Thanks. I will attempt Ramadi again and I hope it will be "upgraded" to CMSF-2 if such a utility is created by BF. As Agusto note..."There are just soooooo many scenario available for CMSF, it is [almost] impossible to play [all] of them...." Not bad for an "old game".
  5. Erwin - "BUZZ made a list of features for CMSF2, but many are equally pertinent to the WW2 versions of CM2. So here are my top picks:" Thanks again Erwin.The listing was from many months of many CM players suggestions. I just tried to put them all on one page. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=108943&page=29 Your combining & organizing the extensive listing from CMSF-2 to CMX2 WWII is much appreciated. Here are my change order top picks for CMBN/CW/MG GAMEPLAY SPEED/EFFICIENCY: 1) Ability to click on any waypoint or line and immediately select that units as well as move that waypoint. (Would speed up play enormously!) 8) Ability to load different Z folders at game set-up for different theatres. I do this plenty in CMSF as the theater mod options are numerous and interesting. 4) Change covered arc color or make it simply a line. The current color obscures the terrain. Maybe a toggle option? 5) Font scaling for higher resolution monitors. I don't want to haul out my use an Aimpoint magnifier to read the breifing. GAME FEATURES THAT WOULD GREATLY IMPROVE THE GAMEPLAY EXPERIENCE: 1) Improve targeting LOS issues… for all the reasons many have noted. 2) Ability to ACQUIRE "reasonable" amounts of ammo (and grenades etc) from adjacent units whether inf or vehicular (with no need to embark and disembark). 6) Optimize game system so our systems can handle larger maps with more units. This will be especially necessary of Black Sea and CMSF-2 10) Flamethrowers... …. cue…."I am the god of hell fire!"
  6. I recently told a fellow about using party lines in the country. I had to explain it was not the kind of "party lines" that are illegal but a form of ancient communication.... better than smoke signals
  7. "BUZZ made a list of features for CMSF2, but many are equally pertinent to the WW2 versions of CM2. So here are my top picks:..... GAMEPLAY SPEED/EFFICIENCY: GAME FEATURES THAT WOULD GREATLY IMPROVE THE GAMEPLAY EXPERIENCE: 10) Flamethrowers... Toggle my intro video, War Movie Mode ON and... Sorry... Friday afternoon... I could not resist Impressive selection Erwin. Good idea. Thanks for posting.
  8. Hi Mark, I hope I sent the email to the correct address. Seems to have gone through? Look forward to learning all the things you learned when making CMBN QB Maps. Thanks,
  9. Me thinks we are feverish frenzies effusing elation Got Indian summer fever too!
  10. I like the toggle idea for CM2 Erwin Heck every now and then some of us like to match up whatever one against whatever two and see how it rolls.... just plain fun & ..."for training purposes.." of course
  11. "But in reality, most are not that effective over 300m. Ranged infantry combat in SF, for Blue forces, is often too decisive as a result." True Vark. A squad's concentrated fire is still pretty impressive at 300m. In SF Blue staying far away is an advantage. I enjoy tiny firefights where you have to hunt for Red but not the tedious hues to house to house in a large map. I rather just call in heavy support fire and obliterate as much of the block as possible. "…. upgrades/updates to the CMX2 engine will be added to Black Sea and CMSF2 …" That sounds great for Modern Era fans of CMx2. I hope we get a little bone tossed our way soon. "That's a really useful list you compiled Buzz. However, it's an overwhelming amount of items……." Yeah we asked for a lot You are correct Erwin re: order of importance listing. When I get time I can try and do that but if anyone would like to give it a go, please do.
  12. "I don't want us to get detoured by a discussion of features which have nothing to do with Market Garden...." So the release date is
  13. "..the best of them are those that gives a minimun distance between players.." In CMSF Modern Infantry alone have weapons that are darn deadly at 300 yards and farther. You need some set up and a bit of maneuver room. Add those and "minimum distance between players" would be at least 500x500 yards. Add almost any armor that you can reach out and touch 1KM or more. I suspect CMSF-2 & Black Sea will incorporate all the Editor / QB Map goodness of CMBN/CW - CMFI/GL but the modern settings … at least from my perspective need a larger minimum distance … unless you want to start in a fire fight.
  14. Schofield tank... another cutie Like an up-armored Dingo/Lynx hybrid? Had to laugh as my neighbors country clunker ATV looks very much like a Nazi German Motorcycle Tank
  15. Good advice agusto - think of what might be on the other side of the building you are assaulting. I have had the same Sqaud SPLAT happen to me a few times. Look at the devastated street in Berlin city centre, 3 July 1945 - WWII http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_warfare Different time theater but if anything urban combat is more delay much faster in the Modern CM setting.
  16. "purchase units manually in quick battles" I agree and hope SF-2 (& Black Sea) add this valuable feature because it will add value to enjoyment of both games. Check MarkEzra's QB post. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=111117 "I'm the guy responsible for CMSF & CMBN Quick Battle Maps. I continued to work/improve QB Maps through the NATO Module. So yes... hopefully a bit better. But I have a Small set of CMSF QB Maps I recently made for my personal use that use all the things I learned when making CMBN QB Maps. I can send them by email...just haven't gotten around to uploaded them.... way too busy on CMBN Market Garden QB's By the way CMBN provides a superior QB game experience to CMSF but sometimes I just need a modern rush to my system." I could see Mark refine the CMSF QB maps with every iteration. Add "purchase units manually in quick battles" and IMO a good map becomes a much better map.
  17. Folks in the Black Sea & SF2 "I Love the Smell of Flamethrowers in the Morning, Smells like, Victory!"
  18. "You forgot Black Sea and CMSF2....unless of course you meant to forget Black Sea and CMSF2...in which case you are a blasphemer and should be burnt (along with Mjkerner) the second we get flame throwers." Mord. Like this "'Overview' Combat Mission Application" Good idea Ithikial
  19. Hope I didn't scare folks away with my quick summary of "CM: Shock Force 2" Wish List replies? Yes we asked for plenty. Undoubtedly we get a few and the advanced CMx2 engine for SF-2. Perhaps we get more. We might even get some hints from BF about what & when we might?
  20. Impressions = idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence....
  21. Vark... you linked to my intro video! I toggle War Movie Mode ON
  22. "It is also good to remember that the awesome folks who make all these maps/scenarios for you are volunteers." Recent posts "The Sheriff of Oosterbeek" and the AAR re "Wittmann's Demise" are fine examples of what experienced volunteers can craft. Thank you all. "quite a lot of the new German formations and equipment is available for ingame purchase in June.." I was playing last PM with CMFI-GL and realized how many vehicles I have yet to use in my game time. The Axis AA Quad is a fun unit to play around with. We don't lack for variety and sounds like BF development strategy will keep most folks happy for a while to come.
  23. "CMBN provides a superior QB game experience to CMSF but sometimes I just need a modern rush to my system." I agree but in full disclosure CMSF is a bit older and less mature engine than CMBN. "I have a Small set of CMSF QB Maps I recently made for my personal use that use all the things I learned when making CMBN QB Maps. I can send them by email....... " Would love to see how you adjusted things. If you could send them my way as well I would appreciate that very much.
  24. Good questions Mord. With all Steve's experience in the game business, I would enjoy hearing what he things about..."3.) If you could do a CM game on any 20th century conflict, besides WWII, even if it wasn't financially viable, what would it be? Should be interesting.
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